Early the next morning, John and the other three arrived at the dock and prepared to board the ship.

Of course, everything was held by John, who made him the follower.

Moreover, that guy Wilfred brought a lot of weapons over in retaliation. He was very happy to see John struggling to carry the suitcase.

This bastard actually dares to let his daughter have someone else's last name. It's so abominable!

As soon as Shirley appeared, she attracted a lot of wild bees and butterflies. After being stopped by Wilfred, they turned their attention to John, intending to find a breakthrough from him.

John was struggling to carry the suitcase and was breathing heavily. He had no time to pay attention to them. However, if someone helped to carry the suitcase, the situation would be different.

A servant of a nobleman volunteered to take the suitcase off John's shoulder.

His idea is very good. If all your luggage is in my hands, can you not talk to me?If you don’t ask a question yourself, what should John answer?

Unfortunately, as soon as John put the suitcase on his shoulders, he was immediately crushed down. If John hadn't been quick and quick, this man would have been crushed to death.

Of course, even so, he had several broken bones. Seeing that he could not go to Europe with the ship, he could only go home to wash and sleep.

Seeing the miserable condition of this servant, John couldn't help but shook his head. He was so weak and didn't know what he was capable of, so why bother.

Although this servant did not succeed, he was still a big help. At least along the way, everyone would make way for John when they saw his arrival, which saved him a lot of time.

John went straight to his room.

The bishop arranged three rooms for them. In fact, John felt that two rooms were enough, one for him and Shirley, and one for Wilfred. How perfect!


But the current situation is not bad. He can visit Shirley's room at any time. As for Wilfred's obstruction?He just brought his guitar, he couldn't stop Shirley from enjoying the music, right?

It was impossible to practice swordsmanship on the ship, so everyone's entertainment was basically John's music.

He sometimes told some stories and jokes. At this time, he was extremely grateful that he had lived an extra life. The ideas and stories in his head were endless. At least when he looked forward to the future, other than him, there were tall buildings and so on. Who has seen it?

In fact, he is also very good at writing science fiction novels. As long as he writes about the situation in the 21st century, he will be a great god and prophet in the science fiction world. Hundreds of years later, people will worship him. It feels so good.

But think about it, let it go. He invented the electric light, and will invent more things. In the future, he will become a shareholder of various large companies. Stark and Osborne will not let go, and he will not be lacking at all. Money, so there is no need to use the name of a prophet to cause trouble for yourself.

This ship is a church ship with a high safety factor, so most of the passengers on the ship are nobles and their servants.

The surname Wayne has been spread, so although their group is very eye-catching, there are many young nobles who hope to embrace the Wayne family and keep moving towards Shirley.

But nothing extreme happened, everyone was very personable.

Even if they can't have any relationship, they still have to leave a good impression on others. Their family has taught them this kind of thing.

Compared to Shirley, John is a little "unbearable" here.

Guitar Emperor Andres Segovia after he plagiarized several songs

After his works, many people invited him to perform.

Shirley had never participated in such activities, so she persuaded John to agree several times, and the performance was a great success. Then, his troubles began.

John's skin is still very good. After all, he is from a noble family. Even if he looks really ugly, from generation to generation, the genes of handsome men and beautiful women will continue to be added, and the descendants will not be ugly.

Some of the more "bold" aristocratic ladies and ladies stared directly at him.

Some Western aristocrats, especially women, pay attention to fidelity before marriage and chaos after marriage, and some are chaos before marriage and fidelity after marriage. In John's opinion, these guys are very chaotic before and after marriage.

Therefore, he was unwilling to give up a good tree like Shirley for this large piece of rotten forest.

Of course, the main reason is that the quality of these trees is really poor. If the quality is acceptable, whether he can control it is another matter.

When being targeted by noble ladies and ladies, he couldn't kill them all. Not to mention whether it violated his principles, the church personnel on the ship, Shirley and Wilfred couldn't turn a blind eye.

Therefore, in this situation, the only option is to hide, what else can we do?

If you have more time to interact with girls, why not do it.

"John, what is your Vincent family like? Who are they?" Shirley couldn't help but ask.

She had always heard that she wanted to go to the Vincent family, but John didn't tell her the specific situation at all. She was really curious.

John sorted out the memories in his mind and said to Shirley: "I have been kicked out for more than ten years. It's hard to say what the current situation is. In my memory, Count Vincent is very stubborn and will not give people anything." He has a friendly feeling, but he is still a very good person. I also have a younger brother, a half-brother, and we have a very good relationship. He was still a little young when I left. The current countess is not my biological mother. "

"This is the situation at home. There are many side branches of the family, and there are many miscellaneous ones. Don't pay too much attention to them. They don't dare to cause trouble in the manor."

"Vincent Manor is not as big as Wayne Manor, but it is not small either. This is France, and it is not as sparsely populated as the United States, so it is normal to be smaller. But what we are going to is not a manor, but a place in Paris. Mansion, God knows that guy is seriously ill, why did he go to Paris and infect other nobles?"

Shirley chuckled: "You can also infect other nobles, so it can't be that you are looking for famous doctors? Your thoughts are too dark."

John also smiled: "How can this be dark? If you want to find a good doctor, just ask him directly. There is no doctor here who can't live or die without leaving his home. Besides, the environment in the manor is better than that in Paris." The manor is much better. He actually left the manor and ran to Paris. The old guy’s brain is really hard to use."

Shirley joked: "If Count Vincent hears what you said, will he beat you to death?"

John said indifferently: "He definitely wants to beat me to death, but with his small body, he will never be able to beat me to death, so don't worry."

Wilfred interrupted: "Then you don't want to go back? The eldest son of the earl can easily inherit the family property, right?"

"I don't have this plan. I'm in trouble right now. It's better not to involve other people. Besides, I'm not short of money now. The title of earl is not of much use to me. I have to manage a family and an entire territory. It's too troublesome. Got it!"

This is John's true inner thought. If he can only live for a few decades, then it would be very satisfying to become a count, build a bunch of things, and take the opportunity to change the world.

But he can live for a long time. This is a dangerous world. Strength is the foundation. With strength, how many things cannot be obtained?
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