Energy Controller of Meiman

Chapter 98 Mini Games

What happened next seemed familiar to John. The kid named Marx couldn't control the coin for various reasons. Sebastian sent his men to bring Marx's mother over and threatened to kill Marx with a pistol. his mother.

"Is this Max the Magneto Eric Lensherr? Did Magneto change his name later, or did he originally have the same name as the great man?"

John didn't quite understand, but he had to save Magneto's mother, and that was the purpose of coming here.

"Wait!" When Sebastian was about to shoot, John directly stopped him.

"what happened?"

Sebastian turned to look at John, his eyes full of evil: "You'd better give me a reason that satisfies me, otherwise..."

Otherwise what?Let's settle old and new grudges together.

John didn't care about Sebastian's threat. As long as he confirmed that Max in front of him was Magneto, today would be Sebastian's death day.

Sebastian Xiao's ability is similar to John's. He also absorbs various energies and can utilize them. In terms of energy absorption, his ability is much more powerful than John's because Sebastian has no kinetic energy. Absorption, and the problem of being exposed to energy that is too powerful to be absorbed.

Of course, although his ability is powerful, his flaws are also obvious. There is an upper limit to the energy that his body can hold. Although there are not many people who can break through this upper limit in an instant, there are still many, not to mention that he can absorb energy. At the same time, it is unable to release energy and cannot be immune to mental attacks, which are even more fatal flaws.

But this is when he has not encountered Apocalypse. Once he is encountered by Apocalypse, it will be interesting. His ability is strengthened by Apocalypse and the flaws are removed. This is a trivial matter, because no matter how the ability is strengthened, he is only a human being. Don’t use too many human means.

What's scary is that Apocalypse will directly take away his abilities. Apocalypse plus Sebastian Xiao's abilities are still enhanced abilities. Is there any way to fight?

John felt that he did not have the ability to deal with that kind of monster, and he had no intention of running away to an alien planet now, so he could only strangle him in the cradle before the monster actually appeared.

John took a few steps forward and came to Sebastian. He took out a compass from his pocket and placed it on the table.

He originally wanted to prepare a magnet, but suddenly taking out a magnet was too deliberate. It seemed that he had known Magneto's ability for a long time. Although this was a fact, he didn't want others, especially Magneto, to see it. at this point.

So he prepared a compass. It was related to the magnetic field, and it didn't look deliberate when he took it out. What's the purpose of preparing a compass when going out?During this period, there were no Baidu maps or Amap.

"His ability is not necessarily to control steel. It is also very possible to control magnetism. Let him try this thing. If he can really control steel or magnetism, this thing will be much easier to distinguish." John said .

Sebastian frowned. Marx's ability is to control magnetism. This is very possible, but if he can't move a coin, what's the use of this person?Keep them as pets?He doesn't have that hobby.

John saw Sebastian's expression. He thought for a while and said to Sebastian: "Let him give it a try. After all, people with superpowers are still very rare, and his abilities may not always be the same." As weak as he is now, even if his ability is very weak, his descendants..."

Sebastian nodded, indicating that the rest of the matter would be left to John.

John turned his head, looked at Max who was shaking with fear, and said softly: "Your name is Max, right?"

"Yes, yes." Max nodded.

"Don't be too nervous."

John placed his palms on the top of Max's head and cast a spell so simple it was more like sleight of hand and hypnotism than magic, calming Max down a bit.

"Did you control some iron things outside just now?" John continued to ask.

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p; "Yes, it's those fences. I can really do it, really can do it!" Marx had just calmed down a little, and then became excited again. He tried to convince John and tell him that he really had that ability.

"Very good, don't get excited." John waited for Max's emotions to calm down again, and then continued to speak and guide him: "Calm down your emotions, close your eyes, and mentally recall the scene when you controlled the fence. How is the environment? How are you feeling?"

Marx recalled the scene at that time and brought himself inside. He opened his eyes and tried to control the compass, but unfortunately he still failed this time.

Sebastian has picked up the pistol again, and Max's face is full of fear and despair.

"Fear and despair will not help you use your abilities. Try anger. Human emotions are very powerful." John spoke again.

"Think about it, you originally had a happy family, but because of those damn Nazi soldiers, now you and your mother are the only two left, facing life-threatening danger at any time. You feel nothing but fear and despair. To the slightest degree of anger?”

Hearing this sentence, Sebastian Xiao was noncommittal, but the two Nazi soldiers couldn't do it. Isn't this pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey?Totally intolerable!

However, Sebastian, the commander, didn't show anything, let alone the two soldiers, so they could only stand aside and glare at John.

John didn't pay attention to the expressions of the two Nazi soldiers. Not to mention the angry glares, he had seen many expressions of hostility, hatred, resentment, etc., and had long since developed immunity.

"Explode your inner anger, come on, try again!"

John puts the compass on the table into Max's hand. This is Max's last chance, because if he fails this time, if he is not Magneto, he and his mother will be killed by Sebastian. If he is, Magneto, John will also take action to kill him.

He had the ability to help himself, but he watched his mother die. If John were Marx, whether it was to vent his anger or take revenge, even if it was just to cover up his cowardice at the time, he would definitely hunt down this person everywhere.

Although Marx was not John, and when he became stronger in the future, he would not be John's opponent, John did not want to leave such a hidden danger.

"Recalling the feeling at that time, I burst into anger..." Marx closed his eyes again. Not long after, the compass in his hand began to rotate crazily. At the same time, the surrounding iron products, including the gun in John's hand, were A huge force pulled and moved it around.

Sebastian stood up abruptly, with an uncontrollable smile on his face. Today, in just one day, he discovered two superpowers. Although John is such a fool that he can't be fooled anymore, he can be trained a little. able to be used.

He felt that he was striding towards his goal of conquering the world, but just a few seconds after he was happy, John's behavior made his face darken.

When Sebastian didn't react, John took the pistol away from Sebastian and shot the two Nazi soldiers with two "bang bang" shots.

The sudden situation frightened Marx and his mother. Marx opened his eyes with a look of horror on his face, and his mother reached out and held him in her arms. Marx felt a lot more at ease now.

"Get out! Don't come in without my instructions. Didn't you hear that?!" Sebastian yelled and drove out the soldiers who wanted to come in to investigate the situation.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian turned his gaze back to John again, with irrepressible anger in his voice.

Although he would clean up the two soldiers afterwards, John made a decision privately and took away the pistol in his hand. This was a naked provocation to him, and he could not remain indifferent.

"Don't be so harsh." John gently put down the gun on his body and said to Sebastian: "I have a little game here called "Sebastian Xiao Must Die". Are you interested in following me? Want to play?"

Now that Sebastian has driven the Nazi soldiers out, no one will come in to investigate again in a short period of time. Now is a good time to kill Sebastian, and John does not intend to let this opportunity go easily.
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