Luo Yang thought for a moment and said:

"Mr. Stark, I can understand your thoughts. A good war movie is to make people hate and fear war, and make people yearn for peace.

"—You experienced a disaster in Afghanistan and were injured by a missile made by Stark, so you hope that the industrial output of the Stark Group can bring something other than weapons of war to the world."

"That's right, Royan! That's what I think. The Stark Group has created too many weapons, and more and more powerful weapons will not bring peace to the world. I also want to avoid my Weapons are once again in the hands of those who are warlike and brutal."

Luo Yang couldn't help feeling that this is the real Tony Stark, he is not an ordinary billionaire now.

"Then in terms of the film industry, I need to listen to your opinion more!" Tony took the initiative to shake hands with Luo Yang.

Luo Yang suddenly thought of Anna who lived at the Horizon Base.

"Wait, Tony," Luo Yang asked Tony to sit down, "Do you still remember the girl who found you through "The Age of Titans" last time?"

Tony thought for a long time, but only remembered the name: "You mean the girl named Anna?"

"She's a mutant."

"That's right. Is she still at the Geneva Hotel?"

Luo Yang replied: "They met people who came to hunt them. Her friend was killed in the attack. Those who wanted to catch her had a lot of background."

Tony frowned: "What kind of shit organization is arresting mutants in New York City?!"

"Their name is Reconstruction Society. I am also very disgusted with the behavior of this organization. This time, I will help Anna find a suitable place to stay," Luo Yang's eyes showed firmness, "I am going to send her to Professor X school."

Tony: "Have you ever heard of Professor X, that magician?"

"Have you met Professor X?"

Tony recalled: "I met him once, but he didn't recognize me. I attended a mutant research conference at that time, and at that time, I listened to one of his speeches. The old man is a very wise man, but thinking about his Abnormally powerful mutation ability..."

Tony didn't say anything further, but he could guess that a mutant with telepathy and control would make everyone almost invisible in front of him, and his thoughts would be penetrated...

Luo Yang stood up: "But will the Stark Group continue to help mutants in the future?"

Tony responded to him very firmly: "Maybe I didn't care about these mutants before, thinking they were just victims of racial discrimination. But now I will do my best to help them."

Tony stood up, patted Royan on the shoulder, and sent him out: "Please leave this matter to you. This is my personal request from Tony, not in the name of the Stark Group."

After leaving Stark's conference room, Luo Yang went to Origin Culture Company to meet with Calvin to discuss the next step of script IP development.


After a few days, Luo Yang finally received a reply from Beast Hank.Beast told Luo Yang the address of X College in the email.

The official full name of X Academy is Xavier School for Gifted Youth, located in northern Westchester County, New York.

Luo Yang rented a used Nissan sedan from a car rental company.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Yang and Rakshasa girl Anna set off for X Academy in the morning light.

Luo Yang drove out of New York smoothly.Come to remote northern Westchester County.

country road

, but also comfortable. It was originally a clear sky and fresh air.Both sides are mostly wilderness, pure land with no trace of cultivation at all.This also reminded Luo Yang of the road back to his hometown before traveling through time. The air was fresh and he returned to nature.

However, there are no signs here at all, and there are only a few farmhouses and taverns. How can Luo Yang find Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters?

Luo Yang drove slowly on the suburban road, looking left and right with Anna all the way, constantly searching.

It was raining in the sky, and the rain in this season was also mixed with weird hail.

Small hailstones hit Luo Yang's rented car, which made Luo Yang feel distressed.Luo Yang's heart trembled once he smashed it... If he needed compensation, he would probably lose half the card pack every time he smashed it!

With the arrival of rain and hail, the mood of the two people became gloomy.

After passing a villa area, Anna looked around at a pub with a lot of people coming in and out, and suggested: "Luo, why don't we go to that pub first. We can definitely find out something in the pub."

Luo Yang took a closer look at the pub. It was indeed big and lively enough.

But Luo Yang felt something bad in his heart. In this Marvel world mixed with Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D., mutants, and various gang organizations... Without the invincibility system, everyone knows how many things will happen in this world. Difficult to mix.

An ordinary tavern is like Schrödinger's cat. After entering, you may not even drink the wine, but game_over a set of skills.It's really impossible to predict when a dangerous accident will happen...

Luo Yang locked the car and took Anna into the pub.

Inside the tavern, the lights were dim, the voices were noisy, and the old men who drank were cheering and fighting for wine. This is a typical country tavern. These men in the town and suburbs can only find happiness here.

Luo Yang and Anna entered the tavern, looking extremely eye-catching and abrupt here. All the men present and the few women present were older than them.

Anna wasn't afraid of anything, she walked to the counter seat generously and sat down gracefully.After Luo Yang glanced around, he sat beside her.

The fat bartender with a big belly walked over slowly: "Is this your first time here? Want to drink something."

Anna Marie smiled and said generously, "I want a glass of whiskey with ice." Her smile fascinated the bartender in front of her.

The fat bartender responded immediately: "Okay, okay. I'll give you half price, beauty."

Then he looked at the half-breed Luo Yang with disgust. This boy with golden brown hair seems quite handsome, he should be her boyfriend, right?

"What do you want, boy?"

Luo Yang didn't care about the change in his tone, and pointed to the Coke on the bar behind the bartender: "I want a glass of iced Coke, thank you."

The bartender glared at him. Coke is too cheap, isn't it?And the girl next to you drinks whiskey!

The fat bartender took the wine and drinks, approached Anna and asked, "Is this your boyfriend?"

The Rakshasa girl Anna was wearing gloves. She gracefully picked up the wine glass and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

Her answer surprised both Luo Yang and the bartender.The bartender walked away tactfully, while Luo Yang looked at her amusedly: "Huh?"

Anna made a grimace at Luo Yang: "They will all think we are a couple."

Luo Yang smiled wryly, while continuing to observe the other people here, thinking about who he could ask for news.

Just as Anna and Luo Yang were sitting at the bar, a commotion broke out in a corner of the tavern.

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