Meanwhile, at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Tricurved Wing headquarters.

Senior Conference Hall.

There were only three people in the hall.Three top agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.—Nick Fury, stood beside him were Phil Coulson and Maria Hill, waiting for the live broadcast.

I heard that Captain America's shield was found. Phil Coulson, a die-hard fan of Captain America, traveled thousands of miles, and let Hawkeye-Clint Barton drive a fighter plane to come back as fast as possible.

Phil Coulson also wore a tie with the US team shield LOGO today, which was specially taken out of his collection.

"Captain Coulson from the US team's support team is here?"

Seeing his tie, Nick Fury joked.

The live broadcast of the North Pole begins.

When the face of the Red Skull appeared on the screen like a horror movie villain, Coulson was of course the person who couldn't accept the scene the most. He changed his usual calm and trembled all over.

"This is impossible!... Impossible!" Coulson's voice was also trembling, "How come the shield was found but not Captain Rogers?"

Agent Hill comforted him and told Coulson to calm down, which was far from his usual style.

Nick Fury looked back at the video sent by the scientific expedition team just now, and after confirming that it was the Red Skull of Hydra, Director Nick immediately began to issue instructions:

"Immediately let Agent Patton and Agent Romanov lead a team of 30 people to the North Pole, put the body of the Red Skull in a constant temperature cabinet and bring it back, and bring back all relevant important items in the cabin!"

"Move quickly, and don't make any mistakes!" After finishing speaking, Nick specifically instructed.

Nick directly sent Hawkeye and Natasha into action.If Captain America is discovered, there is absolutely no need to be so nervous....

Agent Maria Hill immediately began to execute the order, summoning Hawkeye and Black Widow to dispatch.

"Commander, can I go to the North Pole?" Coulson asked Fury.

"Phil, the US team is probably not in the North Pole. Besides, you have many more important things to do." Director Nick said coldly.

Agent Coulson has no way to change Director Nick's decision: "Understood. I will continue to monitor those people. But once there is news about Captain Rogers, you must notify me as soon as possible."

"Of course."

Nick Fury nodded helplessly.

Hey, this Captain America's biggest fan...

Phil Coulson walked out of the commander's main office quickly.

Coulson entered the elevator and angrily knocked on the door of the Tricurved Wing.The S.H.I.E.L.D. staff in the elevator were taken aback.

Who would have thought that such a mild-mannered agent Coulson would lose his composure like this?

On the floor leading to the tarmac, Natasha Romanov, the famous Black Widow, was already waiting outside the elevator.

Natasha welcomed Coulson out of the elevator and asked, "The director informed me and Barton that we were going to the North Pole. What's going on?"

"The details of the mission should be provided to you on the plane."

While walking, Natasha packed the things in her small bag neatly, and she said, "I would like to hear your introduction on this matter."

"I am not in charge of your operation."

& nbs

p; "You are the field commander."

Coulson stopped and said in a low voice: "A scientific expedition team discovered a plane made by Hydra in the North Pole. It is said that the US team and the whole plane crashed in the North Pole. But do you know what they found? "

Coulson looked at the curious widow, and continued, "They found Captain America's shield, and the Red Skull, John Schmidt."

After accepting this fact, the widow asked: "So now Barton and I are going to the North Pole to bring the Red Skull back?"

Coulson nodded, and said: "If possible, search within 15 kilometers nearby, and help me confirm whether it is possible to find Captain Rogers' body."

"Understood, sir. But that would take a lot of time."

"I'm sure you have a way of stalling. I've asked Melinda to put a detector on your plane." Coulson laughed.

Natasha was about to leave, but she suddenly thought of something, and asked quietly: "Mr. Coulson. I still have a doubt. Could it be that Captain America is the Red Skull itself?"

Is Captain America actually the Red Skull?Natasha's suspicion may not be the only one she thinks.

If this kind of suspicion is confirmed, it will destroy the three views of Colson, a fan of the US team!

Coulson tried his best to hide his emotions:

"Impossible. Red Skull is Red Skull, Rogers is Rogers!"

"Sir, don't get excited." Natasha smiled smugly.

"Anyway, I think Captain Rogers should be nearby." Agent Coulson was about to leave, "If you find something, tell me quickly!"

"Understood, Officer Phil Rogers."

"What the hell is Phil Rogers?!" Coulson turned around and asked with a frown.

Natasha smiled heartily, hummed a ditty, turned to the tarmac, and boarded the fighter plane for this mission.


At the Pentagon, General Ross, General Talbot, and the visiting Vice President watched the live broadcast of the Arctic scene. However, the result made the generals and the Vice President look pale.

The vice president quietly asked General Ross: "Who is this red skull? Didn't you say that the one who will be dug out is Captain Rogers?"

"I don't know either! I'll ask right away." Even General Ross was in a mess.

General Ross immediately sent someone to communicate with SHIELD.They were panicked and at a loss. They originally thought they would find a perfect spokesperson for the country, but what they didn't expect was that a rebellious Nazi and a terrorist who would do anything possible appeared!


In addition to people in the United States and China who knew about this, many people around the world also watched the live broadcast.

Alexander Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and director of the World Security Agency, and Baron Stryrak, who was hiding in the darkness, these two mainstays of Hydra knew the news immediately, and they expressed that they were emotionally stable.

The world will undergo extreme changes due to the presence of the Red Skull.

At the same time, people will also wonder, where did the US team go?

What is even more curious is that the missing US team is the core of the Avengers, one of the Big Three, will the Avengers be successfully formed in the future?

What impact will the Red Skull, which is already alive, have?
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