LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 74 The Alluring Peony Flower Demon 21

Moreover, in the past, Yan Yue was young and liked to hug her and act like a baby, so she didn't have any objections.

But now, he is sixteen years old...

Such an intimate and even ambiguous posture made even her feel something was wrong.

She sighed, and said to Yan Yue: A Yue, you are so old, such intimate actions are not suitable for us.'

Originally, as a flower demon, her face remained unchanged for a hundred years, no matter when she looked at her, she always looked like a young woman. And Yan Yue, now has the figure of an adult man.

When the two stood together like this, most people would think they were a pair of talented and beautiful lovers.

Yan Yue's expression darkened when he heard the words: Sister Peony, do you despise Ah Yue?

He looked a little sad, but he let go of his hand very obediently, and said in a low voice: Sister Mudan is the only person close to Ah Yue, and there are some things I can't say to others when I hold them in my heart. Sister Mudan...

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Qing took the initiative to take a step forward and took his hand.

She had some headaches, and the most unbearable thing was Yan Yue's appearance like this.

From the age of ten to now, for six full years, she watched him and watched him grow up, and she already treated Yan Yue as half a brother and half a son in her heart.

This child is gentle and polite on the outside. In this deep palace, he, the second prince, seems to be beautiful, but he lives carefully every day. Now that he finally returns to the palace, he can relax. As a monster, why should she care? Those hypocrisy?

Moreover, Zhong Qing admitted that seeing Yan Yue's appearance, she really felt a little distressed.

Raised by himself, watching the grown-up child, no one can bear to see him sad.

Thinking this way, Zhong Qing convinced herself.

She sighed and conceded: No, A Yue, Sister Mudan likes you the most, why would she despise you.

As soon as she finished speaking, her body was hugged into a generous embrace again - Yan Yue looked like a weak medicine jar in front of outsiders, but in fact her body was very healthy.

Zhong Qing slammed into Yan Yue's arms fiercely, and was still a little dazed, Yan Yue's joyful voice came from beside her ear: I like Sister Mudan the most too!

Her body, which was a little uncomfortable and wanted to break free, was startled and relaxed.

Forget it, it's a rare time for the kid to be so happy and relaxed.

But she didn't see Yanyue, who was hugging her tightly, the smile in her eyes that the scheme was successful.

Yan Yue was really happy. Ever since he learned about Sister Mudan's weakness, he never hesitated to abandon his image and pretended to be a man with a weak heart in private, in order to win her sympathy and love.

If you want something, you have to work hard for it.

This is his life rule.

As for face?

What kind of embarrassment is it to lose face in front of the person you like?

Ever since he ejaculated in his sleep for the first time at the age of thirteen, after seeing the face of the person in his dream, he understood what he was thinking about this woman who had been with him all this time.

Since then, instinctive intimacy has turned into deliberate intimacy.

The body in his arms was fragrant and soft. He couldn't help exerting more force, buried his head between the opponent's neck, and took a deep breath.

Sister Peony is like a deadly poison to her.

Year after year, his dependence on and desire for this poison became stronger and stronger.

Can't leave, can't let go, and don't want to let go.

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