"Mr. Lu, is there any specific connection between Sarkic and Daevite civilization?"

"Are the Daevites a technological civilization or do they advocate the ascension of flesh and blood like Sarkicism?"

When everyone heard Long Tian's words.

Interest was instantly aroused.

After all, that's what they want to know.

All eyes are focused.

I'm afraid of missing Lu Mo's answer.

"Based on research into the Sarkic cult, Foundation History believes that between 1000 and 500 BC there was a successful large-scale slave-class uprising. "

The revolt, led by the founder of the Sarkicism, culminated in a shift of power in the inner sanctum of the central city-state, the former regional capital of the Daevite. "

"The Daevite Empire survived this event, but suffered considerable territorial and resource losses. "

In addition, given the variability of the history of the Daevite, the accuracy of these events is difficult to determine. "

"It is clear that such an incident did happen, but it is difficult to determine what the macro impact would be on the Daevite Empire. "

"For example, there has never been a recorded Sarkic uprising within SCP-140. "

However, there is also the possibility that such an incident could be deliberately hidden, as SCP-140 was written by a Daevite sympathizer. "

"In fact, it is speculated that the project that created SCP-140's causal anomalous effects was itself intended to alter the main timeline so that the Daevite Empire could continue to sustain. "

When Lu Mo finished speaking, people were stunned.

If other possibilities are not considered.

Just look at the Foundation's research.

The birth of Sarkicism was essentially an internal division of the Daevite civilization.

As for whether it can be determined, it has little to do with them.

After all, it was born too long ago.

It is enough to know this part of the history of the Daevite civilization.

In a word!

It is very likely that the Sarkic cult inherited the technology of the Daevite civilization.

Other words......

"Seven, Five, Seven" The Daevites mainly play flesh and blood!

It's also understandable why Lavatar ended up being a Sarkic deity.

After all, they are essentially human beings born from the same civilization.

"Reasonable!Hearing this, I finally understand why Ravata joined the Sarkic!

"That's right! This is the oldest sick and love brain, and it seems that the later Daevites and the Sarkic cult are also in partnership!"

"The point now is not the history of the Daevites. After all, it is a civilization that has been 12,000 years ago, and many things have been erased by time!

"That's right! After all, the Daevites have been completely wiped out, and it has a lot to do with the Dragon Kingdom, and the time is also very close!"

"What do you think the Daevite civilization technology will look like, and have these remnants inherited the Daevite technology?"

The sailors in Lu Mo's live broadcast room only want to determine the last thing now.

That's about Daevite technology.

A civilization with a history of tens of thousands of years.

What will technology look like?

Although it is said that people do not play with mechanical technology, Flesh Ascension is just a variant of genetic technology in the final analysis.

There's a lot to be curious about.

Lu Mo didn't mind helping to explain it to them.

"The Daevites rely primarily on the power of thaumaturgy. "

"As for thaumaturgy......"

When giving everyone science about the thaumaturgical power of the Daevites.

Lu Mo felt that it was time for him to explain the concept of thaumaturgy to people thoroughly.

"Thaumaturgy is scientific, systematic, and even somewhat industrialized magic, which is used to accomplish effects that cannot be achieved by ordinary physical means. "

"It's the opposite of reality distortion, and from the perspective of the occult, it's magic. "

"The result of developing human potential is basically something that everyone can learn, but enlightenment is another matter. "

"There are laws and costs associated with spell casting, and the most important decisive factor is the caster's own observation and understanding of reality. "

"Mages who have learned thaumaturgy are classified as "Type Blue" by the GOC, and are one of the few anomalies that the GOC can tolerate and cooperate. "

"Interestingly, the Foundation's thaumaturgical theories today are more "traditional" than the GOC, which already has supernatural elements. "

"The Foundation's system for magic, also known as Mana, is called "Akiva Radiation". "

"An energy that originates from the heart of human faith, and whose application still relies on classical ritual magic. "

The GOC is known as "morphological radiation", and has developed scientific classification and practices, such as using tablet computers to set up arrays, building black technology mechas, etc. "

"After that, occult or pseudoscience departments such as demonology and alchemy also began to appear in the Foundation. "

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

All said, for the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition.

The so-called thaumaturgy is not uncontrollable.

Or even something that can be learned?


Isn't that an explanation!

Even if it were, would it be possible to learn thaumaturgy in the future?

It's really possible!

Moreover, the Global Occult Coalition can even be combined with technology.

Make more incredible things!

The previous dragon slayer mecha has relevant content in it.

"Brothers, are we humans about to enter the age of magic?"

"Don't say it's really possible! The immortal cultivators in our history may have used magic in another direction!"

"So, it's no coincidence that some things appear, like magic, parallel worlds, and so on...... In fact, the Foundation and these ancient civilizations have been studying it for a long time!"

"In the future, you must not think that the ancients are not good. It turns out that we are rubbish compared to the wisdom of the ancients!"

The sailors in Lu Mo's live broadcast room were all stunned.

This time, I heard quite a lot of news.

They are now curious, when thaumaturgy is developed to the extreme.

Can humans themselves really have the ability to move mountains and reclaim seas?

But the idea only stayed in their minds for a second before it came to a conclusion.

Of course!

After all, Lu Mo's appearance......

For people, it's magic in itself!

Reality distortion is the ability to change reality through technological means, and thaumaturgy is the ability to change physics by another non-technological means.

How many things in the world are unknown!

Lu Mo just said that there is also a occult department and even a pseudoscience department in the foundation.

The Foundation will never do anything meaningless.

So these things that people think are superstitious also exist!


And right now.

Lu Mo also began to explain the content of Daevite thaumaturgy to everyone.

"The ritual killing of the Daevites was not carried out solely for religious purposes. "

"For better results, the Daevites practice necromancy—a thaumaturgical activity in which life is traded for power, or human life is used as ritual energy. "

In this way, they transformed the Tree Golem left behind by the so-called "Children of the Night", injecting energy into the clay moss to create humanoid minions that could resist pain and had no will of their own. "

"SCP-140's causal anomalous effects are also undoubtedly the product of human sacrifice. "

"In addition, Daevite-related powerful intrinsic actuation anomalies discovered by Foundation personnel have also been shown to be based on human sacrifice. "

When Lu Mo said this, the expressions on everyone's faces were full of surprise.

So, necromancy is real?

The power of the Daevites is essentially necromancy?

Moreover, this has something to do with the Children of the Night......

Isn't the Daevite civilization really the one that survived the Children of the Sun?

So the case says that the Daevite civilization should still have the terrifying technological level of the Children of the Night and the Children of the Sun.

Why did you become able to use thaumaturgy only and play Flesh Ascension?

But it is impossible for any scientific and technological civilization to give birth to a religion that soars in flesh and blood and puts it into action, right?

It's normal for you to say that the Church of the Broken God was born!

"Brothers, so the children of the night and the children of the sun period...... Is it 10,000 B.C.? But what about the technology of the Daevite civilization?"

"Is it possible that the Daevite civilization simply found the legacy of the Children of the Night?"

"It's really possible, after all, the Children of the Sun have destroyed all the technology!"

"There is another possibility! That is, the Daevites were responsible for destroying the fund technology at that time, and the demise of the Children of the Night itself was related to genetic technology, and in the end, they left gene technology for their own selfish desires to promote the birth of the Daevite civilization?"

"It's possible! But these things are destined to be lost in the long river of history!"

"That's right! SCP-140's contents can only be half-believed. "

The sailors in Lu Mo's live broadcast room were also at a loss.

All right!

What they knew through the previous containment was now all connected.

Unfortunately, there are some things that are destined to never come into contact with the truth.

At this time, Lu Mo's words rang out again,

"Whatever the origin of the Daevites may have been, they were almost certainly erased by retrogression after they manipulated time. "

This also explains, at least partially, the discovery in different universes: the Daevites either still exist or exist in a form very different from the baseline reality. "

"In addition, Foundation researchers have developed at least one utility anomaly from the thaumaturgy of the Daevites using cognitohazardous imagery. "

When Lu Mo finished his thorough introduction, everyone was confused.


Daevite ......

The origin of the Daevites has been completely erased?

Another civilization that plays thaumaturgy and ends up being counterattacked.

It's quite similar to the Xia Dynasty in the past......

A possibility came to everyone's mind.

The origin of the Daevite civilization could not have been the Xia Dynasty's use of the Xuanyuan Sword, which disappeared with the demise of the Xia Dynasty, right?

You're told it's really possible!


What's going on in the other universes!?

The Foundation has even investigated other parallel universes?


How advanced is the Foundation's technology?

"Brothers, I feel that the Daevites should not have been exterminated by the thaumaturgy they played, but erased by the Xuanyuan Sword!"

"It's unlikely! The erasure effect of the Xuanyuan Sword should be directly aimed at the whole, even the Xia Dynasty didn't resist, how could the Daevite Clan resist?"

"Do you think the Daevites at the beginning and the Daevites at the beginning are two different things?"

"The survivors of the Xuanyuan Sword Erasure effect inherited some of the Daevite technology, and then established the New Daevite Clan...... Can explain!"

"That's right! But all the Daevites that have been handed down from the period of the Children of the Sun are not at all something that the Qin Dynasty can fight against!

"So we still have to thank our ancestors! Without our ancestors, we would not have been able to become a strong country at all!"

"It can only be said that it is our descendants who have disgraced the ancestors!"

The sailors in Lu Mo's live broadcast room thought about it. .....

I feel like my speculation is getting more and more correct!

It is only possible to erase the technology from the beginning and then inherit it again.

The Qin Dynasty was able to exterminate the Daevites.

With the Qin Dynasty's own ability alone, it should not be able to destroy a civilization that has been inherited for more than 10,000 years!

And at this time, Long Tian still has one last question.

That's the attitude of the Daevites towards the Dragon Kingdom!

Will there be something Daevite doing in the future?

"Mr. Lu, you said, will the Daevites in the current society still have hatred towards the Dragon Kingdom?"

To this question, Lu Mo nodded.

One of the original Foundation's containment objects was specifically defined as the Daevite Army.

There was even a conflict with the Foundation and the Dragon Kingdom.

Now that the containment object is in this world.

Then that thing is destined to appear!

Seeing Lu Mo nodding.

Li Lao suddenly felt bad in his heart.

The technology of the Daevites is also quite terrifying.

This special meow is if there is a war with the Dragon Kingdom.

The damage caused will be significant!

As for the fact that he couldn't beat it, Li Lao didn't think about it......

After all, the containment items that the Dragon Kingdom has now are quite terrifying, and there is Lu Mo as the finale!

When the high-level officials of other countries heard this, the expressions on their faces suddenly became wonderful!


They also said before that no country would be able to fight against the Dragon Kingdom in the future.

Isn't it coming out now?

Necromantic thaumaturgical Daevite ......

When the time comes, after the Daevites and the Dragon Kingdom have a dispute, no matter what, it will only be good for them.

It is even said that you can take advantage of the fire to loot and rob a few of the containments of the Dragon Kingdom.

O Daevite!

You'd better hurry up.

And it seems.

The Sarkic Cult and the Church of the Broken God are not happy to see the Dragon Kingdom.

Lu Mo is now going to contain the high-level of the Sarkic Sect.

The pseudo-Broken God created by the Church of the Broken God has also been resolved.

Directly offended two containment organizations!


And at this time, Lu Mo also planned to meet Ravata in the past.

"You guys go back first. "

"It's better to get out of the Balkans!"

Hearing Lu Mo's words, Long Tian nodded.

The battle that followed was really not something they could participate in.

They are facing the gods of an organization that has been passed down since ancient times.

Even high-level.

It is estimated that the aftermath of the battle will be similar to that of the Gatekeeper.

Leaving can allow Lu Mo'an to fight steadily.

Don't worry about yourself.


1.6 Just after Long Tian and the others left, Lu Mo also walked towards the depths of the temple.

He wanted to see what the hell this Ravata had been up to.


Lu Mo came to the deepest part of the temple.

I finally saw the main owner this time!

An unusually beautiful woman, with her upper body naked and her lower body replaced by the body of a giant centipede with no head in sight.

"Someone from the Foundation?"

"Hahaha! Interesting!"

"When did the Foundation have someone like you?"

Lavata's face was full of madness.

His eyes stared at Lu Mo deadly.

It was as if he was going to eat Lu Mo in the next second.

Regarding Lavata's words, Lu Mo did not speak.

Just silently looked at each other.

It's more cost-effective to do it directly!

Angel Form Activated!

Six pairs of angel wings appeared behind Lu Mo.

Seeing this scene, Lavata was even more excited.

"If I eat you, my strength will definitely become stronger!"

"I'm sure I'll be able to catch up with Ion!"

For the legendary angels, Lavata is no stranger at all!

But after so many years, she didn't expect that the Foundation would be able to give birth to such a strong person!

Lu Mo's way of dealing with this is also quite simple.

The flaming sword appeared in his hand.

With a flash of sword light.

The sword qi that carries the terrifying temperature, with the blessing of the ability of the twelve-fold funnel.

It became extremely huge, and rushed straight towards Lavata!

Lavata was not at all panicked.

After countless years, the huge body finally has a big move again.

The ground throughout the Balkans began to crumble.

A giant centipede body emerges from the ground.

Constantly destroying everything in the Balkans.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, completely unable to believe what they saw!

It is a person's body????.

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