Lu Mingfei, who studied Dragon Clan before slaying the dragon

Chapter 803 Honeymoon 4 (two in one, please subscribe)

Chapter 803 Honeymoon 4 (two in one, please subscribe!!!)

"So beautiful." Eriki covered her mouth and sighed sincerely, her eyes twinkling like stars.

"It's indeed beautiful. I've wanted to come and see it for a long time." Lu Mingfei looked at the green Omuro Mountain and sighed sincerely. He pointed to the ropeway on the side, "Let's go queue first and sit down later. The cable car goes up the mountain and the scenery on the mountain should be more beautiful.”

There is a long queue at the foot of Mount Omuro. As the most famous attraction on the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture, Mount Omuro is a place that all tourists who come here flock to. There are tourists from all over the world. If you say a good scenery, it is like being famous far and near. Omuroyama is definitely the roundest and fullest woman in Japan. People are attracted by her beauty and travel thousands of miles to stop here for her. They marvel at her charm, indulge in her enchantment, and never forget to leave.

After buying two sightseeing tickets for the Omuro Mountain Scenic Area and the cable car, Lu Mingfei pulled Eri Yi to the end of the long queue. The weather was slightly hot in the afternoon, but not many people complained. It was obvious that the tourists were very excited. The beautiful scenery and the refreshing mountain breeze that blows from time to time dispel the boredom and impatience of waiting.

The little girl pushing the cart was shouting along the queue and the crowd. She was about fourteen or fifteen years old and looked like a part-time junior high school student. There was an iced drink in the cart. The girl worked part-time at a 7-11 convenience store at the foot of Omuro Mountain. He was also wearing a light green uniform vest from a convenience store.

In fact, the convenience store does not do out-of-town business because the store is already full and there is really no staff available. However, the little girl is really very marketing-minded because she will definitely get thirsty after queuing for a long time, but once the people in the queue give up, If you go to the convenience store to buy water, you will probably have to go back to the end to rearrange. All the long wait was wasted. At this time, someone pushed a cart and brought a refreshing cold drink. She was still a young and sweet girl. Few people would refuse. The cold drinks in the cart were sold out several times. The convenience store was five hundred meters away. The little girl pushed the cart back and forth between the convenience store and the crowd. She never tired of it and the tourists gave generous tips. Stuffing her waistcoat pockets to the brim.

When the girl passed by, Lu Mingfei bought two cans of melon-flavored ice-cold soda. In fact, he still had water in his backpack, but Eliyi seemed to want to try the melon-flavored soda. In fact, Lu Mingfei himself also wanted to try the melon-flavored soda. I wanted to drink it because this flavored soda was only sold when he was a kid. It was very popular in TV commercials at that time, but for some unknown reason, it was removed from the shelves in Chinese supermarkets or small shops soon. Unexpectedly, Japan There are still sales. Lu Mingfei still misses it.

Transparent water droplets hung on the tin cans, and the two cans of soda were steaming with white air-conditioning in the sun. Lu Mingfei took the soda and handed the girl twice the money. The girl took the money and gave out half of it. The coins were returned to Lu Mingfei, and she honestly told Lu Mingfei that she paid too much.

"I didn't pay too much, that's your hard-earned fee. After all, your convenience store doesn't have delivery service. It must be very tiring to run around in the sun in such a hot weather." Lu Mingfei smiled at the girl and spoke in Japanese Said, "Buy a sunhat, otherwise your classmates won't recognize you when school starts."

The girl was stunned for a moment, a flash of surprise flashed across her face, and then she put the tip Lu Mingfei gave her into the pocket of her vest in surprise. She bowed gratefully to Lu Mingfei: "Thank you, You have a generous and kind heart, no wonder you found such a beautiful girlfriend, I wish you and your girlfriend have fun in Izu!”

The girl rummaged around in the cart and took out a white straw-headed Sunny doll. She handed the doll to Eriyi. In order to thank Lu Mingfei for his kindness, she then pushed the cart along the line and continued to sell drinks. .

Eriyi took a closer look at the Sunny Day doll. It was a small handicraft, not very delicate, but Eriyi obviously liked this kind of little thing. The green grass head of the Sunny Day doll exuded a faint earthy fragrance.

"She should have made it herself. It's quite pretty." Lu Mingfei watched as Eri Yi took out a pen and wrote "Sakura \u0026 Eri Yi's Sunny Doll" on the Sunny Doll.

Of course, Lu Mingfei didn't know the girl selling drinks, but he learned a lot of profiling skills from Nono. He knew the girl was a student because he observed that the girl was wearing a washing machine under her green convenience store vest. She was wearing a white school uniform shirt, and she was still wearing her school uniform when she was working, and she was running to make money in the afternoon sun. This showed that the girl probably belonged to the type of work-study student from an average family background. This made Lu Mingfei couldn't help but think of working in a toy store and Aso's grandmother depended on her, so Lu Mingfei gave an extra portion when he paid, and he didn't forget to tell the girl that this was the extra kindness he gave her.

The reward for this goodwill was a Sunny Day doll. Although it was not a valuable thing, Lu Mingfei and Eliyi were very happy... I think this Sunny Day doll must have been made by the girl herself. It is not so much that she likes Sunny Day. It is better to say that she is looking forward to sunny days, because there will be no business on rainy days. When the sky clears up like this, she can push a cart like this and sell ice-cold sodas among the tourists to make money. If the business is good enough and she works hard enough, You might be able to earn most of next year's tuition in one vacation.

Lu Mingfei smiled knowingly, the girl who worked hard at the foot of Omuro Mountain and sold iced soda. He quite admired such a girl. She had less than others, but she earned it through her own hands and hard work. She walked back and forth under the sun. She was running on the ground, even though the sweat on her forehead had wet the hair on her forehead, she smiled brightly every time she sold a can of soda. She must be very lucky in the future, like a real lady.

After about an hour, Lu Mingfei and Eriki lined up on the cable car. It was not a Ferris wheel with cabins. The cable car was a large chair with two people sitting on each chair. The safety measure was a black belt. And the steel fence is transparent on all sides. When it rises, it feels like flying against the lawn.

The cable car slowly climbed up along the steel cable. At its feet was the green grass of Mount Omuro. It was obviously not summer yet, but the grass on the mountain was so lush that it was covered with a super thick layer. When the wind blew, it would fall over. The long grass is like the green wheat fields all over the mountains and plains. The cable car is swaying because Eriki keeps shaking her legs stretched out. This girl is much more cheerful and active than when she was at Genji Heavy Industries. You can see She was in a really good mood when she came out.

Lu Mingfei, on the other hand, held on to the fence tightly and glanced at the safety signs on the cable car supports as he went up the mountain. He was a little afraid of heights, but not to this extent, mainly because he had eaten too much with Eriyi just now. , swaying back and forth in mid-air, making him feel a little nauseous.

When they were about to reach the top of the mountain, the place where the safety placard should have been was replaced with a green camera. Initially, Lu Mingfei thought it was just a toy, but when the cable car passed by, the camera suddenly flashed a white light. With a "click" sound, Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi were caught off guard.

After you go up the mountain, someone will probably sell photos. This kind of routine is too common in China's scenic spots. It is common in amusement parks, ferries and observation towers... It seems that Japanese scenic spots are becoming more and more profitable. Lu Mingfei turned to look Taking a look at Eri Yi, Eri Yi looks beautiful all the time, but the way she looks in the photo must be very embarrassing, right? Anyway, just ignore someone when the time comes. Lu Ming is not happy to pay a tip to the hard-working and motivated girl selling soda drinks, but it would be too much to take the money away from a scenic spot with high fees.

The cable car has reached the top of the mountain, and your feet can already touch the ground. Getting off is a self-service service. Just unfasten your seat belt and jump off the cable car before it turns from the top of the mountain to go down. If you move too slowly, you will have to consider yourself unlucky. Follow the cable car to the next mountain.

After getting off the cable car, as expected, a staff member from the scenic spot came to sell him the photo he just took with the camera. After taking a look at the picture of himself holding the railing with his hands and looking pale, Lu Mingfei immediately rejected the staff member. The staff tried their best to sell her and said, "Your girlfriend is very beautiful in the photo. Isn't it worth keeping as a souvenir?" Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes at the staff and said, "My girlfriend is quite beautiful." I have thousands of photos of her that are quite beautiful stored in my camera for free. What’s the point of taking photos of someone who is already quite beautiful and making them look quite beautiful? If you have the ability, you can take photos of someone like me that are quite beautiful. How many of your photos are there? I'll buy a few.

The staff was speechless by this trash-talking young man and could only watch as he led his beautiful girlfriend away.

The scenery at the top of Omuro Mountain is breathtaking. When you look at Omuro Mountain from a high altitude, the entire mountain is nearly symmetrical. In the center of the mountain top is a crater 30 meters deep, like a perfect and magical crater. Many cartoonists and film directors have personally visited this place. Taken from a volcanic crater, this huge natural cave is like a door to a different dimension.

There is a stone trail along the top of the volcano crater. You can see rare beautiful scenery from different locations along the trail in different directions.

Looking to the south is the Izu Plateau, the Amagi Mountains where countless anecdotes are spread, the verdant green woods, and the endless mountains. Both Lu Mingfei and Eriki have good eyesight, and ancient meanings can be vaguely seen deep in the mountains and forests. The buildings and the figures of the monks are probably shrines in the mountains. There are too many stories about mountains and shrines in Japanese mythology. It seems that there is another mysterious and mysterious world hidden in the mountains and forests.

Looking to the east is the infinite scenery of the Pacific Ocean. The sea and sky are completely blended into one color. Today, Sagami Bay is calm and the blue sea is endless. The sun shines on the sea water and shines like gold. A ship can be seen offshore. There are fishing boats and children running on the beach. Along the coast are red and white buildings, most of which are bungalows or small buildings of two or three floors. It is a large town, and there is no amusement park in the town. There are similar buildings, but there are two or three schools. On the school playground, some students are playing football and some are taking track and field exams.

There was a military plane flying across the sky over the sea. Miraculously, the plane had the logo of the Jakaki Hachi family printed on it. Judging from the direction, it should have taken off from Yokosuka Port, which was the sphere of influence of the Ryoma family. Maybe the plane was also carrying some of their acquaintances. Lu Mingfei wanted to wave to a certain Longma family figure, but he must not be able to see him because they were at least fifty kilometers apart.

It took about fifteen minutes. Lu Mingfei and Hui Liyi walked nearly half a circle along the walking trail. They happened to be facing the northwest. Lu Mingfei patted Hui Liyi on the shoulder. Hui Liyi raised his head and said calmly. Looking in the direction of Lu Mingfei's finger, a huge mountain towered into the clouds. The weather was very good today, so he could see clearly. The sea of ​​clouds covering the sky was pierced by this snow-capped mountain.

Eriki looked at it in ecstasy. The mountain was Mount Fuji, with an altitude of 3,766 meters. It is the largest active volcano in Japan and the highest mountain in Japan. Mount Fuji had just erupted not long ago. Its wrath was unprecedented for the surrounding towns. The disaster, you can still see the scorched gray traces left in the nearby mountains and forests after the eruption of Mount Fuji. Now no one lives there. This high mountain uniquely stands at the junction of Tokyo, Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures. Like a silent, lonely giant inhabiting the interior of this country.

"Hui Liyi, Hui Liyi." Lu Mingfei called softly twice, but Hui Liyi was too lost in thought and did not respond. Lu Mingfei simply stood beside her and accompanied her to look at the scenery that was not enough. .

At a certain moment, Lu Mingfei suddenly turned his head. Maybe he was tired of seeing the beautiful scenery. Lu Mingfei looked at Hui Liyi. Hui Liyi's eyes were dull and beautiful. Lu Mingfei could see in those beautiful eyes. When she saw the world, Eriki's eyes were too serious, as if she wanted to imprint all the scenery in the world into her eyes.

A thick cloud above the head floated away, and the sun pierced the clouds and shone on the top of Omuro Mountain, and also on Eriyi's body. The wind blowing through the forest and long grass also stirred up Eriyi's red seaweed. In Lu Mingfei's eyes, the girl with long hair stood there quietly, but seemed to be integrated with the beautiful scenery, like a red bird that would spread its wings and fly into the wind at any time.

"The outside world... is really big." After looking at it for an unknown amount of time, Eriki looked back and said softly.

"It's very big." Lu Mingfei nodded, "Maybe there is a door to the Pokémon world hidden somewhere in this world. There is Princess Mononoke in the mountains, and there are Totoro in the small town when it rains at night."

"Those are comic books. I know that there are no Pokémon, no Princess Mononoke and no Totoro." Eriki said suddenly.

Lu Mingfei was stunned and looked at Eli Yi in astonishment. For a moment, he felt a sense of loneliness in his heart, not because Eli Yi refuted his words for the first time, but because of Eli Yi's serious expression.

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