Meet the principal

Act 281. Attack and defense staggered


How can this be! ! ?

Agnes was stunned for a moment, and then quickly figured out the reason.

In the explosion on his waist just now, the Hohenheim Gold Cup ring was knocked away by the airflow of the explosion and returned to Reiner's hands. He had aimed at this from the beginning!

While completing the initial attack, Rong took the initiative. Reiner's move could be said to kill two birds with one stone. If Agnes hadn't reacted quickly, she might not have thought of the Hohenheim Gold Cup Ring. In the following battle, it was very likely that Negligence may result from this.

At this moment, Reiner raised his left hand, and a dazzling flame ignited, illuminating the entire restaurant.

Lanchester's Eternal Sun!

A dazzling sun burst out from Reiner's fingers and headed straight towards Agnes.

The scorching wind makes one's mouth dry, and the dazzling light stings one's eyes. In this huge restaurant, the power of the eternal blazing sun can be seen at a glance.

"This must also be the spell contained in the Hohenheim Gold Cup ring. Is this guy really bluffing?"

Agnes thought to herself, she looked directly at the dazzling fireball, and at the same time, a shock wave rippled in her heart.

In her field of vision, the fireball was no longer a simple flame, but a spell model composed of countless magic nodes and trajectories. Agnes quickly analyzed the spell, and then, from her body, A ripple emerged.


I saw that the fireball that was originally heading towards Agnes immediately disintegrated when it came into contact with the ripple.

They turned into embers and drifted away, and then, these embers combined into a ball of bright flames, which shot out in the opposite direction, facing Reiner.

As long as it is a spell that can be parsed, Agnes does not have to worry about it posing a threat to herself.

However, just before the reconstruction of the Eternal Blazing Sun was completed, Agnes saw Reiner standing there and snapping his fingers in an understatement.

A huge explosion immediately occurred in the embers of the eternal blazing sun.

Since she was not far away from Agnes, the impact of the explosion immediately reached her. Agnes quickly opened a magic barrier, while not forgetting to analyze the essence of this explosion spell.

She took three or four steps back. After the magic barrier finally offset the power of the explosion, Agnes suddenly realized that she was unable to parse Reiner's spell in a short period of time!

This means that either Reiner's weird explosion spell is extremely complicated, or else this spell is beyond the scope of Agnes' understanding and is a higher level spell than hers!

Indeed, judging from the power of the explosion, the power of this spell is close to that of the fifth-level spell, but none of the five-level spells known to Agnes has such a strange effect. Could it be a higher-level spell?

How much strength does this Reiner Igre hide?

If Reiner is really a fifth- or sixth-level mid-level mage, but he has always maintained the title of low-level mage, is this too exaggerated?

You must know that the rank of a mage is directly proportional to the resources that can be obtained. The higher the level of the mage, the more theories and materials they have access to, unless they are like Agnes, who borrowed the identity of others to prevent exposure. guy, otherwise no one would be willing to maintain a humble status when their strength is reached.

Agnes had many thoughts in her mind, and she remained vigilant, paying close attention to Reiner's every move.

She wanted to find out how Reiner's weird explosion spell worked.

Leaning down slightly, several magic circles appeared around Agnes, distributed on her wrists and ankles. These are spells that can enhance the explosive power of the human body in a short period of time and are often used in close combat.

Agnes believes that although the explosive spell is powerful, it does not distinguish between friend and foe. If he can get closer to Reiner, then he will have scruples and cannot use such a spell.


A shock wave sounded in the air, and Agnes hit Reiner like a discharged cannonball. She clenched her right fist. On top of it, the three-layer magic circle formed a devastating magic.

Alymiya only felt that in an instant, Agnes had crossed a distance of several meters and arrived in front of Reiner. Her right hand flashed with an unusual and strange light and she swung it towards Reiner.


Reiner raised his left hand and just opened his palm to catch Agnes's blow!

The transparent and invisible force fields intertwined and penetrated each other, and a trace of surprise flashed in Agnes's eyes.

This is Isaris's distinguished armor, a fourth-level spell!

Has Rainer Ian Gray really entered the fourth ring?

This surprise was fleeting. Agnes twisted her body and launched several attacks in an instant.

But these attacks that could have destroyed the wall were resolved by Reiner one by one, and he, as he said before, did not move a step!

The defensive power of Isharis's illustrious armor is astonishing. Relying on this spell, Reiner can resist Agnes's attack with almost no movements. A simple example is like a 200-kilogram muscular man fighting against a 40-kilogram man. Although Xiao Xiao is thin and weak, he always has powerful offensive skills, but when he hits him with a punch, the strong man doesn't feel any pain at all.

During the attack and defense, Reiner suddenly threw something. Agnes hurriedly avoided it, but found that it was just a piece of gravel.

She ignored Reiner's cover-up, walked around the gravel, and punched Reiner in the face with the sound of howling wind.

But before she could complete this attack, she saw Reiner snap his fingers again.

Behind Agnes, a huge explosion exploded again. At this extremely close range, even Reiner was not immune.

No, Agnes immediately thought that Reiner now possesses the distinguished armor of Isharis, and is separated from the center of the explosion. He is completely able to resist this wave of impact head-on. Instead, she is currently mixed in between the two. There is no time to advance or retreat!

If she keeps using long-range spell-like consumption, the spells engraved in the Hohenheim Gold Cup ring have a limit on the number of times. Agnes can always find Reiner's flaw, and only needs to worry about the weird explosion spell.

But once a close combat is adopted, Agnes will have to face Reiner's more varied magic methods, and end up in the same embarrassing state as now. It can be said that it was Agnes's vigilance against the weird explosion spell that caused the explains her current dilemma.

Is all this part of his calculation?

Agnes and Reiner's eyes met. The young mage's eyes were as calm as water. Even in the life-and-death battle, there was no sign of any disturbance.

With a sudden inspiration in her heart, Agnes suddenly turned into a black mist, flying back and forth, and distanced herself from Reiner. She gasped for air, as if this movement consumed a lot of her magic power.

As Agnes had guessed before, the impact of the explosion could not penetrate Reiner's distinguished armor at all. He still stood there without moving a step.

"But, Reiner Ingle, I have seen through the nature of your explosion spell."

Agnes was in danger just now and suddenly figured out a lot of things. She looked at Reiner's unmoved face and said.

"Your explosion spell can turn an object it touches into a bomb, which can be controlled remotely. At first, what you detonated was not something else, but the Hohenheim Gold Cup Ring!"

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