Meet the principal

Scene 339. Visitors from the clouds

Regular ships shuttle among the clouds, and huge ships in the stratosphere cast huge shadows on the clouds. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

Reiner sat in his seat, looking at the retreating clouds outside the window. He moved his gaze back and looked at the people around him.

Claire was falling into a deep sleep, covered with Reiner's coat. She was very excited when she first got on the boat, but soon she was swept away by the idea of ​​being trapped and fell asleep in the clouds.

The two set out the day before yesterday for the city of Prest, where they took a train to Toronto, and then took a scheduled ship from Toronto to Camilo, the capital of the Kingdom of Astor. Then, from Camillo Luo set off and truly embarked on the road to the Tower of Rainbow.

This journey is very long. Of course, it also indirectly reflects that the location of Crescent College is indeed very remote.

The regular boat has been traveling for two hours. According to the timetable, it should be almost at its destination.

At this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly flashed outside the window, causing some passengers who were going to Rainbow Tower for the first time to become a little panicked.

Reiner narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the location where the black shadow disappeared.

It was in a sea of ​​clouds. At first glance, there was nothing special about it. But gradually, a black shadow appeared in the white clouds. The shadow became bigger and bigger, and the color became darker and darker. The next moment, a huge creature broke through the sea. And out.

At the same time, there was a low cry.

That's a whale.

The size of this whale is far larger than the regular ship that Reiner was on. After it broke out of the sea of ​​clouds, it fell back into it and swam freely. You can see that this whale is significantly different from its close relatives in the sea. On its back, The brown rocks form a hard armor, and the whale's fins are also larger, like two wings, swaying slowly among the white clouds.

The cry just now was a whale song, long and low, like a song from ancient times.

In Where Are the Magical Creatures? "" records this kind of creature native to a demi-plane with scarce land. Its name is cloud whale, and it is the largest creature in the sky.

The cloud whale is a magical creature. In addition to being very light in the tissues that make up its body, it is also able to use magic power to fly. According to calculations, the cloud whale's instinctive ability to use magic power is close to the fifth ring. In other words, it is born with He has the spellcasting level of a human five-ring mage, otherwise he will fall to death directly.

Due to its huge size,

Therefore, the cloud whale needs a wide airspace to move, and it will not even notice the regular ships passing by. Therefore, in the main plane, only the cloud whale lives near the Rainbow Tower.

The huge whale did not notice the small regular ship next to it. It shook its fins, glided to the other side, and soon disappeared into a dense cumulus cloud.

Seeing the cloud whale and hearing the whale song means that you are very close to the Rainbow Tower.

Before people could recover from the shock caused by the majestic behemoth, a black cloud quickly spread in front of the regular ship, covering everything.

Among the dark clouds, lightning and thunder were so close that some timid passengers covered their eyes in fear and trembled in their seats.

Among the thundering clouds, Reiner also saw some huge shadows. They were much smaller and faster than the cloud whales.

The heavy downpour enveloped the regular ship, and despite the swaying, the ship continued to move forward, as if these storms would not have any impact on the regular ship.

Lightning connected in series into a network, spreading in the sky not far away, and huge thunder roared, making people tremble.

Reiner glanced at Claire subconsciously. He originally thought that Claire would be awakened by the movement, but unexpectedly, Claire was still sleeping soundly, unmoved by the outside world. For this ability, Reiner didn't know whether to praise or criticize.

Just as the howling wind and furious thunder reached their peak, all sounds disappeared.

Amidst the black clouds, a regular ship rushed out. Behind it was an extremely severe storm.

In front of it is a clear and transparent airspace.

The outside of the entire airspace is surrounded by continuous storms, isolating it from the outside world. In the center of the airspace, there is an archipelago.

This is a floating island floating in mid-air.

The mages spent hundreds of years to finally complete the great work, right in front of Reiner's eyes at this moment.

Each island covers a large area. You can see a large amount of vegetation covering the surface of the island, and some strange-shaped buildings are located among them.

Reiner saw a tower twisting and spiraling upward in the lush forest, and a simple-looking building beside a quiet lake.

He also saw a tower that was shrouded in clouds and could not see its outline clearly, and saw a tall tower that was white and flawless, standing majestically.

The Tower of Rainbow, the seat of the Magic Association and the center of the mage world, is located in the middle of the continent, above the Selimya Inland Sea, a unique floating continent.

The setting sun shines down, leaving long shadows on the buildings of the Rainbow Tower. The afterglow of the setting sun adds a sense of gravity to the place. Historically, the floating island where the Rainbow Tower is located was originally the capital of the ancient magic empire. After being baptized by the flames of war, traces of that war can still be seen to this day.

The most obvious one is that there were originally as many as thirty islands in this archipelago, but at this time, only nine are left. What happened to the other islands does not need to be elaborated.

The scheduled ship slowly sailed towards the middle island. At this time, people noticed that there were figures floating in the sky from time to time. They were mages who had learned to fly. Although there were small floating figures between the islands of the Rainbow Tower, Boats travel by boat, but for high-level mages, flying is not a difficult thing, and they are more accustomed to doing it themselves.

The aeroboat docked and blew its whistle. Reiner patted Claire beside her. The girl slowly opened her violet eyes and looked at Reiner.

"I can't eat any more."

"Well, it looks like you had a good dream."

Reiner shrugged and asked Claire to stand up.

"It was such a big storm just now, but you didn't react at all. I really envy your sleep quality."

Claire was even more confused after hearing what Reiner said.

"Storm? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

Claire didn't know why and followed Reiner off the scheduled ship.

"Look, it's over there, so big?"

Reiner originally wanted to point out the route they passed just now, but looking around, there was no storm anywhere. The sky over the Selimya Inland Sea was clear, and the previous dark clouds had long disappeared.

"A hallucination, or is it?"

Reiner was a little confused. He glanced at Claire. The young lady was puffing up her cheeks, as if she thought Reiner had deliberately teased her.

"Forget it, let's go eat some of Rainbow Tower's specialties first."

Reiner had no choice but to use his trump card.

"Okay, okay!"

Claire nodded vigorously and followed Reiner's pace.

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