Meet the principal

Act 361. The Miracle Year of Iain Gray

At the headquarters of the Rainbow Tower Prophet Weekly, the editor-in-chief Flagg was still in a state of shock.

Previously, there was a strong wind outside, dark clouds pressed down on the city, and deep purple lightning seemed to swallow up the entire Rainbow Tower. The defensive formations of each building were opened at the same time, and the colorful barriers resisted the thunder and protected the people below.

Just when Flagg thought that a once-in-a-century catastrophe was about to happen, a ray of light fell from the sky above the Rainbow Tower.

The light penetrated the thick haze and enveloped the entire Rainbow Tower.

In an instant, all the dark clouds were dispersed by the light, and a ripple could be seen surging around. Wherever the ripple of light went, all the darkness disappeared.

After the ripples spread, countless light particles were left behind, filling the space.

When people saw the light particles falling like raindrops, they stretched out their hands, but the light particles disappeared the moment they touched their palms.

Flagg stared blankly in the direction of the Rainbow Tower. He didn't know what had just happened. He only knew that he seemed to have saved a small life.

At this time, the quill on the address book, which had been stationary, suddenly started to move.

Flagg hurriedly looked over and found that this was the transcript of the meeting passed by Hall. This was obviously a direct paraphrase of Rainer Ingle's speech. Logically speaking, Hall should have submitted this after returning, but should have given it to him first. Produce summaries and minutes.

But Flagg took a look at the minutes and was speechless. This experiment completely subverted his knowledge. If he hadn't been focusing on studying magic for several years, he didn't know much about the details of the experiment. , then I am afraid that Flagg will have a cognitive breakdown the moment he sees this experimental record, and blood will be spattered on the spot.

After reading the short experimental record with trepidation, Flagg handed it over to the editors on the side for sorting. These editors were all low-level mages, and they mainly did text editing work, so there was no need to worry about cognitive breakdown.

Slowly sitting down, before Flagg had time to calm down, he saw the quill moving again.

"What's this......"

Flagg thought it was a new report, but there was a brief string of text in his address book, which was Hall's headline.

"The Wonder Years of Iain Gray".

The moment he saw this title, Flagg stood up suddenly as if he was struck by lightning.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"

Flagg murmured to himself, if future generations mention this year's achievements in the magic world, they cannot avoid Reiner Inglet anyway. If we really want to sum up, this year does belong to Reiner Inglet!

He paced back and forth in the room, while the editors looked at the editor-in-chief, afraid to speak.

After about five minutes, Flagg seemed to have found some treasure, his eyes lit up, and he spoke loudly.

"Quickly, quickly find information about Reiner Ingle, this year's papers, various applications, and the high-ranking mage's evaluation of him. It is best to interview people around him. In any case, collect information about him. Everything, we have to put out a special report, a supplement!”

His words stunned the editors present. It took them a while to understand the intention of their editor-in-chief.

For the general public, the debate on the nature of light certainly has a certain appeal, but the public who buy newspapers still prefer reports that are close to life, such as the biography of Rainer Ian Gray and his journey this year. These can be As something to talk about after dinner, it is also the best way to promote sales.

After all, every newspaper can analyze the contents of experiments and papers, but not all newspapers can think of and integrate the information about Rainer Ian Gray in a short time.

"What are you still doing? Get moving!"

Flagg waved his hand before the restless subordinates took action.

As for him, looking at the news title in his address book, he was full of expectations for the newspaper's sales.


Among the noisy venue, there was another person who was a bit different.

Euler sat on the chair with a blank look on his face, looking a little out of place with his surroundings.

He saw Robinson's tense face. This reckless guy was suppressing his disordered cognition. He saw his teacher Ludwig Stein. After hearing the content of Reiner's paper, he was a little confused. He shook his head helplessly.

Euler felt a faint magic power being released from his body. It did not belong to him. When he raised his head, Euler found that a trace of magic power floated towards the dome in his limbs, like the threads of a puppet.

If it hadn't been for almost all the mid-level mages in the venue feeling the feedback from the world just now, Euler would definitely not be able to distinguish this abnormal magic power.

He looked around, but no one, not even a high-level mage, noticed his situation. At this time, Euler's head suddenly filled with countless pictures.

Euler thought of the beautiful maid and the nights he spent with her. Unexpectedly, these things that he thought were dreams actually happened, and he had no memory of it before!

"Who is she and what has she done to me?"

Euler was a little confused. After careful recall, he remembered that he seemed to have been given a task.

The maid left some kind of mark on her body, which allowed Euler to identify the existence of certain people. This mark can only take effect within a certain distance from the other party. The maid seemed to want to rely on Euler to sneak into the venue. Find that target person.

Euler didn't know anything else.

He thought for a while, curiosity prompted him to raise his head and look around.

If the target person were in this venue, Euler would be able to spot him immediately. He looked around, trying to find the other person's presence.

Both the maid and the target were extremely suspicious to Euler. Now that he could no longer find the maid, he could only look for the target, notify his teacher, and subdue the other person in time.

Of course, Euler was lucky that such a dangerous person was not in the venue, because here were all high-level mages and mid-level mages, the mainstay of the Rainbow Tower. Euler didn't want to believe that such a person would appear among the mages. traitor.

However, Euler soon saw a bright fire in the dim magic.

Euler's eyes were quickly attracted to him. He observed the other person carefully and quickly recognized who it was.

"It's him?"

Euler was not familiar with the other party, but he also knew his name. However, he did not expect that he had penetrated to this level.

He hurriedly wanted to explain the situation to his teacher, but when Euler was about to turn around, he suddenly froze.

Because Euler clearly saw that the man turned his head slightly and his eyes were looking in his direction.

He discovered Euler! ! !

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