Men and women eating in the courtyard

Chapter 797 You have to give it even if you don’t give it!

"Leader, call"


"Red Star Commune"

"I see"

Li Xuewu washed his face in the wash basin at the door, then walked to the desk and answered the phone.

"Hello, Secretary Yin"

The call was from Yin Mancang, who was also asking if Li Xuewu was back.

In the month since he left, many things have become decoupled.

In the case of Hongxing Village alone, one cart of farmer's products had to go down the mountain every week, and Li Xuewu couldn't go up the mountain. If anything happened in Hongxing Village, Yin Mancang didn't even bother to discuss it personally.

Of course, we had discussed it with several cadres in the village before, but none of the cadres in the village had the long-term vision of Li Xuewu.

What Yin Mancang wanted to do was to talk to Li Xuewu about village affairs every week when he went up the mountain to inspect his work.

But since the deputy director named Xiao Zihong went up the mountain to inspect the work, Li Xuewu stopped going up the mountain.

Is it because people are lazy, or because they don’t like the shabby Hongxing Village?

It's okay if he's lazy, but if he doesn't like things like Hongxing Village, he'll panic.

Living in a remote rural area, without good relatives to support me, just digging in the fields for food, what a big deal.

Li Xuewu's treatment in Hongxing Village is very high. The village cadres all know who Li Xuewu is and their relationship with Yin Mancang.

To put it bluntly, if Li Xuewu and Yin Mancang weren't related, they still wouldn't trust Li Xuewu.

There are no good-looking girls in their village, so why should a big cake hit her on the head?

This summer this year, everyone in the village has enriched their pockets. Those who are hard-working can still save a hundred and eighty yuan.

But don’t think the money is small. People in the city dare to say that they get thirty yuan a month as a salary, but they don’t have much left. That’s all money for living.

The same goes for rural people. Throughout the year, there are many who have never seen what a dollar looks like.

At the end of the year, the company accountant gathered the accounts, and it was considered a good year if the family could get two kilograms of white flour.

This year?

Hey, it depends on who you compare with and how you compare.

"I'm really not talking nonsense."

Yin Mancang's voice was a little hollow, but he still said truthfully on the phone: "The county has collapsed. Of the twenty-five communes in the county, more than half of the communes and many production teams have had their flags changed. Many communes and brigade and squad cadres have been changed." ...Oops~"

I couldn't help but click my tongue at the end. Obviously the situation was very serious. The sighs meant that there were problems in the management of those areas, or even paralysis...

Li Xuewu took the phone and asked: "Where is Hongxing Commune? How is the situation there?"

"It's okay here. After all, the road is too difficult. It's said that those kids were lying down half the way with their bicycles on their backs and went back~"

Yin Mancang's voice could be heard on the phone with a sense of joy. He himself said: "The villagers heard the gossip, and there was really a lot of trouble. The seventh child has buried three people, and it has calmed down a lot."


Li Xuewu was really speechless. This old uncle's way of handling the problem was more direct than him.

If you can't solve the ideological problem, just solve the problem for the person who created it, without beating around the bush.

Yin Mancang's call was intended to introduce the situation, and also to tell Li Xuewu about the surrounding environment. After all, the training ground was in the mountains.

If there was a problem at the steel rolling mill and it was brought to the mountain, he was afraid that he would not be able to control it.

Li Xuewu reassured him and told him to take care of the mountain pass. The farmer's products must function as a food factory, and sufficient pickles must be prepared. When the next batch of trade projects are carried out, he will have all these pickles. .

This is the benefit brought by the trade project. The trade volume measured in tons can make a unit machine spin with sparks.

After telling Yin Mancang that he would go to the mountains when he had time, Li Xuewu thought about the problems in Hongxing Village again and looked at the problems across the country from Hongxing Village.

The county where Hongxing Village is located is definitely not an exception. He heard about this situation from the news last week, and it also happened in Longjiang.

From point to point, we can basically determine that there will be big problems this year.

The most terrible thing about the paralysis of grassroots organizations is that no one is responsible for production work.

It is now September, and the autumn harvest season has arrived in Longjiang, as well as in the capital.

It may be late, just one month late. Will the current situation improve within a month?

Obviously, with regard to the national economy and people's livelihood, any small problem will be magnified infinitely.

Li Xuewu didn't know if there were any countermeasures above, but judging from the current situation, his guess might really come true.

This has a limited impact on the steel rolling mill. It is an industry after all, but it is a big problem on the trade project. After all, the Steel City is a point of third-line trade, and its main task is to exchange grain from the Northeast after the autumn harvest.

If there is enough food in the Northeast, he is going to ask the dispatching office to arrange as many trains as possible to take the food to the frontier in exchange for next year's wool and mutton.

A few cars were used last year, but the profits were already so huge. This year we will fully open the trade connection line based on last year, but now the line is about to be cut off!

Li Xuewu was mentally prepared for a reduction in grain production, but he thought that the Northeast Granary would not be too difficult no matter what.


I am going to Steel City later this month, and I have to organize the security department to crack down on criminal cases, and I have to promote the smooth progress of several projects.

Seeing that Zhang Guoqi was spitting out information, for a moment I was really afraid that he would cause trouble for me.

No, we have to keep him busy!

not busy?

Then give him some trouble to keep him busy!

Li Xuewu frowned and looked at the two documents, then raised his head and looked at Sha Qizhi who was packing the documents, and said, "Where is Wang Jingzhang?"


Wang Jingzhang was not found. After two days of searching, he was not found. No one knew where he had gone.

But he did find someone who was inextricably related to him.

Li Xuewu originally thought about using waste to see if he could find something for Zhang Guoqi to do so that he would not think about anything else.

I just came back from a meeting in the garrison on Wednesday. As soon as I entered the factory gate, I saw Zhou Yao and a girl.

Li Xuewu patted Han Jiankun's seat, and the car stopped next to the road.

"What are you doing?"

Because Sha Qizhi didn't follow him, when he saw Li Xuewu getting out of the car, Han Jiankun destroyed the car and jumped out of the car too.

Hearing Li Xuewu ask, the two people tearing at each other stopped.


Zhou Yao greeted Li Xuewu with a gloomy expression and released her grip on the girl's hand.

Li Xuewu walked this way, lowered his head slightly, and frowned: "Huang Shiwen?"

The person caught by Zhou Yao was indeed Huang Shiwen, but not only did Li Xuewu not notice her image at this moment, even Zhou Yao saw her dodge when she saw him, so he was sure it was her.

Zhou Yao blocked Huang Shiwen's path and reported to Li Xuewuhui: "Director, I have been investigating this case and I just met Shiwen today."

It has been a month since the case occurred, and it has been on Li Xuewu's desk for a month. If it was a homicide, it would have been handed over long ago.

One of the reasons why it has been shelved by Xiao Zihong until now is that there are too many people involved in this case, and three college students are involved.

The other one is the big study event, and it’s not just Fu Linfang who has had an accident this month.

Moreover, the security department has conducted an investigation, and the factory hospital has also conducted an autopsy. It is indeed true that he hanged himself.

Li Xuewu did not sign the case and handed it over to Zhou Yao for further investigation because of a situation here.

That was when it was discovered that the first person at the scene was missing. When the nurse heard the sound and rushed into Fang Lining's ward, Huang Shiwen was no longer there.

But later, the security department investigated and found that the person who screamed and the first person who discovered that Fu Linfang had hanged herself outside the window was Huang Shiwen.

The patients and family members in the corridor saw a girl running out in tears. It was her in the photo comparison.

Of course, Li Xuewu did not doubt the on-site inspection results of the Security Department and the autopsy results of the factory hospital. According to the investigation of the Security Department, Fu Linfang had sufficient motive to commit suicide.

Including the complete traces of suicide under the big tree in the backyard of the hospital, and no traces of other people's past.

After all, it was just an empty space between the hospital's backyard wall and the ward, and a few big trees were part of the scenery.

After Zhou Yao became the deputy chief of the Security Section, she first started to handle this case. It was the division chief's instruction. She herself also wanted to know what happened between her three classmates.

The case involves five people, Wang Jingzhang, Zhang Guoqi, Huang Shiwen, and Fang Lining.

When Zhou Yao launched an investigation, she found that Huang Shiwen and Wang Jingzhang were missing. Fang Lining returned to his hometown after being discharged from the hospital. The only one who was still there was Zhang Guoqi.

But now Zhang Guoqi is arrogant, and those things Huang Shiwen posted at that time were said by the Security Department to be a slander against him by the Red Flag Society and a frame-up.

He himself was surprised by Fu Linfang's death. The Security Department investigated the evidence of his absence that night and did not launch an in-depth investigation.

How could Zhou Yao, a rookie who had just started working, ask anything from Zhang Guoqi? After being rejected twice, she could only target the missing two people.

If Huang Shiwen and Wang Jingzhang could not be found again, she would have no choice but to go to Fang Lining's hometown to ask.

Surprisingly, when she went out to do errands today, she happened to see a familiar figure at the gate.

But before she could confirm, she discovered that Huang Shiwen was about to run away.

In the past, Zhou Yao would never be able to catch up with her or hold her back, but now...

That is to say, it seems that Huang Shiwen's condition is not very good, otherwise there will be no pulling that Li Xuewu saw.

Huang Shiwen's condition is indeed not good, her hair is messy, her clothes have smelled after not being washed for several days, her shoes are full of mud, and her pants are stained.

Li Xuewu frowned and glanced at Zhou Yao and said, "Take her to the bathhouse to wash up and change her clothes."

As he spoke, he looked at the time on his hand, motioned to the logistics department and said, "Go and get a set of work clothes, just say what I want."

"Thank you, boss. I also have clothes in my office."

Zhou Yao thanked Li Xuewu and then pulled Huang Shiwen's arm, but Huang Shiwen kept her head down and said nothing.

"Okay, that's it"

Li Xuewu glanced at Huang Shiwen again, turned around and took Han Jiankun into the car.

Watching the command vehicle leave, Zhou Yao pushed Huang Shiwen and said, "If you try to tear her apart from me again, be careful I handcuff you."

The words were meant to scare people, but the tone was like coaxing a child. As he spoke, he ignored the dirt and mud on Huang Shiwen's hands and pulled her towards the bath.

The most indispensable thing in a steel factory is hot water, and workers cannot go a day without taking a shower.

The workshop is stuffy, and the hot operation room is even stuffier. The sweat is all there. If your work clothes don't have a few layers of salt and alkali stains, does that prove that you work hard?

There were not many people in the bathhouse at this moment, it could even be said that there was no one, because at this time, those who worked the evening shift had gone home early, and it was still early to get off the day shift.

However, the hot water in the pool kept flowing. Lao Wang, who was in charge of the bathhouse, was kind-hearted. He knew that the workers were not clean, and he still liked to soak in the pool.

At this time, the factory's big pool is not so particular, and there is no way to prepare for mud balls.

Of course, if you don't rub it, there will be more people washing it, and the pool water will not be clean.

Lao Wang didn't care about that, and opened the gate directly according to the artesian water. Anyway, the hot water had to be cooled when it was not needed, so it was not a waste.

Therefore, the water in the pool is considered to be flowing water and is extremely clear.

When Zhou Yao accompanied Huang Shiwen out of the pool, they saw that the water next to them suddenly became turbid.

Seeing this, Huang Shiwen couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

This was because she had polluted the water in the pool, but it also made her life stained.

Maybe she was scared, or maybe she was holding back all her strength. Zhou Yao coaxed her for a while but she didn't stop, and she almost lost her breath from crying.

Zhou Yao could only stay by her side, helping her wash her body, as if caring for her younger sister, taking care of this once good classmate.

She didn't notice it when she came in. After soaking for a while, Zhou Yao realized something was wrong. Huang Shiwen still had many injuries on her body.

It's just that she has received special training in the mountains and knows that this is not man-made, but even if it is scratched by a branch after stumbling, it is too serious.

What has Huang Shiwen experienced in the past month?

Maybe she won't know until she gets tired of crying and is willing to talk.


"Did you get a reply from Gangcheng?"

As Li Xuewu walked toward the office, he asked Sha Qizhi beside him.

Sha Qizhi heard Han Jiankun's whistle and ran to the stairs to greet him.

He was holding a notebook in his hand, half a step behind Li Xuewu, and replied: "I came back in the morning, but you were not here."

As he spoke, he glanced at his watch and then said: "I made an appointment to call you back at ten o'clock in the morning, that is, ten minutes later."

"I see"

Li Xuewu responded, walked to the door of Xiao Zihong's office, knocked on the open door, and said to Xiao Zihong who stood up inside: "Deputy Director Xiao, the brand garrison of the training base has been approved. I and the people I said hello over there, if you want to see me for a while, come over and run over."

He patted Sha Qizhi next to him on the shoulder, smiled and said to Xiao Zihong who was walking over: "Qizhi will go with you, he knows who to look for."

Xiao Zihong smiled and nodded: "Okay, Li Chu, I'm going to ask you to take action on this matter. Can we arrange a dinner here?"

"No, it really doesn't matter."

Li Xuewu smiled and said hello, pointed to his office, and said: "There will be a meeting over there at the trade project in a while. Director Li is hosting it. I can't leave. Thank you for your hard work."


Xiao Zihong responded with a smile and watched Li Xuewu leave.

Sha Qizhi did not follow immediately, but smiled and said to Xiao Zihong: "Well, Deputy Director Xiao, we will set off in fifteen minutes, do you think it is okay?"

"no problem"

Xiao Zihong smiled, turned around and entered the house.

He just maintained the favor in the past, and he didn't need to do anything. He just represented his identity.

This kind of work is what he is willing to do. If it is like carrying the same pressure as the previous month, his heart really can't stand it.

A deputy should do something as a deputy. Without that status, even working as an agent for a full-time employee would be uncomfortable. If you don’t take the blame, you will get scolded.

Of course, he also knew very well that this was Li Xuewu selling his favor, which was a stable reward for his hard work in maintaining the security office for a month.

In his opinion, this is more like a warning.

Only under his leadership and in accordance with his requirements and will will the work of the Security Department be taken seriously and achievements will be achieved.

The construction of dual contingency plans and the safety training base are naturally achievements. How can the work that Li Xuewu attaches so much importance to be just a cover?

And this is a brand that continues to produce results, and anyone involved will benefit from it.

Yes, the people in the security department did not receive any subsidies from the training ground, but everyone knew that they were enjoying this benefit.

All agencies and front-line personnel of the Security Department have one to three months of training.

This is off-the-job work, which means they can go to the mountains for paid vacation.

Although this kind of vacation may be a bit tiring, it is still very pleasant to not have to work in an office or worry about the daily necessities of life at home. It is still very pleasant to really put yourself into your study life.

For the current positive and progressive mentality of steel rolling mill employees, off-the-job training is really a good opportunity for vacation, and it is also a way to improve themselves and a real benefit.

They are not on duty, but the Security Office has to provide their study and living conditions, and ensure the operation of the Security Office, which is all money.

What was the security office like in the past? Everyone was exhausted, no results were produced, and there were fewer people but more work.

Looking at now, there are more people and more achievements, and work has become easier.

All departments have completed the expansion of recruitment. The work of part-time firefighters has been taken over by full-time firefighters, the training work has been taken over by the factory cavalry patrol team, and the cargo escort has been taken over by the factory escort team.

The security section of the factory security department has truly become the security team of the steel rolling mill. It only needs to complete security tasks at fixed times and at fixed positions.

In the past, there were only two GAZ 69s in the security office. One was used as an official vehicle by the director of the department, and the other was used by the department for public use.

The security department does have a sidecar motorcycle, but the chief of the security department uses it, so everyone rides bicycles.

But look at now, not to mention the two GAZ 69s, there are three more Willys, and the fire department also has a special red-painted command vehicle. When has the security department ever fought such a rich battle?

With good equipment and confidence, people from the security department will dare to rush forward when faced with difficulties. The reason why things in the steel rolling mill have not gone outside in the past few months is because the security department is keeping them in check.

At the most powerful moment, Xiao Zihong ordered an armed patrol car and fully armed factory guard members to be driven directly to the factory production area. As soon as the two light machine guns on it appeared, all the nonsense about the trouble was gone.

How dare the people in the security department of this family who were not controlled by Li Xuewu dare to be so arrogant!

Without the powerful weapons prepared by Li Xuewu for him, Xiao Zihong would have dared to go to the production area to extinguish the arrogance of those people!

Therefore, everything is based on reality. Li Xuewu is capable, he is good at leading the team, and everyone in the security department is focused, so naturally he does not dare to have other thoughts.

Sun Jian has a lot of ideas, but look how dare he have any now. Li Xuewu's look can scare him to attention.

Li Xuewu's power was not something he could say, but something he actually demonstrated.

Not to mention Li Xuewu coming directly to arrange tasks, even if his secretary directly informs him to do things, he has to do it.

In the agency, whoever has a strong fist speaks, and whoever can do things speaks.

Security Department, Director's Office.

Li Xuewu heard the phone ringing, picked it up and said directly: "Hey, how are things going?"


Li Xuewu was stunned when he heard a woman's voice coming from the phone, then he didn't speak, but frowned and listened.

The other person on the phone asked, "Is this the number from Director Li of the Security Department?"

"Why did you call here?"

Li Xuewu recognized the voice on the phone and said funnyly: "I thought it was a call from Gangcheng."

As he spoke, he looked at the time on his hand and said, "If you have something to tell me quickly, I'm waiting for the call."

The person on the phone said angrily: "I don't know if you have something to say? Uncle Ma came today and said he wanted to see my dad to discuss business matters. I am anxious to ask you."

When Li Xuewu heard what Sister Lou said, his eyebrows jumped and he said, "What did you say?"

Sister Lou was very smart and knew that it was inconvenient to talk on the phone, so she said something important: "I told him that my dad is out and it will take a while to come back. But I made an appointment with him to have tea at the club tomorrow. Can you come over?" ?”

"I see"

Li Xuewu agreed, and then said: "That's it, hang up."

After saying that, he put down the phone, glanced at the time on his hand, walked back to the desk and sat down.

Sha Qizhi organized the necessary documents and came to Li Xuewu to say hello before setting off.

Li Xuewu nodded, indicating that he was ready to go, then lowered his head and started reading the documents, waiting for a call from Gangcheng.

The city had a relationship with his godfather Zheng Shusen. He had already prepared for this and just wanted to try it on his own. Unexpectedly, the people from Minzheng were quite difficult to date.

So, since he couldn't make a date, he had no choice but to have a relationship. Anyway, his godfather could do anything, and he didn't care about the favor he owed to his godfather.

Different from ordinary relationships, Li Xuewu's interactions with Zheng Shusen were relatively sincere. He would go there every now and then, not only during the holidays.

Even if he doesn't go, Lao Biaozi and Shen Guodong will have to go. They won't get much, but it's just a thought.

Zheng Shusen and his wife didn't miss his food, so they just liked him.

The relationship between the two families is rare. When I went back on Sunday, Lao Biaozi said that his father Li Shun from the mountain had made some medicinal wine and thought of bringing a large bottle to Zheng Shusen.

There are many types of communication between people. Those who are particularly close may not necessarily be relatives. Some relationships are good, and they are not exchanges of large amounts of money or money, but ordinary emotional exchanges.

Li Xuewu has used Zheng Shusen twice. Last time it was about the song and dance troupe, and this time it was about the training ground.

Zheng Shusen really wished him well, especially Li Xuewu who was doing his job seriously.

Both times were for official business. Li Xuewu had already told Li Huaide about this favor, and Li Huaide also told him not to worry about it. He would find an opportunity to repay it.

Why didn't Li Huaide dare to underestimate Li Xuewu? It was because Li Xuewu's network of relationships was too complicated and too numerous. He would rather offend Yang Fengshan than Li Xuewu.

Yang Fengshan only has two relationships, and he knows very well that as long as he gives up some of his interests, he can kill the other party.

But Li Xuewu was different. He clearly knew that Li Xuewu's father-in-law was someone he couldn't mess with, and other relationships were complicated and messy.

Just say, people from the city, the university, the supply and marketing cooperative, the investigation department, the confidentiality department, the light military station, Tiannan, Haibei... etc. He even knows people in prison.

Did you offend him?

Hey, maybe someone will kick you out of nowhere, and you don’t even know why!

What Li Xuewu said just now was not entirely an excuse. There was indeed a trade meeting. He wanted to take leave, but Li Huaide didn't allow it.

Just like this, the meeting that was supposed to be held at 9:30 in the morning was postponed for an hour because of him and was scheduled to be held at 10:30.

Li Huaide's meaning is also very obvious. The trade fair cannot be held without Li Xuewu.

What can Li Xuewu do? Fortunately, there are many cadres in the Third Wei Regiment, which is not as stretched as it was in the security brigade. He has freedom of movement.

Otherwise, he had just finished working there for a month and had a month's backlog of work here, and he would just ascend to heaven where he was.

There was a work meeting on fighting crime yesterday afternoon. It was very special that I got off work an hour late. When I got home, I was like a monster, Li Shu.

Just because she was waiting for him to eat, Li Shu sat down for an hour at night and even dropped her chopsticks.

Li Xuewu didn't know that the meeting would be held so late and there would be so many questions. He didn't call in advance, so his family had been waiting for him.

The old lady wants to feed Li Shu in advance, but the little ancestor won't eat if he doesn't come to the table, and he won't eat if he doesn't see Baba.

What I haven’t seen in a month is that the once worthless Stinky Baba has now become a piece of cake, and I have to hug him when I get home.

Father and daughter were not like this before, but now there are photos of Li Shu on Li Xuewu's desk.

Just after taking a second look, the phone rang again.

Li Xuewu was afraid of answering the wrong call again, so he didn't ask first, but waited for the person to speak.

"Hello? Is the director here?"

"I am"

Li Xuewu heard that it was Xu Ning's movement, and then he responded and asked, "How did things go?"

"A task force has been set up. Supporters from Beijing have arrived. They have been divided into four teams and have launched investigations into four cases."

Xu Ning's voice was loud, perhaps because he was afraid that the signal transmission was not ideal and that Li Xuewu wouldn't be able to hear him.

It's normal. It's good to have phone calls from Steel City to Beijing. It's normal to have a magnetic field or magnetic changes.

"We must pay attention to confidentiality and handle the case in a solid manner to achieve the purpose of deterring Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao and clearing up the source. Based on this operation, we will launch a three-month special security management work."

Li Xuewu's purpose was very simple, which was to silence the noisy sound of the steelmaking plant with a thunderous blow, and then use continuous deterrence to make several projects there proceed smoothly.

In extraordinary times, when extraordinary means are used, during the critical period of transformation of the steel rolling mill, and at the important moment when the current situation changes, he does not mind using some people's heads to warn those who want to destroy the good development situation of the steel rolling mill.

Who said that a kind attitude is kindness, and whoever said that smiling means kindness? The tiger in the security department is also a tiger, and if it is a tiger, it will eat people.

Xu Ning had not moved in Steel City. Even if there was a problem with Dong Wenxue, he did not dare to act rashly, for fear of destroying Li Xuewu's layout.

It's okay now. Fifteen people from the security office were sent to the capital overnight to support him. Xu Ning had been pretending to be a good guy in Steel City for more than half a year, and this time he was finally going to kill.

After talking about the business, Xu Ning brought some bad news to Li Xuewu.

"Secretary Dong is in trouble"

"Is it Yang Zongfang?"

Li Xuewu has been worried about him because the secretary stands behind him, and the secretary has always been wary of Li Huaide.

Especially now, Li Huaide's power is expanding so much that Secretary Yang will definitely restrict Li Huaide in other aspects.

Li Xuewu had received the warning from Dong Wenxue, so he naturally thought of him immediately.

But Xu Ning immediately denied what he said: "No, it's the leader's personal problem."

After saying this, he hesitated for a moment, and then explained: "I only heard about the general situation, it seems to be related to his waiter...".

"I see"

Li Xuewu didn't wait for Xu Ning to finish, but interrupted directly: "I still have a meeting to hold here. Please tell Secretary Dong for me, and I will hang up with him in the evening. That's it."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and raised his head again. Li Xuewu was already frowning.

He had long thought that something was going to happen to that restless waiter. Last time, he hung up the phone for no reason, and it turned out that he was relying on connections to arrange work.

This is the strangest thing that Li Xuewu has encountered since he started working. Everyone in the steel rolling mill knows that Li Xuewu doesn't do this, and there are still people who dare to hit the gun.

Li Xuewu would only recommend or arrange personnel positions based on his own volition or based on actual work needs. How could he resort to favors?

What a waiter, it feels ridiculous now that I think about it.

It was that time that made Li Xuewu wary of this woman.

But later Yu Decai gave him the news that the man named Wang Shumin was still doing service work for Dong Wenxue.

Li Xuewu didn't understand what was going on here, but after he talked to Dong Wenxue, nothing like this happened again.

When Yu Decai was at the security office, he always kept Yu Decai's eyes on him thanks to his connections with Gangcheng.

Now that Yu Decai has been transferred, Li Xuewu can no longer let a deputy director do such nonsense.

Sun Jian?

who is he?

Li Xuewu pinched his forehead hard, looked at the time, and wanted to call his wife, but gave up the idea.

He didn't know what to say until the matter was clarified. Furthermore, he didn't know whether Dong Wenxue could settle things on his own or whether others would take advantage of him.

This was also the reason why he interrupted Xu Ning's explanation on the phone. Li Xuewu was engaged in security work, and now they were making special calls. The operator knew what they were talking about.

The other party might not be able to remember other work details, but things between men and women are probably not the focus of their daily chats.

This is not serious. The serious thing is that most operators have a part-time job...

I packed up the documents on the table for the meeting later, took them and walked outside. I was too dizzy to die, so let's get back to work first.

People rush people, things rush, what the heck, the busier you are, the busier you will be, and the more afraid something will happen, the more likely it will be, damn the 80-20 rule.

When he walked out of the office door, he saw Sun Jian coming out of Xiao Zihong's office. When he saw Li Xuewu, he said with a smile: "Boss, Deputy Director Xiao is not at home. There is a document that you need to sign."

"He went to Minzheng with Qi Zhi, and the training ground was listed."

Li Xuewu explained in his mouth, handed the document in his hand to Sun Jian, took the pen he unscrewed, looked at the document in his hand, and then wrote on the signature line.

After the signature was completed, he handed the pen to the other party, clicked on the document, and said: "Remember to register and file, the notebook is on the desk."

While talking, he picked up the documents and walked toward the stairs amidst Sun Jian's response.

Sun Jian respectfully watched Li Xuewu go away, then took the documents and went to Li Xuewu's office.

After making sure that no one was in the office, Sun Jian sighed.

I found the notebook on Li Xuewu's desk that was specially used to register document signatures. According to the format, I entered the file attributes and dates, and marked the person in charge.

Work hard and make sure every detail is correct.

This was the impression Li Xuewu gave him, and it was also the pressure he put on him.

To be honest, being the office director for Li Xuewu is more difficult and tiring than being the secretary for Yang Fengshan.

After working as a secretary for so many years, this was the first time he had seen such a rigorous cadre.

It is simply extremely vicious and unconscionable!

Who the heck has to register after signing?

Who the hell has to go out of their way to track the results of the opinions after approving them?

Who the hell doesn’t need a secretary to proofread after writing an article?

The key is that he only asked his secretary to write!

Keep the originals!

Is there any!

When Yang Fengshan arranged for him to come to the security office, he said that if young people want to make progress and grow quickly, they must undergo rigorous training and grow up in the worst environment.

Therefore, the factory director chose the security department for him to train and grow.

Now Sun Jian really wants to say to the factory director: Actually, I am not that anxious to grow...

The biggest feeling when coming to the Security Department is that there is a clear distinction between public and private affairs, rewards and punishments, and a clear system.

There is the most rigorous work system and discipline that the entire factory is learning, and everyone works step by step.

Especially Li Xuewu, since he handed over, he has no intention of guarding against him. There are only three keys to the office, and he owns one of them.

Sun Jian thought about this, maybe Li Xuewu was not afraid of him at all, maybe Li Xuewu was very confident, or maybe Li Xuewu was digging a hole.

Therefore, he has been working diligently and conscientiously in the past two months, just because he is afraid that something will go wrong, or that Li Xuewu will suspect that he is sent by the factory director to do something small.

what's the result?

Even Li Xuewu didn't pay attention to him at all, and he showed all his caution to himself.

In a mechanically rigorous and serious team like the Security Department, he is just a component. As long as he is qualified, he can be placed in this position.

And he can only do his work according to the office system of the Security Department, just like Deputy Director Xiao, doing what he should do.

Is there any favor?

Yes, everyone knows that Li Xuewu, the actual leader, is the most humane.

His care for many cadres was seen by everyone. Some people would complain every day, saying something about this or that in the department, but no one said anything about Li Xuewu.

His cruelty to certain people only served to highlight his kindness to those in the department. His several attacks in the factory actually became a reflection of his personal charm in the minds of everyone in the security department.

Working in such a department where willpower runs through all the staff, one can imagine how much pressure Sun Jian, who is a little thoughtful, must be under.


“We have to take two trains in September, we can’t stop during this season.”

Li Xuewu sat in front of the conference table, next to Li Huaide, although the people sitting at the desk were all top leaders of each unit.

Li Huaide presided over the meeting, but it was Li Xuewu who really led the meeting.

Also present at the meeting were Deputy Factory Director Jing Yunong, Logistics Department Director Feng Xingke, Sales Department Director Gou Zirong, Scheduling Department Director Bi Yuding, and Finance Department Director Lu Yuanshen.

There are also Xu Sinian and Yu Decai who were specially called by Li Xuewu.

The theme of today's meeting is trade projects. Li Huaide attaches great importance to it and has called all the leaders of relevant departments.

Li Xuewu asked Xu Sixian because he was basically determined to take over the responsibility of the shipyard. The trade project was closely related to his future work, and he had to follow up from now on.

Yu Decai was asked to come here because he is now in charge of the coordination office of the steelmaking plant located at the steel rolling mill, and some of his work is also related to the steelmaking plant.

Li Xuewu looked at the crowd and said: "September is the harvest season for agricultural and sideline products in the border areas, and it is also the time when we are in urgent need of all kinds of daily necessities. We should quickly organize a trade train and try to send it out before Saturday. We can still do it this month." I can make a second trip in time."

Last month, the activities of the steel rolling mill were at a tense time. Zhang Guoqi was too busy, Li Xuewu was not at home, and Li Huaide did not understand the business. People in the three departments did not dare to take responsibility, so they did not run any orders.

After Li Xuewu came back, Li Huaide urged him to do this, because as long as he made a trip, he could enrich the funds in the trade project.

In addition to cashing in the construction funds for residential area projects, he now mainly relies on this to maintain the funds for large-scale study activities.

if not?

Li Xuewu used to allocate funds to the Youth Commando Team, but after Li Xuewu left, Xiao Zihong didn't dare to touch the power of a pen, so he stopped immediately.

No one dared to say anything when he stopped, and no one dared to ask when Li Xuewu came back.

What is given to you is what is given to you. If you want it, do you dare to ask for it? If I give you a gun, do you want it? !

"What's the point?"

Feng Xingke looked at Li Xuewu and asked: "The logistics office has communicated with other joint enterprises. The goods shipped from the capital are not timely, but the border office has not returned the required list."

Li Huaide saw that even though he mentioned the border office, the trade work was still delayed, he frowned slightly and said, "I'll rush over there later."

"Don't worry about him yet"

Li Xuewu looked seriously and said to Feng Xingke: "There is news from the distributor. There are almost fifty tons of pickles and cans. Put this in the trade list."

As he spoke, he looked at Jing Yunong, who was sitting on the other side of Li Huaide, and said: "Deputy Director Jing, please contact the textile factory and ask for fifty tons of cotton cloth. If you don't want to give it, you have to give it to me."


Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and said: "Not a single bit of this year's unplanned wool will flow out of the steel rolling mill. Tell them that if I can't hear the roar of the machines in the textile mill of the joint enterprise next door before next Wednesday, I will let them Give up your desire to cooperate and I’ll find someone else.”

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