Museum of Demons

Chapter 74 Dream

How long have you been without leisure and peace of mind to read a book?

Not so that its knowledge will benefit you, not to avoid the right thing to do.

Just for the language in the book, looking for a quiet afternoon, a rattan chair, a cup of good or bad tea, a period of time to sneak in, don't have to worry about life, don't have to worry about human relationships, just focus on the content of the text.


The wooden door was pushed open, shaking off a lot of dust in the narrow room.

The dust rose and fell, Zhai Yanjun covered his mouth and nose, and looked at this small room with a frown. After the old man passed away, he did not leave too many things, that is, the books in this room. He had the last luck in his arms Heart, rummaged through, but failed to find valuable things such as check passbooks in the book.

Zhai Yanjun sat on the narrow sofa, as if surrounded by books, and sighed.

What are these books for? !

On the contrary, it is not as valuable as this house.

He was a little unhappy. After reading these books, they were all ordinary old books.

Most of them were bought by the deceased old people in these years. They were printed materials, not very valuable, and some were even hand-copied. It is short of words.

Searching for the remaining content, it is Ge Hong's The Legend of the Immortals, but it is only the hand-copied version of the old man. The strange thing is that all the words immortal in the scroll have disappeared, just like It is as if it has never existed, and although the other words are yellowed, they are all there.

I also found some other hand-copied books, without exception, the word immortal disappeared.

Zhai Yanjun didn't care too much, he just worried about dealing with the books in this house.

These books are too old, and it is useless for him to keep them. Now there are newer and better versions, and most people are used to reading e-books. After entering society, fewer people read physical books, let alone these old books.

Thinking about whether I could sell it, I called someone who collected used books, asked that person to come, and sold all the books by the catty.

It's just that the collector was also very sharp-sighted. After flipping through, he picked out all the manuscripts that lacked words and words, and refused to accept them, and finally said casually:

I collect books here to sell at a stall. Your manuscript is missing pages and words, and selling it will cause trouble for me. You might as well find a place that specializes in collecting old things. Maybe people will still want it, or Just press the bottom of the box.

The recipient left briskly on a three-wheeled motorcycle, but Zhai Yanjun felt a little headache.

A place to collect old stuff?

He thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a private folk museum in the local old city. A few years ago, he paid for old objects.


Wei Yuan took the elixir, and under the action of the medicine, the evil spirit in the lungs and viscera was slowly drawn away, and he recuperated for half a month. So far finally healed.

It took a full ten points of merit.

In the past, Wei Yuan's feats in killing demons and demons might not be enough to heal his wounds.

However, ordinary ghosts and monsters cannot make him suffer such a difficult injury.

Wei Yuan lured the ghosts out of the inner room with three cans of ice-cola, then closed the doors and windows, took out yellow talismans and pasted them in all directions, sat cross-legged on the prepared futon, breathed out and turned Crouching Tiger Jue. His unique kung fu circulates in the limbs and bones, and it has reached perfection.

Words appeared before Wei Yuan's eyes.

Thirty meritorious deeds were spent in exchange for a deeper understanding of Crouching Tiger's breakthrough.

In an instant, all thirty meritorious services collapsed. Correspondingly, the crouching tiger's waist card lighted up slightly, and immediately a talisman-like existence flew from the waist card into Wei Yuan's altar. Because it is complex and changeable, and it is becoming more and more perfect, Wei Yuan slightly closed his eyes, comprehending this kind of senior experience left in the crouching tiger waist card.

Wei Yuan's current cultivation base is only equivalent to the cultivation base of the thousand or two hundred subordinates in charge of Sili Xiaowei during the Han Wu period. , Walk in Shenzhou, catch demons and ghosts.

The experience gained in exchange for thirty meritorious deeds guided his mana to flow.

And he also meditated and meditated, trying his best to remember the feeling of this higher level of practice.

I don't know how long it has passed, the talismans exchanged for meritorious deeds slowly dissipated and became invisible, but Wei Yuan didn't notice this, he just focused on the operation of the exercises in his body. , like a tiger roaring in the ear, the consciousness buzzed, as if spreading.

When he slowly came back to his senses, the Crouching Tiger Jue in his body had completely stabilized at this level and could flow naturally.

A layer of invisible energy overflowed from him.

If he was wearing an ancient wide-sleeved robe, his black hair was slightly raised when the sleeves were rolled up at this moment.

But in this day and age, there is no such thing.

It's just that the magic power overflowed from behind, and a colorful tiger whistled faintly, and then dispersed.

Wei Yuan performed the exercises several times before he opened his eyes and clenched his fists. He didn't feel that his strength had increased greatly just after he broke through. The spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth is used to strengthen the human body, and this process will inevitably take time. The improvement of the skills just means that the spiritual energy that can be transferred is increased, allowing the body to change faster and the upper limit is higher. .

In addition, it can further use mana.

The external performance is that it can attach magic power to the sword, so that all iron and wood tools can also kill ghosts.

And the improvement of the effect of the spirit injection technique.

For the rest of the meritorious service, Wei Yuan wants to wait until he is more proficient in the martial arts, and then try the various battlefields recorded by Crouching Tiger's waist card. Lu Liuying is kept in the waist card, and future captains can hone their skills through taking pictures.

The focus is on the inheritance of experience, so as to avoid being a crouching tiger but overturning when facing some ghosts.

To save this name that has been passed down from generation to generation for more than a thousand years from being ruined by some younger generation.

As for the eye-catching thunder method, the need for merit is too great. Unless you don't improve Crouching Tiger Art and don't recuperate your injuries, you can't replace the entry-level thunder method Wei Yuan, so you have to put it aside for the time being, but this thunder method was passed down by Zhang Daoling , so that Wei Yuan had the illusion that he had caught a sheep and was trying to squeeze the wool.

Zhao Gongming, the God of Thunder in the history of Taoism, is also known as Marshal of Zhengyi Xuantan.

The meaning of Xuantan refers to Zhang Daoling who once protected the law and guarded the alchemy furnace when he was alchemy.

Ever since he found out about this story in Tao Fa Hui Yuan, Wei Yuan couldn't look directly at Marshal Zhengyi Xuantan. He always felt that this originally high-ranking title was actually similar to a certain rolling shutter general. .

Let out a foul breath.

Holding the eight-faced Han sword in his hand, Wei Yuan performed a swordplay, and his mana flowed freely, much more smoothly than in the past.

Where there is excitement, the sword becomes more and more urgent, and the sound of piercing through the sky is like thunder.

The light of the sword was cold, like falling snow into balls.

Suddenly, mana flowed on the sword.

A sword qi cut through.

The clicking sound brought Wei Yuan's sword dancing to a sudden stop.

looked down.

There was a dark gap in the small refrigerator, crackling sparks, and smoke came out. Wei Yuan opened his mouth, and the sword energy blew away the yellow talisman on the door just now, and everyone outside Hearing the sound, the ghost poked its head out from the door, and then saw Wei Yuan who was calmly withdrawing his sword.

And that completely scrapped refrigerator.

Water Ghost: ...

Once on the ground, he grinned.

Wow woo woo woo...

There was a ghost cry.


I am swearing that I will find someone to repair the refrigerator tomorrow.

If it doesn't work, buy a bigger one.

And at the cost of three bottles of iced cola for each ghost, and a bowl of top-quality instant noodles with both meat and eggs, Captain Sili successfully reached a consensus with the three ghosts, and ruthlessly vetoed the red embroidered shoes and planned to let them listen to marriage at three o'clock in the morning. At the request of Yi's song, clapping hands pressed two layers of yellow talismans to the iron scissors who gloated at their misfortune, and once again maintained the peace of the museum.

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

After finally getting rid of these ghosts, Wei Yuan let out a breath, looked up and looked outside, it was already nighttime, he ate something casually, practiced the kung fu several times, just suppressed the joy brought by the kung fu breakthrough, washed up rest.

But this time, Crouching Tiger after the breakthrough did not give him a good night's sleep.

He had that dream again.

The Taoist temples in the barren mountains and ridges are full of corpses, like the ground stained red with blood.

The difference is that this time, Wei Yuan stood directly in the Taoist temple, drew his sword and looked around in a daze. Accompanied by the fierce roar of the tiger, the threshold of the Taoist temple turned into white sharp teeth, and the high and empty interior turned into scarlet. With a dark mouth, the entire Taoist temple shrouded in a dream is like the head of a tiger, biting down heavily.

Wei Yuan only had time to hold his long sword tightly and slash horizontally.

Then the whole person was swallowed and bitten down.



Wei Yuan suddenly opened his eyes because of the nightmare, panting violently.

Shortness of breath, it took a long time to slowly come to his senses.

It was that dream again.

A long dream, although it seems simple, but the night has passed.

Wei Yuan didn't feel sleepy anymore, and was about to get up. He was taken aback for a moment, and saw that the sword that should have been hanging on the wall before was in his hand. Blood trickled down slowly.

The evil spirit remained on the sword body, and it was still firmly guarding the master's side.

Wei Yuan couldn't explain this dream and the change of the sword in his hand.

So he thought for a moment, and knocked on the door of the flower shop opposite.

Although he is already a friend, he still has some things that are not good for Zhang Hao, Zhou Yi and the others, but facing the goddess who knows each other's hidden identity, this kind of concern does not exist, and although the other party has been traumatized , but his strength and cognition are superior to his own, and he will definitely be able to give more intuitive and effective suggestions.

Wei Yuan told the goddess what he saw in this dream.

The girl put her chin on her right hand and thought for a while, then stretched out her finger and pointed to the sofa next to her.

You sleep once now, let me see.

PS: The second update today...

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