Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 65 The real war, the war

This preset battlefield terrain is excellent. A river flows from the left side of the battlefield. This river flows from the edge of the valley town where they started, and flows from Green Leaf City to the sea. The river is very fast at this place where it comes out of the mountain, and only a very small number of zombies can swim upstream from the lower reaches of the river and threaten the flanks.

On the right side of the battlefield is the remnants of the mountains, and the rough terrain limits the possibility of zombies charging in groups.

This time, it was an all-out movement of mankind. If it was unsuccessful, it would become a benevolence. This is why Ryan saw that there were old, weak, sick and disabled in this group of people. Because fighting against the zombies must be done quickly and with all-out strikes in the decisive battle, there is absolutely no delay. Otherwise, every dead soldier will become the power of zombies, and the fueling tactics will definitely not work.

At this time, Kenway came back with his men. He said that in places close to the suburbs, it is difficult to get in with too many zombies. There is really no way to continue to further investigate the specific time of the arrival of the zombies.

At this time, Ryan volunteered to try to scout, and he and Kenway drove a robot to the safest point closest to the city.

After reaching the safe point, Ryan fully activated his newly learned life magic. He immediately sensed the presence of a large number of filthy unnatural creatures in the entire city. He condensed his perception into a line and probed towards the city. Due to the new learning of magic and his insufficient level, this perception is limited by distance and very vague, and it is impossible to distinguish specific units at all. But it is enough to perceive the distribution of zombies in the scanned piece.

After learning that Lane's scanning distance was limited, Kenway maneuvered the robot to walk around the city. After going around the city, Ryan drew a rough map of the distribution of zombies in the city, and marked a few points where his perception was more intense than other zombies.

Because of the high-level zombies, Ryan felt that it was very likely that all the scattered zombies around were attracted to the high-level zombies. Because in his perception, the approximate number of zombies definitely exceeds the population of Luye City before the disaster.

Back at the camp, Ryan told Dave what he had detected. After listening to their report, Dave quickly sent Kenway back to the town to pull all the plants that could be used outside by steamboat.

After the order was given, Dave turned to Ryan to thank him for the information. Because these intelligences represent good news and bad news. The good news is that the zombies probably won't attack until 48 hours later, giving the human army plenty of time to set up their fortifications and get ready.

The bad news is that after the last zombies' beheading operation failed, the left-behind senior zombies in Luye City attracted a large number of wandering zombies to strengthen themselves to survive this fragile stage. If these situations are not detected this time, it is very likely that the human side will suffer great losses.

After that, it was time for the construction of the fortifications. The human side operated the robot to build high platforms and protective walls in the position, excavated a large number of trenches in front of the position, and drew water from the river to flood the low-lying area in front of the position to create a swamp lag zombie action. .

After lunch, a steamboat came from the town. The boat was full of plants. Thanks to Kenway being an old captain, no one else could sail on such a fast river.

Don't these plants have combat modes? Why do you have to pull the plants from behind? Ryan asked Dave inexplicably.

It's very simple. Plants can enter combat mode only in places with a large number of plants. Plants can't enter combat mode at all in this place. I didn't expect that there were so many zombies, and I thought that only the plants on the robot could solve the problem. , so that you can save some plant seeds to wait until the green leaf market is recovered.

Unfortunately, the current situation can only deploy plants in this area to prepare for the worst. Not to mention that the combat effectiveness of plants has declined in combat mode, and street fighting in residential areas is fine. In this field, the original plants are more suitable.

After speaking, Dave distributed all the pots and let each combatant bring them.

Gan waited less than half an hour after lunch at noon the next day, and was sitting in the tent practicing the life magic left by the Vikings. The alarm bell came from the high platform, and Ryan rushed out of the tent and ran to the protective wall, and found a green zombie army with no end walking towards the camp along the road before the catastrophe.

Tens of thousands of zombies even covered the small plain in front of the position. Lane could even see some particularly tall zombies swaying among the group of zombies.

Fortunately, after the overnight construction of more than 5,000 robots, the camp on the human side has built enough fortifications, and the swamp at the front and the perimeter of the camp are covered with potato mines. Torch stumps and various pea shooters were arranged in the trench, and there was a wall of nuts in front of the trench as a shield.

Around the core of the camp, a protective wall with a height of seven or eight meters is connected to a high platform of about ten meters. The protective walls and high platforms are filled with various pitcher plants and corn cannons, and the height gives them a longer range to cover the plants in the trenches. In addition, robots filled with plants are operated by humans as a reserve team, ready to supplement the lack of firepower at any time.

Lane's task in the battle is to fight with the reserve team at the forefront, and provide Dave, who is commanding the rear, with the changes of the zombies in front at any time, so as to facilitate the adjustment of the power of the human side.

Ryan found that the morale of the human side was very high, because this was the first time they launched a counterattack. As for the possible fear, it has been so many years since the end of the world.

With the shrill scream of the zombies on the opposite side, the zombies rushed over like a tide, and the war began.

The first batch were just some cannon fodder zombies, which soon fell apart under the shooting of the plants. The next few batches only increased the number of zombies slightly, and were eliminated before they hit the trench. It seems that this should be a reconnaissance operation launched by advanced zombies, but Ryan also found that the attack of the zombies is far less organized than the last time Ryan encountered it. This is probably because there are too few advanced zombies, so they can only be rough. commanding the zombie swarm, which should be considered good news.

Finally, a threatening assault was launched at the beginning of the fourth wave of the zombies. They use a few ice car zombies as their assault spearheads, followed by a row of football zombies.

They charged straight towards the human position. Because of their stronger defense, they took some losses and passed through the swamp area to the vicinity of the first trench.

Seeing this situation, the reserve team followed by Ryan also dispatched. They rushed to the spearhead of one of the zombies' assaults, preparing to eliminate this wave of zombies through the advanced plants equipped on the robot.

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