Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 9 The Gryffindor Lounge

Led by Prefect Percy, the freshmen made their way through the noisy crowd, out of the dining room, and up the marble staircase. The figures in the portraits of the roadside corridors murmured and pointed as they passed, and twice on the way Percy led them through doors hidden behind sliding shutters and hanging drapery.

Lane felt that it should be true that the castle in the history of Hogwarts said that the castle was a sanctuary in the dark age. Only when the castle was built as a military fortification would there be so many inconveniences that were used to block the invaders before. Baffles and concealed passages.

Everyone was yawning, even Ryan, and it seemed that the 11-year-old's body was still not fully developed. Otherwise, Ryan, who was good at cultivating immortals in his previous life, wouldn't have been trapped like this just after nine o'clock.

While dragging heavy steps and climbing many more stairs, it felt as if the stairs were enchanted, and they might not be able to climb all the time, the person in front suddenly stopped.

It turned out that Peeves was making trouble in mid-air. Fortunately, Percy drove him away. They went on again, and at the end of the corridor, Percy told everyone where they were.

At the end of the hallway hung a portrait of a very rich woman dressed in pink.

Password? she said.

Dragon scum, said Percy. The painting staggered forward, revealing a circular opening in the wall. They all crawled through the hole in the wall - Ryan pulled Neville in - and found that they had reached the Gryffindor common room. It's a cozy circular room, all in shades of gold and red, and full of floppy armchairs. Against the wall, there is a roaring fireplace, which relieves the gloomy feeling of the ancient castle a lot.

Clearly, the freshmen are sleepy. The seniors knew this too, they didn't say much, Percy guided the girls through one door, to their dormitory, and then led the boys through the other door. At the top of a spiral staircase, Lane found his bedroom.

Fortunately, he and Harry are not in the same dormitory, otherwise, in the third grade, there is a 1/5 chance of hitting two in the morning, and the terrible single old man staring at the gift bag with a knife at the bedside.

In the bedroom were five four-poster beds draped with crimson flannel drapes. The luggage has already been brought up. Everyone was exhausted after a day of train travel and dinner, and didn't want to talk any more, and fell into sleep on their beds.

Because of the habit he had formed before, Ryan woke up from the dream the next morning and found that he woke up a little early, and the sun had just risen. He was the first to wake up, and the roommates were still sleeping.

A first-grade timetable was placed by the head of the bed, and Ryan was a little surprised because he never slept lightly and would wake up when there was someone next to him. This timetable can appear at the head of the bed without him responding, it can only be said that the house-elves are indeed powerful.

Looking at the timetable, there are a total of eight courses to be taken in the first grade. Basically, the class time is from 9:00 am to 12:00 am and 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm from Monday to Friday. Only the astronomy class will be held between 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm. Seriously, this one is much shorter than the study time in Chinese junior high school.

After washing up, thinking that there was no class in the morning, he gave up his plan to wake up his roommates and walked down the stairs to the common room.

Hermione was already sitting on a sofa, holding a book and reading.

Good morning, Hermione. Ryan waved. Then he sat on a sofa next to Hermione and asked, Although there is no class this morning, I still have to eat breakfast. It's not a good idea to skip breakfast.

Hermione turned the book in her hand to a certain page, then pointed to the contents and said, I know from the book A History of Hogwarts. There are a hundred and forty stairs in the castle. Two. Some of them are wide and big; some are narrow and small, and rickety; some lead to different places every Friday;

To make matters worse, there are many doors here that won't open for you if you ask them to open rudely, or poke in the right place, and some are not real doors at all, just a Blocking solid walls that look like doors. It's hard to remember what's where, because everything seems to be in constant motion. The people in the portrait are also constantly visiting each other, and sure enough, even Armor can walk.

Hermione closed the book and spread her hands: So I can only wait here for a while to see if any seniors can drop me by the way... Now we're going to the dining room.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for footsteps to come from the stairs, and a girl with black hair in a ponytail walked down the stairs.

Ryan immediately stepped forward to ask for help. The senior sister who claimed to be Angelina Johnson enthusiastically extended a helping hand and asked Ryan and Hermione to follow her to the auditorium, explaining to Ryan and the others the passage of special stairs and secret doors. method.

Finally at the auditorium, she told Ryan that these things changed regularly, and if you paid attention, you would be able to remember the characteristics of these stairs very quickly.

During the meal, Ryan couldn't help but envied Hufflepuff, because their dormitory was the closest to the dining room and next to the kitchen.

After dinner, Ryan had planned to take advantage of the absence of class in the morning to take a walk in the castle. After all, as a Harry Potter fan in my previous life, I went to Hogwarts. Why not visit the familiar places described in the book?

Unfortunately, this plan was disrupted by Hermione. She thinks self-study before class is very important, so she decides to go to the library and sends an invitation to Lane.

Thinking that if she didn't go to the library, Hermione would probably be despised by Hermione's scumbag eyes, and she couldn't hold back her face. In addition, the library is also an important location in the original novel. Ryan abandoned his original plan to hang out in the castle and went to the library with Hermione.

The library is located on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, with a high dome. There are thousands of bookshelves placed inside, storing thousands of books.

Maybe because it was morning, Ryan and the others found that there were not many students in the library. Hermione came to an empty table and sat down, opened the textbook and read it, occasionally jotting down something in the notebook beside her.

Ryan chose a few books that introduced the current state of the magic world and read them. After all, the information I got in the past was not comprehensive. The novels I read in the previous life can only bring some first-handers, but these comprehensive introductions to the magic world are the cornerstone of survival in this wonderful world.

After more than an hour, it was time for Hogwarts morning get out of class to end. The library was flooded with students who were busy looking up materials and writing homework.

Obviously, the environment of people coming and going made Ryan feel a little irritable, and he didn't disturb Hermione when he saw that Hermione was immersed in her studies. After checking out a few books at Mrs. Pince, Ryan left the library with the books in his hand.

Ryan still didn't remember the route upstairs. Fortunately, he met Nick who was almost headless on the way, which made him finally return to the Gryffindor Tower smoothly.

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