Chapter 67: Angry Overlord, a monster from the sea!

“Chopper! How much do you know about the sea?”

Suddenly hearing Luffy’s question, Chopper pulled his thoughts away from the sad memories, recovered, looked at Luffy, and murmured

“The sea?!”

“I heard Dr. Siruluk say that there are islands in the sea full of miraculous cherry blossoms.……”

Hearing Chopper mention Miraculous Sakura, Luffy recalled it.

Hiruluk was the only person who approached Chopper and lived with him when he was most helpless and lonely.

Siruluk once told a story to Chopper, saying that a pirate suffered from an incurable disease, but after landing on an island, he saw that the entire island was full of cherry blossoms. He was cured without treatment.

In fact, the protagonist of this story is Siruluk.

The miraculous cherry blossoms that bloom all over the island represent to him the belief that the impossible becomes possible.

And then the pirate flag with the cherry blossoms raised by Siruluk also became Chopper’s belief.

It also���The reason why Chopper is so interested in pirates.

In his heart, he yearns for the sea and pirates, but because he is what people call a”monster”, he does not dare to approach humans or take this step.

Looking at Chopper who was still in a low mood, Luffy smiled and said

“Chopper, do you know?”

“On the sea, there are all kinds of people”

“Humans, giants, dwarves, murlocs, long-handed people, and talking animals like you, fur people”

“There are all kinds of incredible races in this sea. You are just like them. Everyone is just one of the races. There is nothing special about it.”

Chopper listened to so many races he had never heard of, with fascination in his eyes, especially the fur race.

He asked excitedly


“Are there really other talking animals in the sea?”

Luffy smiled and nodded.


“And you know what, Chopper?”

“On the sea, only those who are incredibly powerful can be called monsters!”

“Monsters…are symbols of power”

“Every pirate dreams of becoming a monster!”

Chopper listened to Luffy’s words in a daze, with infinite excitement in his eyes, and murmured in his mouth

“Monsters… are powerful symbols!”

“Every pirate dreams of becoming a monster!”

At this time, Chopper suddenly raised his head, looked at Luffy and asked

“Where’s Luffy?”

“Luffy, do you want to be a monster too?”

Luffy smiled.

“I’m a monster now”

“But now I am still pursuing to become the strongest monster in the world!”

Chopa had excitement in his eyes.

“Is Luffy also a monster?!”

“Everyone…won’t they hate you because you are a monster?”

Luffy smiled again and said

“Not only do they not hate me, they also rely on me!”

“Chopper, after you meet my friends, you will know…monsters are very popular.”


In the castle, Luffy continued to chat with Chopper about things at sea and answered Chopper’s various questions.

At the same time, on the sea near Cigu Island.

A huge iron ship with a hippopotamus bow was moving slowly.

“Oh oh…I saw it”

“Lord Wapol, you have seen our hometown.”

Suddenly there was an excited scream from the boat.

Soon, a man with a bloated body that looked like a hippopotamus immediately stood up and looked in the direction the man was pointing.

Then he burst out laughing.

“Ah ha ha ha ha……”

“Our hometown, our magnetic drum kingdom, is finally coming back!!”


On the coast, Wapol stepped on a guard who was beaten and bruised, and snorted disdainfully.

“snort! There are actually guards!”

“This is my drum kingdom! What a bunch of bastards!”

Then, he glanced at the highest mountain on the island. The tall castle on it still stood tall.

“Ah ha ha ha ha……”

“My king’s castle looks intact!”

“Let’s go! Head to the castle!”

“I want to go back to the castle!”

“I don’t want to be a pirate, I want to continue to be a king!”

Dalton’s village.

Dalton was patrolling the village with the guards.

Suddenly, a wounded guard limped over.

“More…Captain Dalton!”

When Dalton saw this, he immediately ran over to support the guard and asked in surprise.

“what happened? Why were you so seriously injured?”

The guard’s face was covered with blood and he said in a weak and angry tone.

“Wa… Wapol is back!”

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding guards and villagers suddenly showed shock and panic.

“That tyrant…is back!”

“It’s over, this place that has just regained a little vitality is going to go back to the dark days before.”

“That bastard, let’s fight him”

“Where is that bastard now?”

The injured guard said with difficulty.

“He…they took the troops…back to the castle!”

As soon as these words came out, all the guards and villagers suddenly became angry.

“Go fight that bastard!”

“Fight! Instead of being bullied by him all the time, it’s better to fight him desperately”

“That’s right! We finally saved this place from the brink of destruction and plan to build a new country, but we can’t just let it be taken away by him again.”

“Captain Dalton, take us… get up and fight Wapol!”

A group of guards held weapons and gnashed their teeth.

Dalton looked at the angry eyes of everyone, and then looked at the resentment and pain on the faces of the people around him, gritted his teeth and frowned, and said in a deep voice

“It’s time for closure!!”

Inside the castle!

Dr. Kuleha has been sitting there quietly, taking a sip of wine from time to time, but with a faint smile on his face, staring at the two people opposite who were teasing each other.

“Sigui! Are there actually whales as big as mountains?”

Chopper looked shocked, looked at Luffy in disbelief, and exclaimed.

Luffy nodded with a smile.

“That whale is called Rab, and we agreed to have a fight when I go back after I complete a circle of the Grand Route!”

Qiaoba’s eyes were full of yearning and expectation, and he sighed.

“so good! sea……”

“there are so many interesting things……”

Luffy looked at Chopper’s expectant look and invited him again.

“Chopper, come to sea with me! Be our partner!”

Hearing the word”partner”, Chopper couldn’t help but be startled.

This is what he has been pursuing.

“Look, Chopper! This skull is a symbol of faith. I want to raise this flag and fight like a pirate!”

“Skull? Pirates?”

“That’s right! There are quite a few of these guys at sea and if you have a chance, go out to sea! Then you will understand that your troubles are very small. The island you were born on is only so big! No, it needs to be smaller……”

Hiruluk’s voice sounded in his mind, and there were only three words in Chopper’s mind.

Sniff! partner!


Go to sea!

Just when Chopper was about to make a decision, he suddenly smelled a smell and moved his nose.

“This smell is.”

The next second.

Chopper’s face changed suddenly, and his eyes were filled with anger.


With a deep roar, Chopper quickly switched to his deer form and ran towards the castle entrance as quickly as possible.

Luffy and Dr. Kuleha followed closely after seeing this.

At the castle entrance.

Wapol led a group of men, Standing at the door and admiring the long-lost palace,

Wapol opened his arms and raised his voice as he looked at the majestic and huge castle in front of him.

“Look, everything is the same as before!”

“Well, the Drum Kingdom is coming back to life!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha……”

While Wapol was laughing, one of his subordinates suddenly exclaimed:

“Please wait, Lord Wapol!”

“Look at the top of the castle, there’s a strange flag flying there!”

Wapol looked up after hearing this and saw a cherry blossom skull flag floating at the top of the castle.

He suddenly frowned, with doubts and anger in his eyes.


“What is that skull flag?”

“Where is the flag of the Drum Kingdom?”

At this moment, the castle door was slowly opened.

At the same time, a voice floated out from inside

“he he he he he”

“That crap would have been burned long ago!”

Wapol looked over after hearing this and saw Dr. Kuleha carrying a bottle of wine with a smile on her face.

Beside her, there was a reindeer and a man wearing a straw hat.

But Wapol did not He didn’t care about other people, but stared directly at Dr. Kuleha, his eyes filled with anger.

“You old fool! How dare you occupy my castle while I’m away! Dr.

Kuleha ignored it, but put one hand on her waist and pointed behind her with her thumb of the other hand, saying

“This castle is now the tomb of Siruluk, isn’t it for you?���A place for assholes”

“Get out of this country, the Drum Kingdom has… been destroyed! Hearing this ,

Wapol laughed as if he had heard a big joke.

“grave? That stupid doctor’s grave?!”

“Ah ha ha ha… so funny.”

Chopa’s eyes were filled with anger when he heard Wapol mocking Siruluk like this.

At that time, it was Wapol who spread rumors that all the country’s doctors were sick.

The purpose was to trick Siruluk into coming here. , kill him, the doctor who will go to treat someone whenever he hears someone is sick.

Chopper looked gloomy, suddenly transformed into an orc form, clenched his fists and said in a deep voice.

“Doctors want to save this country, so I won’t let you go into town and destroy that flag.”

Chopper roared angrily.

“I will never let you taint……”

“……Doctor’s faith!”

After hearing what Chopper said, Wapol’s face became more mocking. He looked at Chopper like an idiot and said with a smile.

“You said that idiot skull flag was the belief of that idiot doctor?!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha……”

“Stop laughing so hard!”

“That idiot doctor was so stupid that he came here to die himself!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha……”

Suddenly, Wapol stopped laughing, looked at Chopper with the expression of enjoying his prey being played to death in his own hands, and sneered.

“You said you want to protect that idiot doctor’s belief?”

“Then, show me!”

Wapol suddenly pointed to the flag and ordered the gunners in the next row.

“Listen up, blow up that idiot skull flag!”

Then, he looked at Chopper and laughed.

“Ah ha ha ha ha……”

“go! Go protect that flag”

“Use your body to block those cannonballs, just like that idiot doctor back then, run to die yourself”

“Ah ha ha ha ha……”

When Wapol laughed, a dozen gunners had already aimed at the cherry blossom skull flag on the top of the castle.

When Chopper saw this, his eyes suddenly showed panic, he became extremely excited, and roared angrily


However, his roar certainly couldn’t get the gunners to stop attacking.

He knew that he couldn’t kill so many gunners in such a short time, so he immediately twisted his body, with tears in his eyes, as if he was here to die. Like Siruluk, he rushed over and protected the flag with his body.

At this moment, Chopper suddenly heard an extremely low voice in his ears.

“My doctor told you to stop, you……”

Chopper was stunned and turned his eyes towards the sound, and saw Luffy, whose face was so gloomy that it seemed to be suffocating.

Suddenly, he saw Luffy raise his head suddenly and let out a deep roar.

“……Didn’t you hear that?”

The next second, Chopper’s body shook, and his eyes were full of shock.

He saw that Luffy’s eyes seemed to have a ball of anger gushing out, and the momentum bursting out of it was unparalleled and shocking.


Then… …



That’s it!���The sound of falling to the ground.

Chopper turned around in shock and saw the dozen or so gunners with their eyes turned white and foaming at the mouth, lying motionless on the ground.

It was as if he had been extremely frightened, with a look of horror on his face. this moment!

Chopper was shocked!

Wapol and his men were all frightened!

Dr. Kuleha was holding the wine bottle motionless, with an incredible look in her eyes.

At the same time, Dalton and the guards who had just arrived at the scene also looked shocked, and they were all stunned on the spot.

After a moment of shock and horror, the whole place erupted.

“Just…what was that just now?”

“What a terrible feeling!”

“What exactly is going on? Why did all these people faint after the straw hat boy got angry?”

“Was it the straw hat boy who did it?”

“Who is that guy?”

“That straw hat boy looks so dangerous and scary!”

Valpo’s men and Dalton’s guards each made horrified and shocked remarks.

Dalton stared directly at Luffy with shock and appreciation in his eyes.

He couldn’t help but think about it. He recalled how the rest of the Straw Hats had expressed their trust in Luffy, and the shocking feeling he suddenly felt coming from the depths of the forest at that time, and he couldn’t help but look at Luffy. Shocked in my heart, I sighed

“Is this…a real monster?”

While everyone was excited and shocked, Wapol finally came to his senses.

He realized that he must have lost face in front of these people because he was so scared just now.

“You bastard, what did you just do?”

Wapol suddenly jumped up, pointed at Luffy and shouted

“Believe it or not, Lord Ben Wapol can shoot you away with one shot?!”

When his subordinates heard this, they immediately put away their fears and became cheering.

“Lord Wapol is the strongest!”

“Lord Wapol, beat that guy away!”

“Long live Lord Wapol!”

Listening to the compliments from his subordinates, the smile and pride on Wapol’s face became more overflowing.

He began to activate his ability to swallow fruits, preparing to turn his arm into a cannon, and then beat Luffy away.

And Luffy He didn’t pay attention to the clowns opposite him, he just looked at Chopper who was still dazed and said.

“Chopper, let me show you!”

When Chopper heard Luffy’s voice, he immediately recovered from the shock. He looked at Luffy curiously and asked

“What to see?”

Then, he saw the corners of Luffy’s mouth raised slightly and said

“Let me show you what the monster from the sea looks like!!!”


Chopper made a sound of confusion.

Then, he saw Luffy suddenly step forward and stood in the middle of the audience.

Then, Chopper and everyone in the audience saw Luffy suddenly raise his right hand, And he clenched his fist.

The next second, a flash of black appeared on it.

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