Chapter 69: Utopia Plan VS Luffy’s Plan.

Crocodile came to the top chair and sat down. His expression suddenly became fierce. He bit his cigar, his eyes filled with anger, and said in a deep voice.

“Ms. betrayed us all Sunday!”

Hearing this, the whole audience was shocked again.

“How can it be?!”

“Sister Quan Zhou doesn’t look like that kind of person, does she?!”

“Didn’t she always handle various things for our studio? Why…betrayal? Crocodile gestured with his eyes, and the unlucky duo who came in behind him distributed photos of the Straw Hat members to everyone, which they had drawn at Whiskey Peak.

In their view When taking the photo, Crocodile said

“Ms was defeated by the gang on Sunday and is now left on their ship.”

“You should know that, right? There is no room for failure in our studio!”

When Crocodile said this, his voice was extremely low and cold. Everyone present could not help but feel chills and lingering fears.���

To them, this sentence sounded like it was being spoken to them.

Then, Crocodile continued:

“It was because of this incident that I had to personally go out and deal with the arrangements that should have been Ms’s entire Sunday work.”

“After these days of preparation, everything is finally in place”

“That’s why I called you here to prepare for the official implementation of our Baroque Studio’s ultimate battle plan.”

“The name of the battle is [Utopia]”

After hearing Crocodile’s remarks, all the cadres were full of doubts and asked


“What kind of battle plan is this?

Crocodile said unhurriedly.

“Let me tell you bit by bit!”

“My real purpose, and the full picture of Baroque Studio’s final battle.”

Everyone pricked up their ears after hearing this and listened carefully to Crocodile’s sermon.

“The purpose of establishing this association is not for money or status.”

“But for the… military power hidden in this country!”

After hearing this, all the cadres were stunned, with doubts and curiosity in their eyes.

“military force……”

Then, they heard Crocodile continue to say

“In this country, there is hidden information about a weapon with the power to destroy the world.”

“Ancient weapon, Hades!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Everyone’s eyes were full of disbelief and astonishment.

“Destroy the world?!”

“Is there such a terrifying weapon?”

“Ancient weapons… Hades? Crocodile nodded and said

“This weapon can destroy an island with one shell”

“As long as I get information about this weapon and master this power”

“You can dominate the entire world and become the Pirate King!”

Hearing Crocodile’s description of Hades, everyone present was shocked again.

“Can one… cannonball… destroy an island?!”

“Is such a horrible thing really happening in this country?”

“That’s why you want to rob the entire country, right?!”

“The slave family got goosebumps after hearing this.”

“In other words, our mission this time… is to complete this huge plan!”

After hearing what everyone said, Crocodile slowly raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes full of ambition, and said

“That’s right! Since the establishment of Baroque Studio, all the tasks you have performed have been preparations for this battle.”

“Next, I will tell you the orders you need to execute regarding this battle.”

After saying that, Crocodile began to assign detailed tasks to everyone.

“Mr.4, Ms. Merry Christmas. Your mission is to sneak into the palace and kidnap King Kobra secretly.”

“Next is Mr.2. After you wait for Mr.4 and their mission to complete, you use your ability to become Kobra, pretend to be the king and lead the army to cause destruction in the city, angering the rebels.”

“Then there are Mr.1 and Ms. Two. The reason why the rebel army has not launched an attack on the king’s army today is because of the lack of weapons. So I secretly purchased a batch of weapons in the past few days. You two will be angered by the rebel army. , these weapons were inadvertently delivered to the rebels”

“At that time, the rebel army will launch a general attack on the king’s army, and the entire Alabasta will fall”

“In just one night, this country will become our Utopia】!”


Crocodile laughed loudly, with absolute confidence in his eyes.

At this time, Mr.3 and Ms. Golden Week, who were not assigned to the task, were stunned. Mr.3 asked

“What about us? What are we going to do? Crocodile stopped laughing when he heard this, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes. He looked at Mr. 3 and said

“I received a report from the Million Elders this morning that someone had spotted traces of the Straw Hats on their way to Alabasta.”

“Judging from the time, it will take them about half a day to arrive in Alabasta.”

“They took Weiwei on the boat”

“Before the rebel army launches a general attack on the king’s army, Weiwei must not be allowed to meet the leader of the rebel army, Kosha.”

“The two of them know each other. If Weiwei tells Kosha about us, this war will probably be prevented.”

“So… the task I give you is… to lead all the billions of elders and millions of elders who have come to Alabasta, and use all means… to prevent them from meeting.”

After assigning tasks to everyone, Crocodile scanned everyone and said seriously.

“This is Baroque Studio’s final and largest [Utopia] battle plan!”

“Never allow failure!”

“Action is scheduled for seven o’clock tomorrow morning!!”

“After you have completed your tasks, you will all go to the capital Albana to prevent the Straw Hats from bringing Vivi to stop this war.”

“Do you understand everything?”

Everyone heard the words and responded at the same time.

“clear! Crocodile then raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes full of ambition and confidence, and said with a smile.

“I wish you success!”


On the sparkling sea, the Mellie slowly moved towards Alabasta.

On the deck, Luffy is using his incredible understanding to help Chopper understand his transformation ability.

At this stage, Chopper is not proficient in mastering Devil Fruit, so he still needs the assistance of the Blue Wave Ball to transform and strengthen.

However, due to the side effects of this blue wave ball, the time for taking it is limited, and it will also slowly make the consciousness become cruel. If you eat too much, you will lose control.

That’s why Luffy wanted to help Chopper understand this independent transformation ability in advance.

Because he can already transform into the corresponding form by eating blue wave balls, Chopper has a certain understanding and familiarity with the transformation waveform of that form.

With the help of Luffy’s incredible understanding, it is not difficult to remember that waveform and change it.

After a period of help from heaven-defying understanding, a prompt came in Luffy’s mind

【Your understanding is unparalleled. Through enlightenment and transmission, your conductor has improved his own ability, and can complete six stages of independent transformation and the seventh stage of transformation has improved mastery.]

After receiving the prompt, Luffy and Chopper’s eyes lit up at the same time.

Chopper was even more excited, looking at Luffy with starry eyes, and said in surprise

“Si Guoyi! Luffy!”

“I now have six stages of normal transformation without the help of the blue wave ball!”

“Although the seventh segment is still unable to transform independently, the number of blue balls that need to be eaten has been reduced, and there will be no loss of control.”

“Si Guoyi! Si Guoyi……”

Chopper couldn’t help but sigh with excitement, and began to use his transformation ability freely on the deck, immersed in the joy of his improvement.

Luffy was also very satisfied with the result.

Chopper’s seventh transformation is to transform into that gigantic form.

At this stage, he originally had to eat three blue wave balls, fall into a violent state, and lose his self-awareness in order to do it.

But now, with his help, he can sustain himself for three minutes by just eating a blue wave ball, and he can maintain his self-awareness.

Luffy looked at the excited Chopper, smiled and said

“These are your own abilities. In fact, your current combat effectiveness has not really improved.”

“You also need to practice the [Extreme Exercise Technique] and Haki I taught you.”

“When your basic abilities improve, you will gain more improvements after transformation.”

“And when you improve to a certain level, you can complete the seventh stage of transformation without using a blue wave ball.”

Chopper was still immersed in the joy of freely transforming. In the process of continuous experience, he answered Luffy:

“I see!”

“I will train hard, I want to become a sea monster like Luffy!”

Chopper’s eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Ever since Luffy redefined the meaning of monster to him, Chopper has dreamed of becoming a monster like Luffy.

Luffy smiled, which made Chopper excited. He went to practice.

Just when he was free, Weiwei came over.

As the country got closer and closer, Weiwei’s eagerness to save the country became stronger and stronger, so she became a little curious. and worriedly asked Luffy.

“Luffy, we’re about to reach Alabasta now”

“Can you tell me the plan you mentioned before?”

Luffy thought for a while after hearing this, and it was almost time.

So he called everyone.

After everyone arrived, he began to tell everyone about the entire plan to save Alabasta.

“There are three key points to save Alabasta.”

“The first point is to defeat Crocodile”

“The second point is to prevent the war between the rebel army and the king’s army.”

“The third point is to tell the whole country the truth about Alabasta, that is, Crocodile is the culprit responsible for Alabasta.”

After talking about the three key factors, Luffy began to introduce them in detail one by one.

“Just leave it to me to defeat Crocodile.”

“If you want to prevent the war between the rebel army and the king’s army, leave it to Uta!”

When Weiwei heard that Luffy said that he would hand over the matter of preventing the war to Uta, he suddenly looked confused and asked

“Uta? How could she, an outsider, convince the rebels to stop waging war?”

“Luffy, I know Kosa, the leader of the rebel army. If I tell him Crocodile’s secret, he will definitely believe it and we can prevent the war by then.”

“Leave this matter to me!”

Seeing Weiwei eager to save the country and full of worry, Luffy shook his head and said

“Weiwei, you are too naive”

“The news that we are about to arrive in Alabasta must have reached Crocodile.”

“How could he let you meet Kosha?”

“There are so many people from the Royal Army and the Rebel Army, do you think Crocodile will not place members from the Baroque Studio among them?”

“If you come into contact with Kosha, these people will definitely try their best to stop you.”

“It may even threaten your and Kosa’s lives.”

Weiwei couldn’t help but be startled by what Luffy said. She just thought that as long as she could see Kousha, Kousha would definitely believe her words. She really had never thought about such a thing.

If it was like what Luffy said, Even if she met Kousha , she would probably be assassinated without saying anything, or she would assassinate Kousha after she told him.

In short, it would not be as simple as she thought.

After saying this, she silently expressed her approval and approval to Luffy.

She had been staying with Crocodile, so she naturally knew that a large number of people from Baroque Studio were deployed in both armies to prevent accidents.

Uta also became curious about what Luffy said, and turned to look at Uta.

How can this child stop this war?

Looking at Weiwei who fell silent and stopped talking, Luffy said seriously.

“Weiwei, do you believe I can save your country?”

Weiwei looked at Luffy after hearing this. She saw infinite confidence in his eyes.

Having been with Luffy for so long, she had already developed a strong trust and dependence on Luffy.

Even she didn’t realize it. , but as long as Luffy spoke, she would feel at ease.

Looking into Luffy’s eyes, Weiwei nodded heavily.

Luffy smiled slightly and continued.

“Since you believe me, then follow my plan!”

“And regarding the second plan, I actually need your help.”

Hearing that there was a place where she could contribute to saving the country, Weiwei quickly asked

“What do you want me to do?”

Luffy said word for word.

“I want you to prevent the royal army from resisting and allow the rebel army to successfully invade the capital.”

As soon as Luffy said this, not only Weiwei, but also everyone else in the audience was confused.

“Luffy, what did you say?”

“Don’t you want to prevent war? If the rebels were allowed to invade the capital, wouldn’t it have already started a war?”

“Yes, Luffy! Nowadays, the Royal Army has fewer troops than the rebel army. If the rebel army is allowed to invade the interior, the Royal Army will not be able to resist even if they want to.”

The people who voiced these concerns were those who didn’t understand Uta’s abilities.

But those who knew Uta’s abilities, including Uta himself, didn’t know why Luffy wanted the rebels to invade the capital at this moment.

As long as the two armies go to war before , using Uta’s ability can prevent the war.

Why do they have to let the rebels invade the capital?

Everyone’s eyes were full of doubts. After Luffy glanced at them, he suddenly smiled and explained.

“In fact, this is the third step of the plan to save Alabasta, and it is also the most critical point.”

“It is to expose Crocodile’s true face to the people of Alabasta.”

When Luffy mentioned the third plan, everyone immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Luffy continued.

“Why do you think Crocodile has been able to maintain a good image as a national hero and receive support from the people despite manipulating so many things behind the scenes?”

Weiwei has informed everyone about Crocodile a long time ago.

Crocodile has always protected the people from pirate invasions and has long been a hero in the hearts of the people.

Everyone looked at Luffy and thought in their hearts. Guess.

Luffy continued without waiting for their answer.

“That’s because he has always hidden himself deeply and never exposed his unknown side to the outside world.”

“What is shown to the people is his glorious and positive image”

“That’s why we can be supported by the people and become a national hero.”

“And now, if we want to expose his true face, we have to stop him from hiding himself”

“When do you think he will stop hiding himself?”

Luffy looked at everyone. Everyone was looking at me, and I was looking at you. It was like someone who didn’t pay attention in class and was called up to answer a question. The word”confused” was written on his face.

Only Weiwei Suddenly he woke up and said excitedly

“When he achieves his goal?!”

Krokdal has been disguising himself just to achieve his goal.

When the goal is achieved, he will naturally no longer need to disguise himself.

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