After watching the Uchiha clan envoys being placed under house arrest, Qianfeng found an open area and started practicing.

After encountering Namikaze Minato from Loulan, Qianfeng suddenly discovered a problem.

There is no way to learn other ninjutsu, but the Rasengan move has detailed training methods in the original work.

Because he is in a barren land like Sunagakure Village, Qianfeng currently has very few ordinary ninjutsu methods.

If Qianfeng had already mastered the Wind Release Rasengan Shuriken when he met White Fang, then there would be no need to go through all the trouble of controlling all the puppets to use the Wind Killing Formation.

"The difficulty of training the Rasengan is level A, but this difficulty varies from person to person."

Qianfeng clearly remembers the training process of the Rasengan, and coupled with his own talent, he believes that it will not take long to complete the ordinary version of the Rasengan.

——It took Namikaze Minato three years to develop the Rasengan with reference to the Tailed Beast Tama, but this was development, not learning.

After Jiraiya had a complete training method, he learned it in just one day.

Naruto only took half a month despite the interference of Nine-Tails chakra.

As an adult, Kakashi is even more outrageous. With the blessing of the Sharingan, he can copy the incomplete Rasengan in an instant.

"Jiraiya and Naruto are talented, and Kakashi is a genius. So how long will it take me?"

Qianfeng took a small leather ball bought from the village and tried to inject chakra into it.

——Due to the limitations of the times, there are no balloons that are easy to burst, so we can only use rubber balls.

An hour later, Qianfeng sat on the ground, drinking salt water from a water bottle to replenish water and prepare to take a rest.

The only good thing about the desert is that no matter how much fighting there is, it won’t take long for all traces to disappear

"It seems that Uchiha people have bad tempers."

Qianfeng slowly put down the kettle and looked in one direction.

Wasn't he just under house arrest for a few days? He couldn't bear it anymore so quickly?

"Earth Escape: The art of beheading in the heart!"


A hand suddenly emerged from the sand and grabbed Qianfeng's ankle.

"If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences. Why can't you remember the words of the Third Raikage?"

Qianfeng shook his head and sighed, causing the Uchiha under his feet to feel palpitations.

Before the Uchiha could react, he felt that the originally loose sand around him suddenly became extremely solid, followed by a stinging pain, and his consciousness disappeared.

A pool of faint blood spilled out on the sand.

A sand soldier gathered from the ground and stretched out his right hand, with two eyeballs lying in it.

"oh? It turned out to be a three-magatama one, which seemed to be good luck."

Qianfeng was slightly surprised.

No wonder he dared to assassinate him directly. It turned out to be an"Uchiha genius" with three magatama.

This genius died so quickly that Qianfeng didn't even know whether he was a boy or a girl or how old he was..

Qianfeng casually threw two three-magatama Sharingan into the half-drunk salt water bottle, took out an empty seal scroll and put it in.

Qianfeng had no obsession with Sharingan, let alone doing it. What happened to eye transplants or something like that?

——Even if he had the physique of the Otsutsuki clan after Wedge was thawed, he would not have the same discomfort and sequelae as Kakashi.

It’s better to use your own body organs.

Otherwise, what if the Sharingan dio is transplanted this time and a Sharingan dio comes out in the future?

Besides, the simple Sharingan doesn't have much strength, so the three magatama were easily crushed to death by him.

"However, the Sharingan can be used as a resurrection coin."

After putting away the scroll, Qianfeng touched his chin and suddenly had a new idea.

Izanagi, the pupil technique that can reverse life and death, at the cost of permanent loss of light.

Konoha Dance King Uchiha Madara relied on this technique He successfully deceived Senju Hashirama and lived to this day.

Of course, Qianfeng did not intend to use it for himself, and there was no need for him to seek death or fake death.

"Well? It turns out there are still people out there, it seems like there is a big giveaway of Resurrection Coins today."

Qianfeng was about to leave when he suddenly sensed something and looked in one direction.

He was far away from Sand Hidden Village and Sun Disk. The fact that these people can appear here means that they have never gone back at all, but followed them all the way. Come over.

Otherwise, they will be judged as enemies by the Sun Disk at the moment they have the intention to kill, and they will be targeted and attacked.

"Run away!"

The two ninjas of the Uchiha clan looked at each other behind the rock, and then ran away in the distance.

They came with their companions to hold Qianfeng hostage and let Sunagakure Village let them go, but they didn't expect that... The strong companions had no ability to resist at all after taking action, and were instantly killed.

The opponent's strength exceeded their imagination!

"Just give it a try, the one just now died too quickly."

Qianfeng did not chase the two, but directly started to form seals.

Upon discovering Qianfeng's actions, the two Uchiha immediately stopped, opened their Sharingan, and copied Qianfeng's movements simultaneously.

The field was at a deadlock. Qianfeng was forming seals, and the two Uchiha were copying.

But soon, the two Uchiha discovered something was wrong.

"Why are there so many seals? Could it be some terrifyingly powerful ninjutsu?"

One of the Uchiha asked his companions in a panic.——Obviously, he doesn't know the seal of the water dragon bullet, otherwise he would never say this

"I don't know, I just know that we can't stop, even if our chakra can't support this jutsu."

The other Uchiha shook his head. They have missed the best time to escape, and now they can only go one way to the end.

What kind of ninjutsu is it that requires so many seals?……

"Idiot, I was just making seals for fun, are you really copying them?"

Qianfeng looked at the two people in the distance. The seals in his hands suddenly stopped, and a blue chakra ball was condensed in one hand. The chakra ball gradually shrank in Qianfeng's hands, and finally dissipated completely.

But Qianfeng didn't seem to notice. Generally, Xu held it and threw it in the direction of the two of them. Their expressions froze when they heard Qianfeng's words. They were about to dodge, but they found that the ninjutsu in his hand disappeared, and they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

They tried a new ninjutsu and it failed, so now was their chance!

The two looked at each other and ran away.

"Three, two, one, middle."


The fan clan emblem behind the running man was suddenly torn into a whirlpool. His face changed, and he hit his teammates in front, and at the same time a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"How can it be? I didn't see him cast any ninjutsu at all! There was no way he could escape the sight of the Sharingan!"

Uchiha, who was hit by the Rasengan, only had this thought in his mind before he fainted.

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