"Wow, this kid is so good that he's in the middle school. He's not a college student. Why does he act like a primary school student?"

Su Yuan couldn't help but complained crazily, but he still tried his best to stay calm and return.

"I'll do my best."

The referee couldn't stand it anymore and announced directly.

"The players on both sides are in place and ready for the game..."

"Wait for the referee."

Su Yuan raised his hand.

Wenjie, on the other hand, snorted coldly.

"Oh, why did you just say you would go all out and now you have to surrender?"

Su Yuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him and continued to ask the referee.

"Referee, I want to confirm that all my Pokémon can play, right?"

The referee nodded.

"The rules of the knockout round are 1V1 singles. Other than that, there are no other restrictions on Pokémon."

After confirming, Su Yuan nodded.

"Okay, I understand, the game can begin."

The referee also asked Wenjie if he had any other questions before announcing the start of the game.

"Heh, surrendering just now was your best choice. Now feel my power, go to the Big Jaw Ant!"


An orange-yellow Pokémon with short limbs and a head as big as its body appeared on the field.

"Prepare to admit defeat, there is no way your Cordora can defeat me."

Su Yuan took out his ears and grinned evilly.

"Who said I'm going to use Cordora? I'll accept the victory in this fourth round! It's your turn, Guisi!"

"Jie hahaha~!"

A purple-black mist appeared on the battlefield, and then a grimace emerged from the mist.

"Kou Jie~!"

Finally it was its turn to appear. Guisi stuck out his big tongue and spun around on the field excitedly.

"What? Ghost!"

Wenjie was also stunned. He never expected that a Steel Pokémon trainer would actually have a Ghost in his hands.

"Okay Guisi, stop making trouble. We are competing now. Look, there are so many people in the audience waiting for you to perform."

"Kou Jie~!"

After hearing this, Guisi calmed down, looked around and saw a lot of spectators. Now he became excited and showed a provocative expression towards the mandible ants.


The mandible ant was also very angry when Guisi dared to provoke him.

"Calm down Ant."

Wenjie immediately reminded him.

He originally thought that Su Yuan would send out Kodora in this game. After all, Su Yuan relied on a Kodora from the auditions. Such a powerful Pokémon must be his trump card.

After taking it, the other party took out a ghost, what should I do?

The ghost-poisoned ghost is restrained by the ground-type Jaw Ant in terms of attributes. However, almost all trainers know that the characteristics of ghost and ghost are floating, completely ignoring ground-type attacks. .

While Wenjie was still complaining about Su Yuan's disgusting substitution tactics, Su Yuan took the rare opportunity to take the lead in attacking.

"Ghost, use strange light!"

"Kou Jie~!"

Guisi exuded a strange light, and this light immediately attracted the mandible ants.

"Big Jaw Ant, don't look!"

But it was too late, the mandible ants fell into a state of chaos.

"Okay, now, Guisi uses his tongue to lick it!"


Guisi stuck out his tongue and licked the ant.

"Big Jaw Ant, wake up quickly. Use bite when you wake up!"

This is the only skill that Wenjie can think of that the giant jaw ant can restrain the ghost.

The mandible ant heard Wenjie's voice, but its eyes were in chaos, so it had no choice but to attack directly.


The giant-jawed ant opened its mouth and took a bite.


I cried out in pain because he bit me.


Guisi smiled evilly and took advantage of this opportunity to lick the mandible ant directly with his tongue.

Suddenly, the mandible ant's whole body felt as if it had been electrocuted.

"how come?"

Wenjie was stunned, how could he be paralyzed with just one move?

Su Yuan flicked the brim of his hat and smiled.

"Seeing that Lady Luck is on my side, ghosts will always bring disaster!"

"Kou Jie!"

Guisi launched a disaster and launched another attack.

"Big Jaw Ant, wake up quickly and move, move quickly!"

Wenjie was so anxious that he went up to fight for the mandible ants.


The mandible ant struggled to open its mouth and tried to fight back, but its body immediately froze, and the paralysis effect made it unable to move.

"Kou Jie~!"

Guisi smiled evilly and rushed towards the mandible ant, hitting him directly.


The giant jaw ant was completely hit and flew out, almost falling out of the battle field.

However, this fall also slightly woke up the giant-jawed ant, and it finally stood up again.

Wenjie immediately seized this last opportunity.

"Quick, the big-jawed ant quickly uses Dig Hole and hides underground!"

Hearing Wenjie's voice, the giant-jawed ants immediately began to dig into the soil, and in the blink of an eye, they had all burrowed into the ground.

Seeing this, Su Yuan just ordered.

"It can't stay underground forever. Go up high and see where it comes out."

"Kou Jie~!"

Guisi nodded and then flew some distance into the sky, able to clearly see the entire battlefield.

Wenjie also became nervous, looking for a way to break the deadlock.

But the situation on the field has been completely controlled by Guisi.

"What a pity. If your mandibular ants had evolved a bit, maybe the outcome of this game would be completely different."

Su Yuan looked at Wenjie opposite and said with a smile.

"If your mandible ants evolved into ultrasonic larvae, the situation would be completely different."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, do you think you have already won?"

Su Yuan shrugged and did not answer. This guy had not treated him well since he came on stage, so there was no need for him to be polite to him.

"Tch, stop looking down on others! Come on, Big Jaw Ant!"


The mandible ants broke out of the ground and rushed directly towards the ghost in the air like a cannonball.

"Use bite!"


He opened his terrifying mouth and took a bite towards the ghost.

However, Su Yuan had already expected this situation.

"Oh, if a flightless Pokémon jumps into the air, doesn't it make him a target?"

Su Yuan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Ghost! Use hypnosis!"


A wicked smile appeared on Guisi's face, and he stared at the mandible ants in the air with a pair of big eyes, and a burst of special energy was activated.


Suddenly, a burst of tiredness surged into the heart of the Big-jawed Ant, and it fell directly back to the ground.


It fell to the ground with a muffled sound, and even if it fell from a height of more than two meters, it still could not suppress the surging tiredness.

"Wake up, Big Jaw Ant, now is not the time to sleep, Big Jaw Ant!"

Wenjie called out the name of the giant-jawed ant, but there was no response. The giant-jawed ant had already fallen asleep. Maybe it had evolved into a desert dragonfly in its sleep. After all, who can't fly yet?

"Shh, it's not a good boy to disturb others' rest. Since the mandible ant wants to have a good sleep, Guisi should send it down to rest!"

"Kou Jie!"

Guisi nodded, this trainer is good or bad, but this is just what it likes.

"Ghost, if you use it once, disaster will come singly!"


Ghost energy surged, and Ghost rushed directly towards the Jaw Ant.

"Stop! I give up!"

In the end, Wenjie couldn't bear the humiliation and chose to surrender.

Su Yuan looked at the referee, who raised the flag in his hand and blew the whistle.


"The game is over, the winner is Su Yuan!"

Su Yuan took back Guisi and nodded to Wenjie.

"Thank you Lao Tie for the promotion. Go back and have a good rest."

"Just wait for me!"

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