"Are you full?"

Su Yuan nodded.

"Now that we're full, let's go."

After that, Li Zhong stood up and left, and Su Yuan had no choice but to get up too.

"Director Zhao, I'll leave first."

Saying goodbye, Su Yuan quickly followed.

Seeing the two people leaving, Cao Xinyu felt a little angry.

"Director Zhao, what is Director Li's attitude? This is obviously a good thing. Why is he so angry?"

Zhao Xuanzhen smiled and shook his head.

"It's nothing. Lao Li has this temper. This time poaching people in front of him has indeed touched his bottom line, but it doesn't matter. Let's eat."

He has worked with Li Zhong for many years and has long understood his temper.

But when they came to their senses and started eating, they realized that Su Yuan and Guisi had almost eaten all the food on the table.

Chapter 37, special shield or space hand?

In fact, Su Yuan didn't have too many ideas about adopting Pokémon. After all, he already had Cordora and Ghost.

When they grow up, both Boscodora and Gengar will be very powerful existences.

Although Boscodora's resistance is poor, its defense is among the best among all Pokémon.

Not to mention Gengar, its bottomless skill pool is enough to support countless tactical systems. On the battlefield, you never know what skill a Gengar will use next time. .

As for receiving another Pokémon, Su Yuan has no need for it yet.

Firstly, he didn't think he could afford the responsibility, and secondly, he didn't know what kind of Pokémon he should cultivate.

If it were placed before the National Day, he might apply for a Charmander or a Croaking Frog, after all, they are so handsome.

Who doesn’t like a powerful Spyder and a handsome Ninja, and as a fan of the Pokémon series, Spy and Ninja have a special meaning.

But now, he doesn't seem to need a strong frontal breakthrough player.

"Su Yuan! You're back, how's the situation?"

While thinking, Su Yuan had already returned to the door of the dormitory.

Liu Zhen saw Su Yuan as soon as he opened the door.

"It's nothing, I just had a meal, and then Director Li gave me a name on the school team."

"Named for the school team? What do you mean?"

"It's just in name. I'm nominally a member of the school team. Whether I can participate in the college league or not is another matter."

"Can it still be like this?"

Upon hearing this, everyone became interested.

"Come on, come in first, tell me carefully what happened and why Director Li is still there."

Liu Zhen pulled Su Yuan closer to the dormitory and closed the door. The three of them surrounded Su Yuan and asked what happened.

There was nothing to hide, so Su Yuan told the three people what happened in the hotel.

However, Su Yuan did not say anything about the quarrel between the two leaders. After all, he was also the head of the same department, so he had to save some face for them.

"Guigui, Su Yuan, you are about to become rich."

After listening to Su Yuan's story, Li Ming exclaimed, this was obviously about to take off.

"What's the point of being developed?"

Su Yuan fell on the bed, covered his head with a pillow and muttered.

"I hope there won't be so many messy things. Isn't it nice for us brothers to have a good time every day?"

Liu Zhen patted Su Yuan and said.

"But we always have to grow, right? It's good to be grateful for the experience now."

Su Yuan pushed the pillow away, looked at the three of them and said suddenly.

"How about I put you on the school team? Just say that you are my doubles partners?"

Li Ming shook his head.

"Take it down, I haven't passed the auditions, so fighting is not suitable for me."

Zhang Long looked excited.

"I think I can do it. Young Master, I will definitely be able to kill everyone in the college league and make a name for myself."

"Where are you, Liu Zhen?"

Su Yuan looked at Liu Zhen. Among the four people in the dormitory, Zhang Long was too aggressive and Li Ming sometimes seemed cowardly and sometimes too cunning. Only Liu Zhen was the calmest, so Su Yuan was more concerned about his opinion.

Liu Zhen sat on the chair and shrugged.

"I can do it. If you really need a doubles partner, I can consider it. However, in my opinion, you can still have a doubles match even by yourself."


Su Yuan scratched his head and said nothing.

"Okay, don't worry about me. You can help Zhang Long later. After all, besides you, Zhang Long has the highest ranking in our dormitory."


"Yuan, brother, my future will be left to you."

"I'll try my best, but I don't know what their attitude is."

"By the way, isn't Director Li going to take you to get Pokémon tomorrow? Do you have any goals?"

Li Ming suddenly asked.

"Well, I really don't have any goals. I was still thinking about this issue on the way back just now."

Li Ming said next to Su Yuan's bed.

"I heard from Amin that the breeding house has specially prepared a batch of bred Pokémon for the champion of this competition. It is said that they are all gym leader level. You will have to choose carefully when the time comes."

"Really? Let's talk about it then."

Su Yuan didn't particularly care about these things. After all, he was a person with golden fingers no matter what.

Well, although this golden finger seems to have no other abilities besides reading illustrated books and being a shop.

After a night of silence, Su Yuan got up early the next day and prepared to go to Li Zhong's office. After all, the dean of the department told him to go to him in the morning, so it would be rude to go late.

Arriving outside the office, Su Yuan knocked on the door of Li Zhong's office.

"Please come in."

Su Yuan pushed the door open and walked in. As soon as he entered, he saw Li Zhong sitting at the table studying lesson plans. When he saw Su Yuan coming over, he stopped what he was doing, held his eyes and smiled.

"I haven't had a class in a few years. Now that I'm taking over the class again, I have to read the lesson plan again. You came very early, Su Yuan."

"It's getting late, it's almost eight o'clock, and master, haven't you already arrived at the office and started studying the lesson plans?"

"I'm getting older and can't sleep."

As he said this, Li Zhong put away the things on the table and picked up his bag.

"Since you're here, let's go and pick a Pokémon."

As he said that, he led Su Yuan outside the office building.

"Is there any Pokémon I want?"

Su Yuan shook his head.

"No, I don't know what Pokémon I should raise yet."

"Yes, your current configuration can be said to be quite excellent. But Dora can not only serve as a physical shielder, but also act as a physical output player through strengthening and attacking. Guisi can not only skillfully use poison-guarding tactics, but as he grows up, Can also be used as a special attacker.”

Li Zhong analyzed the two Pokémon in Su Yuan's hands as he walked.

"If you want me to make suggestions, I think you can think about special shields and space players. Special shields can be used for zone defense when you encounter powerful special attackers, so you won't end up with only defense and substitutes. Come to the end of hard resistance.

The space hand can make up for Kodora's shortcomings in speed, and in the magic space environment, it can give Kodora the right to take action. In this way, whether it is attacking or strengthening, he will not be passive. "

Su Yuan also felt that Li Zhong's analysis was very reasonable and he was worthy of being a leader.

However, space players and special shield players are not so easy to find.

Common special shields include the Magic Wall Doll, Hu Hu, Moon Eevee, Happy Egg, Big North Nose, etc.

There are many magic wall dolls in the Kanto area, but I have never seen them in Donghuang Suyuan. Needless to say, Huhu is a veteran shield pet, but except for the high double resistance, other attributes are a bit ridiculously low. Moon Eevee needs to be cultivated from a young Eevee, and if Su Yuan really wants to cultivate an Eevee, he will probably choose Fairy Eevee in the end.

There's nothing much to say about Happy Egg. It's a pink devil, one of the representative characters of the team, but it's too rare to be common. As for Dachaibeibi, there is already a Kodora with the rock steel attribute. If another one with the same attribute comes, I am afraid it will be directly killed by a trainer specializing in fighting.

So Su Yuan prefers space players. After all, special attackers are generally weak. As long as I defeat the opponent first, I don't need to defend.

Of course, if necessary, Guisi can also take on the responsibility of a space player. After all, Guisi's skill pool is too deep.

This was one of the reasons why Su Yuan felt that he didn't know what Pokémon needed to be supplemented after much thought.

Chapter 38, The foundation of the biology department, the Pokémon ecological environment research base

"Come and get in the car."

Arriving at the parking lot, Li Zhong motioned for Su Yuan to get in the car.

Su Yuan was a little confused. The road to the breeding house was indeed a bit far, but there was no need to drive there.

However, he didn't ask any more questions and followed it, but soon he discovered that the direction of driving was not the direction to the breeding house.

Su Yuan finally couldn't help but ask.

"Director Li, this direction doesn't seem to be the way to the breeding house."

Li Zhong smiled.

"When did I tell you that I was going to the breeding house? I will take you to a good place."

After saying that the car had already driven out of the school gate, Li Zhong directly put into gear and drove toward the outskirts of Lingnan City.

After driving for nearly twenty minutes, the two arrived at the edge of the city, and a huge farm appeared in front of Su Yuan.

Li Zhong drove the car directly to the door, took out his work ID card from his bag and swiped it.

"Identity verification passed, welcome."

The iron gate slowly opened, and an original manor appeared in front of Su Yuan.

"where is this place?"

Looking at the restoration, the entire manor is directly connected to the wilderness. At the same time, it is considered to have differentiated different ecological environments, including rain forests, wetlands, mountains, and grasslands, which are completely simulated climate environments under natural conditions.

As the car went deeper, more natural environments were revealed in front of Su Yuan, which was an eye-opener. There was even an artificial snow mountain standing not far away. You must know that this is Lingnan, located in the south of Donghuang. The environment is hot and humid.

Li Zhong said proudly.

"Remember the lesson I taught you? Pokémon ecology and the environment."

Su Yuan nodded.

"Of course I know. This subject studies the relationship between humans, Pokémon, and the natural environment."

Saying this, Su Yuan slapped his thigh suddenly.

"Could it be that this is it!"

"That's right!"

Li Zhong parked the car at the designated parking spot.

"This is the Pokémon Ecological Environment Research Base that our Department of Biology at Lingnan University has worked hard for several generations to establish."

Su Yuan opened the car door with some excitement. When he got out of the car, a natural smell came out, the smell of soil mixed with green grass, as if he had arrived in the suburbs.

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