Rebirth: National Crown Prince

Chapter 44 No favor, you only live once

Perhaps because he slept too late last night, when Mo Yu opened his eyes, he subconsciously looked at the sofa and saw that the person on the sofa had already disappeared.

Frowning slightly, he sat up and straightened his slender legs.

He gently rubbed both sides of his forehead with his white fingertips, then walked into the living room and saw a note on the table.

He picked up the note, and there was only one sentence written on the note——

Remember to eat when there is food in the kitchen!

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, he lowered his head slightly, folded the note and put it away.

the other side,

Bathed in the warm sunshine, the young man is dignified and elegant, and every line on his smooth and delicate face has just the right amount of beauty. The eyes of passers-by can't help but glance at the young man, and they can't help but want to take another look.

Along the way, the boy kept his hands handsomely in the pockets of his black coat, and his slender legs quickened his pace.

Do you think a certain prince is pretending to be cool?


This is also the first time for a certain prince to express his suffering!

But in the eyes of the people around him, the boy with delicate eyebrows is extremely cool. Look at his elegant and quick steps, he looks handsome no matter how you look at him.

Sure enough, in this world, even pretending to be cool depends on your appearance.

As soon as he entered Yunnan, Wan Zexi felt that the itching and pain there were getting more serious.

Ze Xi, good morning!

Rong Xuan shouted loudly towards the young man who had just sat down.

Wan Zexi nodded indifferently, his hands still in his pockets.

Rong Xuan only felt that Ze Xi felt a little weird today.

It seemed that the boy's face was colder than yesterday, and there was a hint of impatience in his eyes.

To other boys, it's just someone pretending to be cool.

Some boys have a little bit of displeasure in their eyes, and there are no girls in the class. Who are you trying to show off by pretending to be cool?

The powerful itching feeling spread from the palm of my hand more and more. At this time, my hand seemed to be as hot as fire with itchiness.

Even like this, the young man just frowned slightly, his face still indifferent and lazy.

Wan Zexi did not expect that her allergic reaction to spicy food was getting worse. Unlike others, she could tell by looking at her hands when she was allergic. Her palms were red, her fingers were dotted with red dots, and they might even become swollen.

Horse's trotters, aren't they the legendary pig's hooves?

A certain prince was extremely disgusted that his hands had become like this. He was so disgusted that it was impossible to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

Not only is it troublesome, it's also embarrassing.

But it should be fine if you endure it for a few hours, Wan Zexi thought with disgust in his eyes.

Hey! Ze Xi.

Rong Xuan shouted, but saw the young man turned around and left in a dashing manner, and saw the young man's back getting further and further away.

What happened to Ze Xi today? Rong Xuan looked confused and had his hands in his pockets all morning.

Especially when the students in the class just looked at Wan Zexi with a murderous expression.

As Wan Zexi walked, he thought to himself about the time. It should be almost here.

Ah! That boy is so handsome.

Cool feeling.

It's really cool! He's also very handsome!

The boy's black sweatshirt and black tights wrapped his slender, long and straight legs. His hands were very cool and handsome in his jacket pockets. He looked very handsome.

Before Wan Zexi walked too far, he saw a group of people crowded in front of him, and they kept shouting.

In front of it is a famous high school in Kyoto. Many children from rich families attend this high school.

Normally, there isn't such a fuss here, and it should be dinner time now.

Wan Zexi frowned slightly, looking like something terrible had happened.

This kid looks pitiful, he won't really want to jump!

Don't let your mind wander!

The students gathered below the teaching building looked at the young man on the top floor and started to sneer -

Who are you trying to scare by jumping off a building? If you look at his bear-like appearance, I would consider him brave no matter where he stands.

They are disgusting all day long. Such people will die as soon as possible, die early and be reincarnated early.

I hate looking at his face.

I bet he wouldn't dare to jump.

Wan Zexi looked at the teaching building opposite from a distance and saw only a thin figure on the highest top floor trembling in the wind.

On the top floor,

Qiao Xi'an lowered his head, his messy and dirty hair still exuding a foul smell.

The lips had already turned white, and gradually began to turn purple and blue, trembling faintly in the air.

Looking at the indifferent expressions below and those vicious and stinging words, there was no trace of hope in the dark pupils, which were dim and dull.

At this moment, those harsh and sharp screams seemed to echo in my mind again——

You beast, I shouldn't have wanted you in the first place!

Leaving you here will be a disaster!

I should have strangled you to death the moment you were born.

Shouldn't he expect that?

Is he worse than a beast?

He probably deserved to die in the first place!

His lips were trembling more and more intensely, and his hands were shaking violently.

Huge sadness suddenly welled up in his heart, as if he was really suffocating, as if the emotions of more than ten years burst out at this moment...

Qiao Xi'an opened his mouth, but found that he was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak.

He suddenly wanted to cry, and wanted to cry loudly before he died, but he found that he didn't even have the right to cry. His eyes were already dry and he couldn't shed a single tear.

The police are coming!

The police are coming!

It turns out someone called the police.

Give me, let me.

I saw the police instantly separated the people around them.

Qiao Xi'an, come down here, do you hear me? the teacher below frowned and shouted.

It was okay that this Qiao Xi'an was usually disgusting, but who would have thought that he would jump off a building with a trick, and when he saw him come down, he couldn't think of a way to punish him properly.

What? I think I just don't dare.

You can dance if you can.

I just watched him dance, and I told you she didn't have the guts.

Some teachers looked down on it and tried to comfort them, saying, Qiao, if you have any questions, can we come down and talk about it?

You can't solve anything like this. How about we come down?

Not only did the figure not retreat, but it moved forward bit by bit.

A policewoman suddenly frowned, Captain, what should I do?

Male policeman: Hurry up and get two people to go up and comfort the people first.

Okay, go right away.

I saw two policemen quickly running up the stairs.

At the same time, a slender figure climbed over the wall.

Classmate, let's talk about it carefully. Don't give up your life because of trivial matters.

The footsteps of two people came from behind.

Qiao Xi'an did not look back. Listening to the little things the policewoman said, a crazy and sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Little things?

The little thing is that those people beat him half to death every day?

Is it a trivial matter that those people trampled on his dignity casually?

Is it a small thing that those people can easily insult his humanity?

However, he endured all these, but his mother's words really made him feel as if the sky had suddenly collapsed, and his heart was stabbed in heart-breaking pain, but he could not vent it.

Classmate, you still have a long time. Don't give up so easily. Think more about your future life?

after? Qiao Xi'an smiled bitterly. He didn't even dare to hope for it now, so how dare he pray for it in the future?

Seeing that Qiao Xi'an had no intention of giving up jumping off the building, the two policemen became a little anxious.

They thought about secretly pulling the boy down from behind, but the boy was too vigilant and could feel their movements immediately as if they were reacting naturally.

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