Reborn as a tycoon in Hong Kong

Chapter 559 Fund Arrangement, Tips (2-in-1)

Galaxy Games Company.

Today the company held a board meeting, and all nine directors in total came.

There are nine directors of Galaxy Games. In addition to Lin Baicheng as the chairman, Lin Shufang is also a director of the company. The shares of Lin's father, Lin's mother, and Lin Qin are all held by Lin Shufang on behalf of her. Therefore, Lin Shufang, who holds 4% of the shares, is no longer a small shareholder. .

General Manager Yuan Charlie is definitely a director, and factory director Liu Yihui was also appointed as a director by Lin Baicheng.

Of the nine directors, only two are from Wall Street, representing representatives from Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. Although their holdings are not large, many funds hand over the exercise rights of shares to these two institutions, so they represent the interests of Wall Street.

In addition, there is also a director quota for publicly held directors. As long as a shareholder holding no less than 3% of the shares applies to join the board of directors, the board of directors will approve the shareholder to join the board of directors.

However, because no shareholders holding more than 3% of the shares have applied to join the board of directors, this director position is controlled by Lin Baicheng, who arranges for the company's management to join the board of directors.

Whether it is in terms of shareholding ratio or number of directors, Lin Baicheng firmly occupies the majority, and Galaxy Games is still under his control.

The board of directors was held today, and the first proposal was that the company would buy or build company headquarters and branches in Hong Kong, Japan and the United States.

In the proposal, the company will either purchase or build a new office building in Xiangjiang, Tokyo, Japan, and Los Angeles, the United States. Although these two places are branches, they are built at the same level as headquarters.

None of the directors objected to this motion, and it was quickly passed unanimously.

Not to mention the revenue of Galaxy Games this year, the more than 600 million US dollars in cash from the listing and issuance of stocks is still lying in the company's account. It can be said that the company is not ordinary rich now, and it is simply not possible to spend more money on the headquarters and branches. It’s nothing.

"Regarding the cost of the company's headquarters and division, the budget is no more than 300 million US dollars. Currently, we have estimated it at 300 million US dollars. After deducting this 300 million US dollars, there are still more than 500 million US dollars left in the company's account. , we need to have a good discussion about the direction of the use of these funds."

Although Lin Baicheng was right to say so, he had never thought of discussing it with the directors. He had to make the final decision on the general direction.

"Chairman, the company has just been listed. In order to give shareholders greater confidence and boost the stock price, I think it is necessary to pay a certain dividend."

A director representing Goldman Sachs spoke out and said that Goldman Sachs has contacted some institutions to do long positions. If there is a positive incentive from dividends, it is a good thing to go long to them.


Lin Baicheng nodded slightly, looked at the directors and said, "I don't object to dividends. How much do you think is appropriate?" Their family's shareholding ratio exceeds 60%. Dividends are only good for the Lin family and have no harm. He has no objection. necessary.

"Chairman and directors, the development of the company cannot be separated from funds, so some funds must be reserved for company development, so the funds used for dividends should not be too much."

The person who spoke out was Charlie Yuan. He is the general manager of the company. It is true that he wants to consider the interests of all directors, but he also needs to consider the long-term development of the company, so he does not want too much of the company's funds to be distributed as dividends.

The director of Goldman Sachs said: "The funds distributed as dividends should not be too much, but the company currently has a lot of funds. I think it is still okay to distribute a dividend of two to three billion US dollars."

"Almost half of the remaining funds will be used for dividends. I think it will not affect the company's operations. Shareholders can also enjoy the dividends brought by the company's development, and at the same time attract more investors to pay attention to our company."

Citigroup is also a long player on Galaxy Gaming, so the directors representing the company's interests know what to do.

"The company is still relatively rich now. Since this is the first year of dividend distribution, we should pay more dividends, and use 300 million US dollars to pay dividends."

Lin Baicheng thought for a while and said that with his 59% personal shareholding, he could get 177 million US dollars. This money does not have to pay taxes, which is not a small amount.

"Since the chairman has said so, let's allocate US$300 million in dividends."

Charlie Yuan did not object. Although he thought it was a bit much, it was still within the tolerance range. After all, after deducting the expenses of the headquarters and branches, there were still more than 200 million US dollars left to use.

Several other directors had no objections, and the company decided to allocate US$300 million as dividends.

The company used cash to distribute dividends, and this matter must be announced to the outside world, so Lin Baicheng asked Charlie Yuan to get this matter done.

Next, discuss the use of the company's remaining funds.

The company will definitely increase the number of game research and development next year, so we need to make preparations now. The first thing is to recruit people. After the people are recruited, we can start the game research and development. There is no need to wait until next year.

However, before deciding whether to develop a game, the R\u0026D department must first come up with a plan, and the development can only be done after management approval. And it is already November, and by the time all this is done, it will be almost next year.

Lin Baicheng laid out the general arrangement. The company will increase its investment in the game hardware research and development department to develop better-performing arcade games. The total investment in this area next year can reach 100 million US dollars. All the remaining funds will be invested in the game software research and development department, striving to develop several more games next year.

Regarding the games developed by Galaxy Games, Lin Baicheng is only planning to lead the development of two arcade games next year. Any more will depend on the software research and development department. If the company's performance depends entirely on him, then there is no need to expand the software research and development department, and he can handle everything.

This time the board meeting lasted for almost two hours in total, from 9:30 to nearly 11:30.

After the board meeting, Lin Baicheng did not leave Galaxy Games immediately, but called Charlie Yuan to his office.

"Charlie, regarding the operation of anti-piracy software, your performance is too poor. As of October, you have sold less than 200,000 units."

Galaxy Game Company's anti-piracy software is an important factor in Galaxy Game Company's revenue and profit being so high. The company's arcade machines have not been pirated. As a result, all profits from the company's arcade games being sold are absorbed by the company, so the company is so profitable. .

Last year, the company's anti-piracy software was sold to its partner Taitung Co., Ltd. for $70 a set, and the motherboard shipping fee was borne by the manufacturer itself. It was almost a cost-free transaction.

This year, Lin Baicheng asked Charlie Yuan to sell anti-piracy software to the outside world, hoping that the software would bring a lot of revenue to the company. Unfortunately, his hopes were in vain. The sales of the company's anti-piracy software were not good, far lower than his expectations.

After hearing this, Charlie Yuan said: "Chairman, it's not that we don't work hard, and it's not that I want to quibble. There is a reason for the poor sales of anti-piracy software."

Lin Baicheng gestured: "What's the reason? Tell me."

"First of all, in terms of selling price, a one-time price of 1,000 sets or less is US$100 per set, a price of less than 5,000 sets is US$90 per set, and a price of less than 10,000 sets is US$80 per set. Partners such as Taitung Co., Ltd. and Zhonghe Games sell a set for $70."

"For some small companies, they are not sure whether the games they develop will be popular, so they will not spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy anti-piracy software at the beginning, which is a big expense. But wait until they are sure that the game has selling points. When we are making money, because we already have some arcade machines without anti-piracy software, there is no need to buy anti-piracy software anymore, so our sales targets are large companies like Taito Co., Ltd.”

"But even for big companies like Taito Co., Ltd., they will initially purchase a small amount of software for the games they develop. However, unless the game is a big hit, the market prospects will only be considered as OK games, and they will not purchase anti-piracy software. Necessary because pirates usually don't pirate games like this."

"So, only when game companies develop classic games that are very popular in the market, and arcade machines are selling well, will they choose to buy anti-piracy software. The market prospects of the software are there, and we are powerless."

Charlie Yuan explained aloud.

"Your explanation doesn't satisfy me."

Lin Baicheng shook his head after hearing this, but he did not blame or reprimand Charlie Yuan, but asked: "Do you have any plans for the current situation? It is impossible to have no countermeasures and let software sales continue to be so poor. Bar?"

"of course not."

Upon hearing this, Charlie Yuan immediately said: "This is what we think. Wait until next year to lower the price of the first thousand sets of software and set the price at a level that even small companies can accept. After one thousand sets, we will lower the price Lift it up and earn back the profits you gave up earlier."

"The cost of our software is limited. Even if the price is lower, there is still a lot of profit margin."

"Furthermore, if the manufacturers who have purchased the software develop a game that receives a good response, they will most likely continue to purchase our software in order to make more money, which will increase the sales of the software."

"It's not impossible to do this."

Lin Baicheng nodded slightly and said: "Next year, just do what you just said. Try it out for a few months. If the effect is not good, I hope you can come up with a better way."

"Chairman, don't worry, I will definitely improve the performance of this area next year."

Charlie Yuan responded immediately. He was the general manager of the company. If things were not done well, he could put pressure on his subordinates, but he also had to bear the pressure from Lin Baicheng.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Lin Baicheng stopped talking about this topic and turned to another matter, which was the expansion of the arcade factory. Next year, the number of arcade machines developed by the company will be greatly increased. Even if those games are not led by Lin Baicheng and performance cannot be guaranteed, some will be produced at the beginning, so the factory must expand its scale.

"As for the factory, we will not expand it on the original basis for the time being. Send people to Shekou in the mainland to see if it is suitable for building a factory now."

"Chairman, will the stock price be affected if the company builds a factory in the mainland?"

Charlie Yuan carefully reminded everyone that Lin Baicheng's position was obvious, and he had no objection to it. Although he was British, it did not affect his ability to make money.

"We are not moving our headquarters there, we are just building a branch there. How can it affect the stock price? If it does, it will only be other factors. At most, this matter will be used as an excuse."

Lin Baicheng waved his hand. He was not worried about this at all. If the stock price were to be affected, it would not happen now. At least it would not happen before Goldman Sachs and other institutions ran away. They could not watch their money shrink continuously.

After Lin Baicheng reduces his holdings of a certain number of stocks, the stock price will be affected. It is best to be reduced to the level of forced delisting at US$1. At that time, he can buy stocks at a low price and delist, and he can make a lot of money.

Of course, Lin Baicheng knew that this kind of thing was basically impossible to happen. After all, no one would be a fool. Other capital would definitely buy the bottom when Galaxy Games' stock price was undervalued, and it was impossible for Lin Baicheng to take advantage of it.

Charlie Yuan nodded and said: "In that case, I will arrange for someone to inspect Shekou opposite in the next few days."

"Although I prefer to build a factory in Shekou, if the conditions there are too bad and building a factory there will affect the company's arcade production next year, then I will give up and build it based on the original factory in Xiangjiang. Expansion is ready.”

After all, Galaxy Games is a listed company. Lin Baicheng does not want to harm the interests of Galaxy Games because of his attitude. In that case, investors who bought the company's shares may sue him in the United States.

"Okay chairman, I will ask someone to carefully investigate and make a judgment."

Charlie Yuan nodded to express his understanding. If his boss could do this, then he wouldn't have to be embarrassed.

"If there's nothing else, go and do your work."

After thinking about it, Lin Baicheng realized that he had nothing to say to Charlie Yuan for the time being.

"Chairman, I'll go out first."

Charlie Yuan had nothing else to report, so he got up and left the office.

When Charlie Yuan left, it was already almost twelve o'clock. Lin Baicheng would naturally not be working anymore. No matter how rich he was, he was just an ordinary person and would be hungry and need food.

However, Lin Baicheng, who left Galaxy Games Company, did not go home for dinner. Instead, he went to one of his many villas in Xiangjiang, and that villa was not in Repulse Bay.


When Lin Baicheng walked into the villa, Seiko Matsuda in the villa ran towards him very happily.

Matsuda Seiko didn't come to Xiangjiang today because of something. She came specifically to see Lin Baicheng, and she came on her own initiative, not Lin Baicheng who asked her to come.

Regardless of the reason why Seiko Matsuda took the initiative to come to Xiangjiang to see him, Lin Baicheng was happy for it, and even whether Seiko Matsuda was sincere or not, he was happy for it.

Women such as Seiko Matsuda, Momoe Yamaguchi, Demi Moore, etc., no matter whether they really like Lin Baicheng or not, as long as they behave like this, then Lin Baicheng will be satisfied. Even if they were acting, as long as they were acting when they were with him and acted well, there would be no difference between it and the real thing to Lin Baicheng, and he would think that they really liked him as a person.

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