Scarlet Falls

Chapter 99 It’s already dark

It's just a normal funeral.

Everyone came over, had a cold meal, met some strange or familiar friends, and sent this old friend off for the last time, as if to use this form to explain to the world that this person had just ended his life, but the witnesses , still alive in the world.

Wei Wei participated in the whole process with a sense of novelty.

He saw Captain Ouyang grab the first handful of soil and throw it in, and then Uncle Gun and Brother Piggy took the shovel and filled it with soil. However, he saw Brother Piggy gasping for breath after filling it for a few times. At this moment, Wei Wei took the initiative to take the shovel.

Uncle Gun and his left and right moved the mound of soil that had been moved three to four meters to the side and filled it in bit by bit.

While doing this work, I felt very calm.

I don’t know if it’s because of the feeling just now, or the new ability of the third stage of Scarlet Power.

When Wei Wei was feeling calm, he could actually feel the eyes of the people around him.

They all stood quietly on both sides, watching the coffin being slowly buried. Some were in awe, some felt regret, and some admired it.

But there was no gloating.

Even the mysterious family leader who had been taught a lesson by Uncle Gun was only slightly relieved.

Maybe he suddenly realized how powerful his opponent was and felt that any revenge he had before was childish?

Indeed, this old man used his death to let everyone intuitively see the horror of the war demon.

While thinking about this, Wei Wei suddenly noticed a strange emotion in the eyes around him.

It is different from others, it only has some pity and helplessness.

Subconsciously turning around, his eyes passed through the gaps between the crowds around him, and he suddenly saw that on the edge of the manor, on the low wall near the side of the hillside, behind the rows of big trees, stood a man wearing a priest's robe and wearing a hat. A figure wearing a red hat.

The figure looked unusually familiar, like a memory from three years ago.

This made Wei Wei startled, and he quickly stood up straight, looking over the heads of everyone and looking in the direction of the row of big trees.

Empty and silent, no one exists.

"Did I see it wrong?"

Wei Wei was a little surprised for a moment.

However, he noticed the surprised looks cast towards him by the people around him, and quickly calmed down.

Right now, helping the old man complete the last part of the funeral is the most important thing, right?

The grave is filled and the funeral is over.

It stands to reason that now is the time to say goodbye to the family members and comfort them softly. However, the family members have been hiding in the tall building from the beginning and have not shown up. Everyone can't help but feel a little embarrassed. Many people cast their eyes on Captain Ouyang. I don't know. Should he take over the position of family member? But looking at his gloomy face, it was really difficult to say such comforting words.

After Wei Wei helped fill in the soil, he slowly walked to the low wall on the west side.

He walked around a few times near the tree where he had just seen the figure. He did not see anyone. However, he squatted down gently under a tree and looked quietly into the weeds. There, there was a flower. The blooming rose is lying quietly among the weeds.

Wei Wei squatted in front of Qiangwei, looked up at the location of the cemetery, and smiled suddenly.

He stood up and walked into the yard, stepping on a rose.

"Xiao Lin, how is the communication with the superiors?"

At the same time, Captain Ouyang had also found Brother Xiao Lin and asked anxiously.

"Just like what you said before, Captain."

Brother Xiao Lin said: "After submitting the report, I will urge you twice a day."

"They said that this matter is too important and there is insufficient evidence. It needs to be verified. They asked us to be more vigilant and wait patiently for a reply. As for the witnesses we prepared, they did not recommend escorting them to the Second City Defense Line. They said they would first be detained in It’s fine here.”

"These damn bureaucrats..."

Captain Ouyang looked gloomy: "We can't wait any longer."

"With Lao Zhou dead, Scrap Iron City has lost its biggest deterrent."

"A city without war demons cannot deter the ambitious guys around it!"

"As for Xiao Wei..."


There was a hint of anxiety on his face, and his hair, which was usually neatly combed, seemed slightly messy.

"Captain, if nothing happens this afternoon, I will go back first."

After the funeral, it seems that Captain Ouyang will stay here for a while longer. He has a very good relationship with the war demon old man, and he is an elder. Naturally, he has to help deal with many affairs that are inconvenient for outsiders to intervene. Sister lucky Brother Xiao Lin and others were preparing to go back first. Wei Wei waited for a while, but when the tall girl didn't come down, he took the initiative to say goodbye...

I didn't even know the old man's name, so I became his farewell person.

Came to a funeral, just had a cold lunch, fired a gun for three minutes, and helped fill in the dirt.

It seemed strange, but Wei Wei felt that something seemed to affect him.

First, he sent Ye Feifei and Brother Xiao Lin back to the base, and then Wei Wei skipped work and returned to his home.

When I pushed the door open, a cold breath came over me.

Wei Wei was slightly surprised and immediately saw that the stopper of the glass bottle he had placed on the window sill had been knocked over at some point.

Looking up, he saw a ghost lady twenty centimeters above the ground, floating lightly in the room.

He stretched his head and blew out all the dust on the windowsill and corners with his mouth.

Pile them together and sprinkle them outside the window.

The whole room was extremely bright red and spotlessly clean. It even felt like it was too clean, which made people uncomfortable.


Wei Wei was really surprised: "You're already dead, do you still care about cleanliness so much?"

While thinking about it, he entered the room with his shoes on, breathed a long sigh of relief, and sat on the sofa.

The ghost lady by the window suddenly looked at him with a cold expression.

"Ghosts seem to have a strong sense of territory..."

Wei Wei thought to himself: "Does she regard my home as her own territory?"

As a matter of respecting the instinct of living things, even undead creatures.

So Wei Wei didn't mind, just took off his shoes, kicked them to the ground next to him, and took out the lunch he packed.

The ghost lady's lifeless face seemed to have an unusually uncomfortable expression.

Staring at the shoes Wei Wei threw aside, he seemed to be looking at an enemy.

Wei Wei ignored her and just began to concentrate on enjoying the extra large portion of pork ribs rice with fried spicy mustard shreds.

To be honest, he still likes the kind of funeral where trumpets are played and the whole village celebrates.

It's not easy to feel full now.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew around. The ghost lady sat on the other end of the sofa, looking at the pork ribs and rice, with a nostalgic look in her eyes, and then she raised her head slightly, looking intoxicated. , as if enjoying delicious food.


Wei Wei looked at her movements like eating and was very surprised.

Naturally, a ghost does not need to have a meal. Unless it is blessed by a special demonic power and can make the appearance of a meal, the spiritual body cannot perform complex physical behaviors such as eating. However, precisely because she is a spiritual body, she only needs to see with her eyes. When the spiritual body undergoes corresponding changes, it can also enjoy the long-lost pleasure of dining in its remaining spiritual world...

Now what she did for Wei Wei was this kind of behavior.

And it seems that dining etiquette is quite standard...


She bought it for herself to experiment with new abilities. What did she think, that she would come here to live with him?

"Forget it, just eat if you want."

Wei Wei sighed and pushed the spicy fried mustard shreds towards her.

Anyway, unlike in folklore, things that have been used by ghosts will lose their flavor... That is unscientific.

After a full meal, Mr. Wei Wei felt a little tired. The feeling of fullness made him feel lazy, so he pushed his lunch box on the coffee table, crossed his legs, and lay down on the sofa comfortably, and then sat down contentedly. He lit a cigarette and stared blankly at the ceiling.

The ghost lady glanced at the bedroom inside and expressed dissatisfaction with Wei Wei's behavior.

He glanced at the lunch box on the coffee table and expressed his dissatisfaction with Wei Wei.

It seemed hard for her to accept Wei Wei's habit of not going back to the bedroom to sleep, and even harder to accept his habit of not clearing the table.

But Wei Wei has always liked to curl up on this small sofa and sleep. This has always been the case since he moved here, so he did not intend to talk to her at all, until the ghost lady became more and more angry. Although the face was beautiful, it was The face that had become mutilated and had many dead features gradually accumulated a creepy anger, and suddenly, it drifted towards Wei Wei fiercely.

Wei Wei blew out smoke and raised his hand to wipe the sickle hanging on the wall, blood gushed out from the wound.


The ghost lady knelt in front of the sofa, grabbed Wei Wei's palm, and began to click.

The world is quiet...

Wei Wei threw the half-smoked cigarette into the residual soup and felt his eyelids were a little astringent.

After returning from the funeral, some strange emotions kept surging in his heart, and the scene at the funeral kept replaying in his mind.

The power of scarlet is inextricably related to "death".

Even during the training camp, someone once tried to prove that the Scarlet is actually a branch of the Death Demon.

In any case, because of the existence of this core, Wei Wei is no stranger to "death", especially the matter of sending people to death. He also knows that the power of scarlet is always following the emergence of various deaths. Deeper and more bizarre changes will occur.

But now, it seems that he has seen a kind of death that he has never seen before.

"I hope the instructor didn't trust the wrong person..."

What the tall girl said to him flashed through his ears.

In front of my eyes, scenes began to appear. It was the old man in the cage, looking at me and smiling at the end...

The scarlet power became active, and mysterious murmurs echoed in the deep dreams.

Blood covered his feet. Wei Wei walked in the sea of ​​blood and saw the fourth execution rack in front of him, which had become clear.

Above, the giant who was hung on the frame opened his eyes dimly.

He looked at himself vaguely and mysteriously.


I don't know how long it took, but Wei Wei suddenly woke up in a daze, feeling that the world around him seemed a little unreal.

Outside, it was already dark.

He suddenly felt extremely tired all over his body. He raised his hand and touched his forehead, which turned out to be faintly hot.

"I am sick?"

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