Sign in Starts From Farming in the Countryside

Chapter 31 Foreigners in Linjia Village

With thousands of acres of wasteland, Lin Chen would definitely not be able to use it all at once.

Such a large area, if all pigs were raised, the mere 10,000 pigs would not be able to fill it, and even though their family now has millions of deposits, this amount of money is simply not enough to cover the thousands of acres of wasteland. All built into pig farms.

Lin Chen made a plan. First, he would circle the thousands of acres of wasteland, and then build a pigpen enough to raise 10,000 pigs. First, he would raise 10,000 pigs, and then slowly expand the scale of farming when it became profitable.

Although he has a full set of breeding techniques, he doesn't have to worry about the disease and death of the pigs he breeds, but he will not take too big steps all at once.

The step is too big, it is easy to pull the egg.

With Lin Chen's grandfather there, Tianjiacun moved quickly. Basically, there is no need for the Lin Chen family to worry about building a courtyard wall or building a pigsty. Lin Chen's grandfather and five uncles took care of it all.

Especially his five uncles, almost all of them eat and live in pig farms, in order to supervise the speed and quality of construction.

Lin Chen doesn't have to worry about the quality. With his grandfather and five uncles around, no one dares to do anything on it.

Whether the progress of the project is fast or not really depends on whether your funds are in place or not. When your money is in place, the quality and progress of the project are not a problem at all.

The remaining 45,000 yuan from the first year's land rent didn't make Tianjiacun's cadres wait a week. On the second day, Lin Chen's father, Lin Yuanshan, sent the money over. He also brought an extra 300,000 in cash.

Of the 300,000 in cash, most of the money was paid for the purchase of materials, such as bricks, cement, steel bars, etc. The rest was the workers' construction payment.

The salary of 16 yuan a day, as soon as this standard came out, immediately caused a huge sensation in Tianjia Village, and the people in Tianjia Village went crazy. If this was done for a month, would it be possible to give it to the family during the Chinese New Year? Old and young bought some new clothes and bought a few pounds of meat to eat.

But of all those who were recruited to work on the construction site, none of them were cheating. Not to mention that these people are steadfast and willing to work, even if some of these people want to be lazy, they dare not do so, because there are still many people in the village waiting to replace them.

None of the people who can be recruited are fools. How could they give other people a chance? Isn't his salary of nearly 500 yuan a month good?

People who have not experienced this era will never know that in this era when there is no materialistic desire, people's thinking is still very simple.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and people's demand for vegetables is getting bigger and bigger. According to Li Changjiang, many wealthy customers of their hotel want to buy vegetables from their hotel, even if they buy it at a higher price, it doesn't matter. The vegetables look good and taste really good.

Li Changjiang has also been promoted as he wished. Because of his outstanding performance, he is now managing the procurement of 60 Royal Chef Hotels in Jiaguang S County, GY City. I heard him say that after the new year, it seems that all the Royal Chef hotels in the entire GY city will be handed over to him to manage, whether it is personnel, finance, or the purchase of the kitchen.

The purpose of the top management of the Li Group is very clear. The 60 Royal Chef Hotels in GY City and Guang S County will all be given to you, Li Changjiang. You will be responsible for your own profits and losses. One-tenth to the finance of the headquarters.

For such a good thing, how could Li Changjiang refuse to agree? With Lin Chen and a special kind of high-quality ingredients, it would be difficult for the Royal Chef Hotel to lose.

This is indeed a good news for Lin Chen. The pigs he raises will not be sold in the future.

After all, he just established a pig farm in Tianjia Village, and 3,000 piglets have been put into it. Because of the Chinese New Year, the remaining pigsties and piglets will be put in after the New Year.

It has to be said that the power of money is powerful.

In less than a month, thousands of acres of wasteland have been sorted out, and they are all surrounded by walls two and a half meters high.

In the pig farm, the built pigsty is more than enough to feed 5,000 pigs. The staff dormitory and canteen have also been built. The canteen is cooked by an old chef from Tianjia Village, Tian Guofeng. The cafeteria of the institution has served as a helper, and the taste of cooking is okay. Lin Chen hired him to cook for an employee of a pig farm with a salary of 1,500 yuan a month.

Tian Guofeng's second son, Tian Dahe, was the one who started the job. Tian Dahe's salary was not as high as his father's, but it was 800 yuan a month, which was quite high in 2000. That is to say, the father and son's combined salary of 2,300 a month is enough to support their entire family.

Tian Guofeng has three sons and two daughters. Before he and his second son, Tian Dahe, did not enter Lin Chen's pig farm, none of Tian Guofeng's three sons came to match him. Because the family was poor, no one was willing to marry his girl. Their family, but now that the people in Tianjia Village know the wages of their father and son, the people who go to their house to talk about matchmaking are almost breaking the threshold.

In Tianjia Village, not only Tian Guofeng's family has benefited, but everyone who works on the pig farm has invisibly benefited a lot. That status is obviously higher than those who have not entered the pig farm.

For the employees of his own pig farm, Lin Chen customized uniform clothes. Everyone has a work badge. When entering the pig farm, they must dress uniformly and wear their own work badge. Without the work badge, you cannot enter the pig farm. , and you will be fined for not wearing a badge during the work period.

Being poor, no one wants to be fined by himself.

How to say, pig farms have high wages and good treatment, but there are also many corresponding rules and regulations.

Now the employees of the pig farm are all from Tianjia Village and know each other. So far, it is better.

But some things, if not stipulated in advance, will be a big hidden danger for pig farms when the scale of pig farms will be larger in the future.

Human exchanges are something that no one can avoid in the Xia Kingdom.

Rather than being difficult to do in the future and rejecting it without saving face, it is better to set all kinds of rules and regulations dead from the beginning, and everything should follow the rules. If anyone violates the rules in the future, it will not be blamed on others if they are fired from the pig farm.

This pig farm, Lin Chen, still attaches great importance to it, because his positioning goal is to export pork to foreign countries, earn foreign exchange, earn foreigners' money, feed domestic people, and develop the domestic economy.

In 2000, the economic development of Xia Country was far inferior to that of foreign countries, and the income of residents was much worse than that of foreign countries. Isn't making foreign money better than making domestic money?

Lin Chen also told his grandfather and a few uncles about these things in private, so that his grandfather and a few uncles would pay more attention, because after the pig farm was on the right track, he would not come often to manage the Tian family. The village pig farm is still his several uncles and grandfathers.

Compared with the relationship with the villagers of Tianji Village, the Lin Chen family is obviously more close. After all, they are their own grandsons. Therefore, Lin Chen's grandfather will not watch the loss of his daughter and son-in-law's property.

There is currently nothing on the pig farm. There is feed prepared by Lin Chen. Those little piglets can be fed on time, and he doesn't need to worry too much about the rest.

These specially formulated feeds can not only speed up the growth of pigs and make their meat more delicious, but also prevent the occurrence of various diseases, because one-third of the raw materials in these feeds are wild medicinal materials. No wonder it doesn't work.

It's the end of the year, and it's time for the New Year in half a month. Several of Lin Chen's sisters are also on vacation, including the eldest sister Lin Xi, who has also arrived home in the past two days. The originally deserted home is lively again.

The vegetables in the greenhouse are picked once a week, and they can weigh about 40,000 catties at a time. The yield of cucumbers and eggplants is relatively high here. The weight of these two vegetables is about 30,000 catties each time. Together with long beans, it only looks like 10,000 kilograms.

Every week, the vegetables in the greenhouse can bring Lin Chen's family about 200,000 income. All the vegetables, Lin Chen sells to Li Changjiang at a price of five yuan per pound. As for the price of Li Changjiang He doesn't care.

This price is already very high, and Lin Chen is very satisfied. If it weren't for the fact that the output was too small this year, he would even plan to lower the price. His purpose is to let more people eat fresh vegetables in winter, not just blindly. to make money.

To achieve this goal, he clearly still has a long way to go.

What, there are foreigners who want to invest in us?

When the family was having dinner in the evening, Lin Chen heard his father say that there were foreigners coming to the village, and took the initiative to find the cadres of the village committee and said that he would conduct an investment inspection in Linjia Village.

Hearing this news, Lin Chen's first feeling was stunned.

Invest in Linjia Village? There is nothing worth investing in Linjia Village, there is nothing to ask for, there are no mineral resources, and there are endless mountains behind it, but the key is that it is only 2000 years old, everyone is not rich, and the tourism boom has not yet arisen, even if you want Investing in tourism is not possible now.

When investing in the tourism industry now, you have to plan that you will not get your investment back for at least ten years. The income period is so long, and with Lin Chen's knowledge of foreigners in his previous life, foreigners will definitely not be able to do such a project. Foreign businessmen prefer projects that make quick money, have less investment, have high returns, and have a short investment period.

And even if you really want to invest in the tourism industry, Linjia Village is not suitable, and Xiaodai Village is more suitable, because the convenience of transportation alone has eliminated Linjia Village.

Xiaodai Village is adjacent to the provincial road. In terms of transportation, there is no other village in Guang S County that can compare with it. Another point is that the environment of Xiaodai Village is more beautiful. Linjia Village is not a suitable investment target in any way. Now the funny thing is that foreigners come to Linjia Village for investment and inspection.


Suddenly, Lin Chen's heart moved, and he thought of a possibility.

That is, this foreigner is not here to invest, but is likely to investigate the giant crocodile incident?

The more Lin Chen thought about it, the greater the possibility, so he became interested.

Dad, there are a few foreigners here. Are these foreigners privately or through official channels? Are there any cadres from our town government to accompany them? Lin Chen deliberately pretended to be very interested and asked.

In this era, when foreigners invest, the happiest people are government officials. Under the environment of full-scale economic development, this is the performance of the government and the capital for future promotion.

I don't know how many, but there are several. I heard from Uncle Hai next door that all the cadres in the town are here, and these foreigners have also donated a lot of school supplies and materials to the primary school in our village. Facing himself Lin Chen's father, Lin Yuanshan, didn't think much about his son's question, but said everything he knew.

What Uncle Hai said, it seems that this is not fake. Uncle Hai is also Lin Xinyi's father. He is the principal of their Linjiacun Primary School and the head teacher of the fifth grade. His education and knowledge are not comparable to his father.

By the way, your uncle Hai also said that those foreigners are very interested in the mountains behind our village, saying that our environment is very good, and they want to go into the mountains to see, and let a few experienced hunters from the village serve as guides. , I heard that one person gives 100 yuan a day. Lin Yuanshan said again.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Chen could basically be sure that the purpose of these foreigners was for the giant crocodile he killed, otherwise, why would these foreigners come to Linjia Village in the name of investment? The place where the shit is, also euphemistically called into the mountains to investigate, put it here to fool ghosts.

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. Let me start with a chapter. I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival. Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, thank you.

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