The King of the NBA

Chapter 63 Ning Yi is angry!

Entering the second quarter, Anthony didn't play, and Adelman re-appointed Ning Yi. Although Ning Yi and Anthony fell into a disadvantage, as long as he avoided Anthony, it was still possible for him to deal with the Knicks' backup small forward.

As soon as it came up, both sides were in rotation.

Without Anthony's restrictions, Ning Yi was finally able to show his strength. As for the Knicks' backup small forward Kenyon Martin, he was already in his thirties and entered the end of his career. Yi, the defense naturally cannot be compared with Anthony.

Moreover, against Kenyon Martin, Ning Yi does not have a psychological disadvantage.

When a rookie and a star face each other, the rookie must be at a disadvantage psychologically, and the star is at an advantage, which will also affect their respective performances.

Although Ning Yi has a system, he is still a rookie. He is at a psychological disadvantage when facing a top star in the league like Anthony, and he will become more nervous and have various worries.

But against Kenyon Martin, this mentality doesn't exist.

What's more, as soon as Kenyon Martin came up, he began to provoke Ning Yi: Aren't you very accurate in shooting? Come on, come on, single me, let me see if you are really that accurate. Hehe, but I have to Remind you, don't cry when you get hated by me, I don't know how to coax children, haha

Ning Yi frowned, disgusted with this guy, and didn't bother to talk to him, so he ran back and accelerated towards the inside.

Hmph. Seeing that Ning Yi ignored him, Kenyon Martin snorted angrily, but his reaction was not slow, and he immediately turned around and chased after Ning Yi.

However, at this moment, Ning Yi turned a corner, Kenyon Martin wanted to catch up, but suddenly felt that he hit a wall of people, and when he looked up, it was Dion.

Damn it. Kenyon Martin knew it was embarrassing to follow, and hurried around Dion, but at this time Ning Yi had reached a point inside the three-point line in the left bottom corner, took the ball, and flicked his wrist.


Goal in, hollow hit.

nice shot.

Seeing Ning Yi finally hit a beautiful goal, the Chinese fans in the auditorium suddenly became excited, stood up one by one, and shouted at the field.

On the Timberwolves bench, everyone also applauded.

Kenyon Martin's face was gloomy, he gave Ning Yi a hard look, and growled, You're lucky this time, I won't give you another chance later.

Ning Yi also looked at Kenyon Martin. Although he couldn't hear what Kenyon Martin was saying, Ning Yi could guess that it was definitely not a good thing, and his face sank at the moment.

He played against Anthony before, although Anthony was very rude, always targeting him and relying on his physical fitness to overwhelm him, but Anthony had no malice.

This is a game. It is a player's instinct to use the most reasonable way to score points in the game. Ning Yi also knows this, so he has no complaints in his heart.

But what about Kenyon Martin, what else can he do besides spraying?

No matter what you say, I will tell you to shut up. Ning Yi's pupils shrank and stared at Kenyon Martin. He would not talk nonsense with Kenyon Martin. On the court, the most powerful counterattack is to score a goal !

Knicks attack.

After passing the ball a few times, it was passed to Kenyon Martin. He lowered his center of gravity, looked at Ning Yi contemptuously, and sneered, Yellow monkey, I will let you know what the NBA is.

Ning Yi's complexion changed, and his eyes became even colder - yellow-skinned monkey, these words are not just a provocation, but a kind of discrimination and insult, which must not be tolerated!

Huh. Ning Yi took a deep breath and stared at Kenyon Martin without blinking.

If Ning Yi wants to defend against this ball, he must teach Kenyon Martin a lesson and let Martin know with actions that if he dares to insult him, insulting yellow-kind-people, he will have to pay a painful price.

Sensing Ning Yi's cold gaze, Kenyon-Martin's heart trembled, and the smile on his face narrowed. Being looked at by Ning Yi like this, he actually had a creepy feeling. This made him very upset. In order to prove that he was not guilty or afraid, he decided to single-handedly hit Ning Yi and scored a goal on Ning Yi's head.


Kenyon Martin started, tapped his toes in front of him and then retracted immediately, making a fake breakthrough to the right, but actually it was from the left.

Left. Ning Yi accurately judged Kenyon Martin's intention, moved immediately, and got stuck in the position first.

Hmph. Kenyon Martin snorted coldly, imitating Anthony, slowing down a little, trying to push Ning Yi away with his body.

In fact, he also succeeded, pushing Ning Yi away with his body. But before he could move, Ning Yi immediately leaned up again, his eyes were sharp, his eyes were cold, and there was a murderous aura circulating.

Kenyon Martin was startled, surprised, and moved a beat slower.

And at this moment, Ning Yi's eyes lit up, and he shot quickly, only to hear a pop, Kenyon Martin felt empty in his hand, and was stunned on the spot - he was cut off!

The next moment, Ning Yi started, grabbed the basketball, and rushed towards the Knicks half court.

This was so sudden that no one thought that Kenyon Martin would be intercepted directly, and no one could stop Ning Yi in a hurry. He could only watch him rush to the frontcourt, step into the three-point line, and then

What is he going to do?

Is this a slam dunk?

In the auditorium, people were surprised. They saw that Ning Yi stepped into the penalty area and hugged the ball, bent his legs, and kicked on the floor suddenly. People seemed to hear a chi sound, which was the sound of the friction between the sneakers and the floor. And Ning Yi just jumped up, holding the basketball in his right hand, and holding it high in the air.

Isn't this a slam dunk?

However, from the preseason to the regular season, this is the first time people have seen Ning Yi dunk for such a long time!

At this moment, time seemed to slow down. People stared at Ning Yi without blinking, followed him, watched him jump up, his body vacated, grabbed the basketball with his right hand, and smashed it towards the basket.


With a loud bang, the ball was slammed into the basket by Ning Yi.

The people landed, and the audience was silent.

This is Ning Yi's first dunk in the NBA, but what shocked people even more was his eyes, that kind of sharp eyes, containing murderous intent, like a beast.

He looked at Kenyon Martin!

Ning is looking at Kenyon Martin, is he targeting Kenyon Martin?

I see. It must be what Kenyon Martin said. Just now I saw him keep talking trash to Ning.

Ning Yi is angry!

After the silence, people exploded.

Some people have sharp eyes, saw some details, and almost restored the facts.

Ning Yi was indeed angry. Kenyon Martin could provoke him and talk trash, but he couldn't tolerate the words yellow monkey. If this is not a game, what he throws is not a basketball, but a fist.

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