The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 529 A filial death

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Yan Anzhi just felt that his father was a confused old man. When he killed the regent, he would definitely take the old man out of the imperial mausoleum and question him!

"Your Majesty! You still have to go to court today. It's getting late, and it's time for Your Majesty to change your clothes."

The palace maid really couldn't stand it any longer. His Majesty's face turned blue and purple for a while, and his expression changed unpredictably. If you didn't look carefully, you might have thought he had a cramp.

"Go to court?"

Yan Anzhi came back to his senses, frowned at first, and then anger rushed directly to the center of his eyebrows.

The skinny and pale face changed color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned as red as a red-hot iron.

"I just came out of Wuyang Palace and you didn't give me a day to rest? This regent is going too far!"

After the angry words, there was a crisp sound.

Yan Anzhi slammed the white porcelain vase next to him. The maids were shocked and quickly knelt down.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"


There was another sound of something falling to the ground. What fell was the asparagus flowerpot. The porcelain pieces shattered on the floor, and the soil inside was scattered everywhere.

Yan Anzhi still felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger. He looked around and found that there was nothing to smash.

In other words, he just smashed his only two ornaments.

"It' really makes sense!"

At this time, Yan Anzhi could no longer be described as angry. He was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

Is he still an emperor?

This emperor is so frustrated!

When the father was alive, no minister dared to treat the father like this. No one dared to enter or leave the palace at will except the father himself.

But when he arrived, not only did the ministers not listen to him, but even the things in the palace were moved away.

Now his Heart Cultivation Palace is worse than a place where beggars live outside. I'm afraid there has never been such a useless emperor in the entire history of Da Nan!

"Get out of here!"

There was a roar and a roar that made the four kneeling maids tremble in fear.

The four people quickly kowtowed to Yan Anzhi, stood up and bowed back, and only dared to turn around and leave when they reached the door.

As soon as the palace maid walked out of the door, she bumped into the newly appointed chief eunuch, who was only twenty-three-four years old and had a good appearance.

I used to be an errand at Jingci Temple, responsible for serving the late emperor's beloved concubine of the Sixth Palace, who is now the concubine.

It's just that this noble concubine is not even as good as an emperor's official daughter now, she is just an old woman locked up in Jingci Temple by the Queen Mother.

Anyone in the palace who is sent to work in Jingci Temple can only consider themselves unlucky.

The palace servants who do the hard work of Jingci Temple are naturally unknown in the palace and have no future at all. Even if they die, not many people will know about it.

But no one expected that Yang Shun, the young eunuch of Jingci Temple, would be directly elected as the general manager. I don’t know what kind of shitty luck he had.

Several eunuchs from Jingci Temple came to serve in front of the emperor.

It can be said that he jumped directly from the ninth-grade official to the prime minister, and the crow turned into a phoenix.

"Where is your Majesty?" A feminine voice sounded, with the air of a chief eunuch.

Facing Yang Shun's question, the palace maid quickly saluted and replied: "In reply to Eunuch Yang, Your Majesty became angry and refused to change his clothes, so he drove all the slaves out."

"Yes." Yang Shun nodded, with a slight frown on his face. He didn't know what he was thinking. After a moment, he said, "Go down, and come back to serve you in a quarter of an hour."


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