The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 766 You won’t die

After taking the medicine, the man in green clothes told the little loach: "You won't die after taking the medicine. There are your people in this alley, and you will be saved early tomorrow morning."

Although Little Loach was still conscious, it was very unclear. He knew why this person put him here. The imperial guards patrolled the capital at night, and Zuili Qiankun was protected by shadow guards. This person did not want to cause trouble.

If he still had the strength, he would really want to catch this person. He was convinced that this was the person the princess wanted him to find.

Recalling this, Little Loach said to the princess sitting beside his bed: "Princess, I found the person in the portrait. He led me there. He also saved me after I was discovered by those people."

After saying this, the little loach kept coughing, causing the pain in the wound to make his face even whiter.

Lin Jiaojiao nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, have a good rest." Then she looked at Xuemei, who was secretly wiping her tears: "Xuemei, please stay and take care of the little loach."

"Empress..." Xuemei looked at her hesitantly.

She knew that Xuemei wanted to stay, but she also wanted to serve her, so she gave her a reassuring look, and then said, "It's noisy here. I'll have someone take Little Loach back to the palace to recuperate later."

After saying this, she turned around and left the house. When she left the door, Eleven happened to be at the door.

She said: "Send someone to a grain store in the southeast of the city to check it out."

I went to check just to try my luck and see if I could find some clues.

But those people must have taken everything away long ago.

As expected, when Eleven came back, he told him that the grain store was empty and there was only a pool of blood.

What surprised her even more was that Shiyi said that there was a basement under the grain store that was more than twice as wide as Zuili Qiankun.

Little Loach heard those people say that the bottom was full, so how many soldiers and armor were there?

Although the people with unknown origins have now been discovered and confirmed, these people have disappeared in the capital.

It's just that the weapons and people should still be in the capital. These people worked hard to transport the weapons and armor to the capital. Naturally, it is impossible to send them out again.

Lin Jiaojiao was worried about this. The reason why these unknown people could disappear in the capital so quickly was because there must be someone behind the scenes to help cover up their whereabouts.

Otherwise, given the now pervasive information about the Wild Dog Gang, it would be impossible to completely miss the traces of those people.

Thinking about it this way, there is only one possibility, and that is to cover up the high position and power of these people!

Places beyond the reach of the Wild Dog Gang in Beijing are the backyards of high-ranking officials' mansions and the like. Although the Wild Dog Gang has developed a dense network of relationships in the capital these days to collect intelligence.

But they mainly wander among the lower classes, involving high-level people in Beijing, and the Wild Dog Gang has not had much effect on this.

Although the infatuated Peach Blossom Fairy has some connections among the ladies in the backyard, she only has a little glimpse of her and does not touch the private places of those powerful lords.

These disappeared people and the soldiers and armor smuggled in are particularly hidden dangers in this stormy "season"!

Like a poisonous snake hidden in the capital, it is now dormant and circling, and there is no telling when it will strike a fatal blow!

She thought that Yan Sihan was probably plotted by these hidden people in his previous life.

Nowadays, time is getting tighter and tighter, and she has no way to slowly find these people for a while.

And the powerful lords these people colluded with were even more difficult to search. What's more, in this capital, there were as many high-ranking officials as dogs. How was she supposed to check them?

My headache became more and more severe, and I felt uncomfortable even with others.

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