Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 322 Back? Do you still know how to come back?

After sending Megumi Kato off, the commercial vehicle drove towards the next destination.

The completely black car body flashed with light from time to time under the moonlight. After passing through the narrow road of the residential street, it returned to the spacious road.

The car windows with a special protective film distort the color of the street lights outside into a very strange look. Fortunately, this is not a place frequented by violent gangs. Otherwise, as long as they see such a car, experienced Tokyo residents will definitely think it is somewhere. A team leader travels.

This kind of spacious and comfortable commercial vehicle is not only loved by financial companies, but also by the leaders of violent societies whose average age has almost reached fifty.

"Goldman Sachs with a gun" is not just a joke. While others are still calling the two-dimensional cultural otakus street rats, the societies that control many business districts in Tokyo have already opened maid cafes all over the place. Akihabara.

They do not prohibit the occupancy of other shops, but they regulate the number of maid cafes in a certain area. Of course, it's not just maid cafes either.

This group of "financiers" know very well what kind of money is best made.

Hojo Kyosuke looked outside through the slightly yellowed window, his thoughts wandering uncontrollably. The cold white street lights on the street were mixed with the magenta signboards, dragging out long light tracks on the blue-green glass building. One can't help but stare at them in a daze.

However, maid cafes and the like are not as profitable as making anime. When anime becomes popular, just open an exclusively authorized anime cafe. If you spend 20,000 yen or more, you can draw a lottery. The prize is the same exclusively authorized poster or Badge...

Those old antiques have some economic acumen, but not much. If they really want to make money, it depends on the young people...

No, wait a minute...

What's going on, why am I sitting in the club boss's favorite black business car, thinking about the advanced version of their business?

Hojo Kyousuke, who had been a little proud just now, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Not only was he sitting in an intimidating black business car, the driver's face was covered with scars, and even the "auntie" who swept the floors in the company was a good fighter.

No, no, that's not what happened.

First of all, I want to work in the animation industry because I have this need myself and can help both Glass and Eiri realize their dreams.

Secondly, the reason for recruiting such weird staff is to prevent them from falling into darkness after graduating from high school and having nothing to do.

Just like that time in junior high school, under his own restraint, the entire Bunkyo District no longer had bosozokus who would honk their horns crazily in the city, and the public security has become the best area in Tokyo.

Yes, yes, that's a good thing.

Didn't Editor Akamatsu say it all? Thanks to his writing "The Devotion of Suspect X", the number of homeless people in Tokyo has decreased a lot in recent months.

Although a large part of the homeless people disappeared suddenly like in the novel, but homeless people are such creatures, and the congressmen would rather they all disappear, so they would not care where they go.

Well, my heart and my actions are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is righteous.

Hojo Kyosuke came to a conclusion in his mind and immediately put the matter behind him. At worst, he would make an anime to expose the shady story of Akihabara's maid industry and drive away those antiques.

What someone didn't know was that the reason why the company near his studio building did not call the police was that although the employees were more vicious than the others, luckily they still had their little fingers intact, and all ten fingers were intact.

"I remember that Haruno went to Osaka today, right?" He randomly found a topic and looked at Yukinoshita who was staring out the window in the rearview mirror in a daze.

"Yeah." The girl's voice was still a little cold, but she didn't have much energy.

"Senior Yangno?" Sanye said in surprise, feeling that the world was really small for a moment.

"If you're talking about the woman who can become familiar with everyone in an instant and who can't be disgusted by anyone, then that's it."

Yukinoshita said calmly. There was no emotion in her voice. The dim lights in the car could not illuminate her face clearly. Only the occasional light from the window would make half of her delicate little face clear for a moment.

At the moment when the white light flashed, Hojo Kyosuke saw the girl's silence.


He almost thought he was dazzled. He was full of energy after being hit so many times in one afternoon. Yukinoshita, who had such a strong heart, could actually have such emotions?

Moreover, what she said...

"Haha~~ Senior Yangno is indeed very popular in the school. She is also very friendly to me, a junior, and has helped me a lot in the school."

Mitsuha said with a smile, his sociable look made Yotsuba behind him roll his eyes.

This little girl used to despise her sister for being a country girl. Now that Mitsuha has transformed into a Tokyo beauty, she starts to despise her sister for losing her country girl's simplicity.

Fortunately, Mitsuha didn't know what her sister was thinking, otherwise she might have asked Mitsuha to put on a show of cutting off her fingers to prove her true nature in the carriage.

Yangono performed the stunt of not getting drunk after a thousand drinks at the banquet, and Yukinoshita looked at a future that was not his own through the gaps in the city.

"But Yukinoshita, you are so cute, you must be very popular among your classmates in school." Mitsuha said with a smile.

"..." Yukinoshita's shoulders shook.

Yukinoshita doesn't need to answer this question. Hojo Kyosuke also knows the answer. The classmates like Yukinoshita so much that they can't bear to see her wearing the same pair of indoor shoes for two days in a row. They have to use extreme methods to supervise her to change them every day, even Yukinoshita. The most fearful dogs in the world joined the supervision team.

"Yes, for someone as cute as me..." the girl whispered.

As the girl's voice deepened, silence fell into the carriage again.

Sachiko and Koha got out of the car one after another. Unlike Kato Megumi who could let her go back by herself, as Yotsuba's parent, Hojo Kyosuke had to say hello and say hello to the parents of the two little guys.

"Ah, our Yotsuba is too playful and got to this point accidentally. I'm really sorry for causing you trouble."

Hojo Kyosuke and Miyamizu Mitsuha stood side by side behind Yotsuba, talking to Sachiko's father.

The middle-aged man was also smiling with doubts in his head. The couple was too young. Just when he was about to ask, he saw the dark business car at the entrance of the courtyard and the half-open driver's window. A fierce face.

With a shake of his calf, the smile on the man's face became even brighter, and all questions were immediately forgotten. Still not the Neon Man! At this time, you should say that the weather is really nice and don’t ask for other people’s privacy!

"There, there, Sachiko is lucky to have a friend like Yotsuba. You are welcome to come and play at home in the future." He said with a smile, and pulled his daughter behind him without leaving a trace.

"Then we won't disturb you." Hojo Kyosuke nodded slightly, his etiquette was impeccable, Mitsuha Miyamizu stood behind him with a toothless smile like a newlywed wife.

"Remember to come to my house and watch TV tomorrow, Sachiko."

Yotsuba warned that Sachiko and Kohaha were important tools, and they had to rely on them to show off how great Kyosuke-san was to the class.

"Yeah!" Sachiko nodded heavily. She couldn't help but agree, but Yotsuba said that the big bag of peripherals in her hand was a benefit that only loyal members of the Hojo Kyosuke Support Club could have. If she didn't obey the command, she would take it back immediately. go.

The number of people in the car was reduced to two again. Hojo Kyosuke and Mitsuha sat in the last row with Yotsuba, and the car drove towards the place where the flow of people decreased.

The two red taillights in the black parking space are as terrifying as the bloodthirsty eyes of a beast.

Sachiko's father quickly pulled his daughter into the house and asked. Didn't he hear that Mr. Miyamizu was the section chief of the Special Disaster Division of the Fire Department? Why does it look so wrong now!

"Hehehe~~ That's the BOSS! The BOSS who has a whole room full of weapons at home!" Sachiko opened his arms and made a big circle.


In the past, men would only think that their daughters were addicted to fantasy, but now...

"That gentleman is Yotsuba's father?" He wanted to confirm this first.

"How is that possible! With so many girlfriends, it must be difficult for BOSS to choose. It's still too early to get married~" Sachiko said happily.

"No? Then who is he?" The man recalled Hojo Kyosuke's deputy-parental attitude.

"BOSS is Sister Yotsuba's boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Son-in-law?"

Bureaucracy, society...

These two words appeared in the man's mind for a moment, and everything suddenly felt reasonable.


He wanted to say that he could deepen his relationship with Yotsuba in the future, but he also wanted to be careful in the future. After thinking about it, he realized that this unreasonable daughter would not listen to him.

After recalling Hojo Kyousuke's polite look just now, he decided to shut up.

Neon's violent gang is always more polite than the last before taking out a knife. They will even politely hand the knife to you, take your hand and stab him in the stomach. They are extremely polite.

The car stopped in front of an apartment. It covered a large area and was so high that you had to bend your waist to 90 degrees to see the top. The security was tight...

Well, it's a high-end tower apartment that Kisaki highly recommends.

"Thank you."

Yukinoshita was holding her schoolbag in her left hand and holding the sleeve of her left arm with her right hand. She seemed a little cold.

"You're welcome." Hojo Kyousuke smiled.

Yukinoshita pursed her lips, as if she wanted to say something more, but in the end she just nodded, turned and walked towards the hall.

When she reached the door of the hall, she turned around. To be honest, she couldn't tell why she did this or what she was expecting. But what surprised her for a moment was that the black car was still parked there.

A smile appeared on her face, she bowed slightly and walked into the hall.

The two ladies at the front desk smiled like family members, and Yukinoshita walked towards the elevator without squinting.

I want to go back to that home alone.

"I looked at Harano-senpai's photo. She and her parents seem to be still in Osaka?"

In the car, Mitsuha looked at Yukinoshita's back and asked Hojo Kyosuke.

"Yes, Yukinoshita's family are all in Osaka." Someone nodded.

"Let's go, Hirata, to Miyamizu's house."

"Would it be lonely to live alone in such a big house?"

Although he had no friendship with Yukinoshita and the two had a debate, Mitsuha Miyamizu didn't have any dissatisfaction with the girl and even liked her a little. A completely different type from Haruno-senpai, but still very likable.

"Maybe, but she is Yukinoshita Yukino."

Hojo Kyosuke said casually.

Yukinoshita Yukino is as beautiful as the snow under the snow, and also as strong as the snow under the snow. The sun will be blocked by the snow above, but she will still remain cold and beautiful.

Thinking of this, in his mind, what Yangno said to him on the phone, and Yukinoshita's lonely expression in the car just now kept alternating.

Haruno hated socializing as the heir of the Yukinoshita family, drank bitter wine that was difficult to swallow, and used vomiting to pretend to be drunk after a thousand cups, showing the attitude that the future head of the Yukinoshita family should have.

Yukino admires everything her sister is doing, studying the art of controlling people's hearts, looking forward to changing the world by changing people's hearts, and longs to inherit her father's career.

It's like a three-year-old child standing next to a high stool, guessing whether the adult's wine glass contains something better than yogurt.

Hojo Kyousuke didn't know what Yukino said before, whether he wanted to be like Yono, or whether he wanted to prove that he could inherit his father's career even if he didn't need to be that person.

This is Yukinoshita's family matter, and until this aggressive minister adds "helping Yukinoshita Yukino realize her dream" to the service department's commission list, no one is qualified to point fingers at her.

The so-called towers are high-rise apartments located in a prosperous area, with beautiful city views, and are surrounded by subway stations and various convenient living facilities. So if they want to return to the Miyamizu family, they must first pass through this bustling area.

The roads in Tokyo at night are wide and ordinary. The lights and advertisements on both sides of the road are flashing crazily as if they are free of charge. Magenta and emerald green, these two colors together are full of confrontation and psychedelic, adding to this big city. The city adds a sense of the future. Walking in it and looking at the colorful light tracks on both sides is like walking into a time machine and entering another world.

The tall buildings gradually disappeared, leaving only dots of warm yellow lights in the distance, which were filled with one-family residential areas.

The car stopped in a familiar alley. Hojo Kyosuke stopped Hirata who wanted to speak and motioned for him to get out of the car.

Yotsuba had fallen asleep on his lap, holding Mitsuha tightly with one hand.

"After you and Sakura came down, your face didn't look good. Did something happen?" he asked.

Mitsuha Miyamizu seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago. He had never expressed doubts about Hojo Kyousuke asking the driver to get out of the car before, and now his expression was even more frighteningly calm.

She lowered her head and fiddled with the broken hair on her sister's forehead, touched the small white ears, and closed her hands to cover them.

"It's something Sakura asked me to keep for her during the Sakura Festival." Mitsuha said softly.

Before Hojo Kyosuke could ask further questions, she continued:

"If you want to maintain a friendship with a person, you must never reveal her secrets, especially the secrets related to her most important things. If you want to know, Kyousuke, just ask her."

"Can that guy Sakura have..."

"Sitsuye, wake up, grandma asked you to practice Kagura dance." Mitsuye interrupted someone and shook her sister.


Yotsuba jumped up as if the power was suddenly turned on. If Hojo Kyosuke hadn't quickly reached out to block her head, the new car would have been sent to the repair shop immediately.

"Are you just going to have a day off today!" Before she could figure out what was going on, Yotsuba began to beg continuously.

"No!" Sanye said loudly.

"..." Siye looked around with blurred eyes, but there were no lights on in the carriage, and it was all pitch black. She almost thought she had gone to "another world."

After a while, she finally realized what she was doing when she felt the big, generous hand on her head.

"Idiot sister, the Miyamizu Shrine is gone, so there is no need to dance!" She scolded unceremoniously.

Really, I didn’t see you being so active at that time, but now you are using this to scare me. You are such an idiot. You have grown up so big in vain, and you still like to play pranks like a child.

Yotsuba woke up, and Hojo Kyousuke couldn't continue asking, so he had to open the car door.

He didn't expect that the main character of the thing that made Mitsuha absent-minded was actually Sakura. After all, at that time at home, the smell of Sakura's body had not changed at all. No matter the tone, expression, or movements, it was not the same as before. On the contrary, Mitsuha Both the smell and expression on Ye's body were filled with thoughts.

Mitsuha also didn't expect that Kyousuke would choose to ask her instead of Sakura. What's more, he didn't expect that he didn't notice anything was wrong with Sakura at all.

Obviously his observation skills are so keen and he knows Sakura so well...

At this time, she truly understood Sakura's words, "It's precisely because he is Kyosuke that I can hide it from him~~"

A genius like Kyosuke, with eyes like an eagle, would be hidden by Sakura, a fool.

No matter how the girl's thoughts changed, she had to face her father who was standing at the door of the courtyard with eager eyes.

"came back?"

Toshiki Miyamizu crossed his arms over his chest, and every word seemed to be sprayed out of his nose. At least Hojo Kyousuke saw his nose hairs fluttering. Except that there were no embers of fire, he was as scary as the demons of hell.

"Ah, really, Dad, why are you still standing at the door so late? Be careful of catching a cold."

Sanye stepped forward, took his father's arm and started acting coquettishly. Siye next to him was not to be outdone, shouting that he was sleepy. But she's not doing it for her idiot sister, she's covering up for Kyosuke-san.

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