Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 354 Dad, what are you doing! ?

Mitsuha and Glass both went to pick up their sisters. Hojo Kyosuke did not rush back to his seat, but took advantage of the situation and sat in Glass's seat, stretched out his hand to bring his sister over and sat on his feet.

"Kashiko, have you properly said hello to these sisters?"

While talking, he took his sister's round little hand like a cartoon character and waved it left and right.

"Of course! Beautiful sister!"

Ka Shizi is a small person, but he speaks with great power, as if the emperor is assigning titles to the concubines in the harem.

"Kaseko is so cute, just like Yotsuba when she was little."

Xueye smiled and stretched out his index finger to gently scratch the little girl's palm, with undisguised affection on his face. It's not because she is older than others that she likes children, or because she is like a child who hasn't grown up, but because she likes the simple and happy world of children.

Unlike adults who weigh the pros and cons, for various reasons, they can only tolerate things they don't like.

The world of a child is very simple. If you don't like something, just hope you never see it again. Just like Yotsuba to the emperor Katsuhiko Kawara, when she sees Sayaka, she will be happy as if she got pocket money, but when she sees the emperor, she will call him a buffoon unceremoniously. Why should she pester the cute girl all day long? Good morning.

Yukino Momoka has grown up, but the dividing lines of the world are still so clear in her heart. She has experienced too much malice in the world and knows that most things in this world will not develop as she wants. She knows that she cannot drive those malice out of her world.

So, she chose to run away.

Escape from the middle school without Teacher Haranako, escape from Tokyo full of rumors, escape from the cold hometown...

Her world is constantly being invaded by malice, and the patches of whiteness that have existed since childhood are blackened, but she still tries to make her world a better place and constantly escapes from those complicated things.

Finally, she found a piece of pure land in the otherworldly place of Itomori. Her god planted an apple tree for her, which bore sweet fruit.

Looking at Hojo-kun's lovely sister in front of her, Yukino Momori couldn't help but fantasize about herself and his child.

It should be black eyes. If it's a boy, I hope the eyes are not the same as mine. They look too easy to bully. Hojo-kun's is better. Just a serious face seems to keep the malice from the outside world away. . If you're a girl, I hope your eyes are as good as Hojo-kun's, so you won't worry about being ostracized.

It should be black hair, but it’s better not to be like mine. If your hair is soft, people will think you have a weak personality, just like Hojo-kun.

Your hands should also be like those of Hojo-kun, big and full of strength. Just putting them gently on someone's head can seem to convey reassuring power.

Nose, mouth, toenails...

It would be best if they all look like Hojo-kun!

As Yukino thought about it, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand, wanting to take Kashiko into his arms.

Looking at the white little hands stretched out in front of him, Hojo Kyosuke smiled slightly and handed his sister over without politeness. Kashiko is so lucky. He has so many beautiful sisters to play with since he was a child. He will definitely be a blessed person when he grows up.


Kashiko shouted loudly. Although she could already speak very logical words, she still had the characteristics of a child when she spoke. She was extremely serious when she spoke, and she would look at the other person's face steadily after she finished speaking. , confirm whether your words have been conveyed well.


As a teacher, Yukino can be said to be the best at taking care of children. After bringing her over, he made Kaashiko sit in front of him as usual.

Because we were notified in advance, the dishes are now being served one after another.

Xueye looked at the dishes in front of him, first excluded the roasted bird skewers and beef skewers, and then looked at a plate of oden. The carrots and tofu inside seemed to be cooked very soft, and the large cylindrical root (white radish) had absorbed the soup and turned a light brown color.

Picking up a new pair of chopsticks, she was about to break the white radish into small pieces and feed it to Kashiko, when she quickly poked her head out to look at Hojo Mikiko.

"Aunt Miyoko, can these Kashiko be eaten?"

Although this was the countless times he had called out this title today, Yukino couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all, Hojo-kun's mother looked too young and didn't look like the mother of two children at all. If Xiaojing were here, she would immediately want to drown herself in alcohol.

However, Aunt Mikiko is worthy of being Hojo-kun's mother. She is a very gentle person. At the first sight of meeting her, she directly held his hand, called her Xiao Baixiangli, and praised her for being cute, as if she were a child like Eirili.

"Yes! All of them! Kashiko can eat them all!"

Such a serious voice could not be that of Mikiko Hojo, who had never been troubled. I saw Kashiko standing up and stretching out his hands as if to take all the dishes on the table in front of him. Small people have big appetites.

"Wow! Really? Is Kashiko so powerful?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the opposite side also asked in surprise.

"Well! Kashiko has been able to eat beef for a long time!" Kashiko Hojo nodded heavily with bright eyes.

Yinglili tilted her face and looked at the black-haired witch next to her in shock, her heart full of disdain.

"Can you even eat green pepper and Shizi?"

The blond girl asked in an exaggerated voice as she picked up the salad mixed with green and red bell peppers in front of her.

"Of course!" Ka Shizi nodded vigorously.

"Hey!!! That's awesome!"

Eirili exclaimed as she moved the salad plate in front of Kashiko, and Kashiko also cooperated by picking up the chopsticks and skillfully picking up a piece of green pepper and stuffing it into his mouth and chewing vigorously.

The children's serious actions were certainly cute, but everyone, including Yukino Mokari, looked at Eiri with an incomprehensible expression.

"What, what's wrong!"

Eiriri shrank her neck at first, but soon shouted in a higher tone. She looked at least very similar to Kashiko.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Aunt Meijizi who was smiling over there, moved her lips a few times, and after enduring it again and again, she still couldn't hold back and said:

"Sawamura-san is really an incredible person. I often thought that I had seen her limit, but I didn't expect that she could still surprise me inadvertently."

After finishing speaking, the girl pursed her lips, her expression was like taking a big sip of sugar-free Coke, mixed with shock and disbelief, extremely complicated.


The one who laughs so unscrupulously is of course Sakura-sama. Her laughter was like a signal, Yukino, Miki and Naohua all covered their mouths and laughed softly. Although he didn't know what was going on, Kashiko was obviously very like the Hojo family, and he made himself laugh when he picked up some random laughter.

For a moment, the space here was filled with a clear and sweet sound like silver bells. Hojo Kyousuke looked in all directions and didn't know who to look at. The waists of the girls who were sitting seriously were swaying like thin willows in the wind. Just like that, it makes people forget to leave.

Except for one person, of course.

"Is there any problem? It is good for children to eat more green peppers! It can supplement vitamins, anthocyanins, protein..."

Although Eiri's cheeks were red, her mouth was still very hard. After shouting out the protein, even Aunt Mijiko laughed out loud, and she quickly said:

“It also replenishes water!”

Everyone eats at the same table every day, and everyone knows that the blond lady doesn't eat green peppers. Even if the plate was a little closer to her, she would be as frightened as if she saw radioactive material. Only the green pepper dish made by Hojo Kyosuke could pry open her small mouth and barely manage to take two bites.

"So, it's because you don't eat green peppers that Sawamura-san's development is like this. Well, let me think about how to say it without making you feel embarrassed. Oh, by the way, 'cute'."

Cute? cute? No, isn’t that to praise cats, puppies, and children? The Englishman, who was not good at English, was stunned at first, but fortunately she knew this word. After thinking about it, she immediately got angry:

"You are talking nonsense!"

Her blue eyes secretly glanced at Aunt Miyoko in front of her on the left. Eiri thought to herself: If Kyousuke's mother hadn't been here, I would have just gone back and asked Kyousuke to wash my hair ten times and dip the ponytails in chili oil. Let you know what magic attack is.

"Ah? Green peppers are a good food? Yingli eats them too!"

Kashiko couldn't understand what Shiba, who had big breasts, was saying, but that didn't stop her from understanding what the blond-haired sister Eiri was saying. After hearing that green peppers had so many benefits, little Kashiko packed the vegetables without hesitation. The salad plate was pushed forward and returned to Yinglili.

"Yinglili, eat, eat more!"

I was still thinking whether dipping it in chili oil would do too much harm, otherwise Eirili would switch to soy sauce. When I heard Kashiko's words and looked at the green pepper salad in front of me, I couldn't help but pucker my mouth. Disgusting feeling.

"Well, eat!" She agreed fiercely, then picked up the condiment bottle next to her and squeezed a bunch of salad dressing on it. She didn't stop until the green peppers no longer looked like they were before.

"You can't learn this, Kashiko~"

Hojo Kyosuke quickly covered the eyes of his younger sister who was watching with gusto, and Yukino finally had the opportunity to feed Kaseko.

Ah, so happy~

Seeing Kashiko obediently eating the food she fed, Yukino Momori felt so happy that she was almost bubbling over, with an unabashed childlike smile on her face.

Yukino found the fun of the party, and Hojo Kyosuke breathed a sigh of relief. Although their mother is here, there is no need to worry that these girls will have nothing to do, but compared to seniors Miki and Shiwa who have met their mother for a long time, Yukino has too little contact with her mother after all. And she was an older child who was even shyer and introverted than Glass, so he couldn't help but be a little worried.

Then he moved between Yukino and Miki.

"Congratulations on winning, Kyosuke."

Miki Okudera picked up the ginger ale, her red lips opening and closing. The gray eyes were extremely bright under the yellow light, as if there were stars twinkling inside, but in fact there was only the figure of a man inside.

"Now that you have the money to open a branch, are you ready to receive capital injections from investors?"

Hojo Kyosuke smiled and took Yukino's orange juice and touched it lightly with Miki.

"Haha~~ Oh no, is this banquet actually a briefing meeting for investors?"

Okudera Miki first chuckled, then raised her left hand and gently covered it in front of her mouth, widening her eyes and saying in surprise.

Her slender fingers and each perfectly shaped nail were studded with sparkling rhinestones, and the reflected light seemed to reflect on her pretty face, making her whole person even more bright and beautiful for a moment.

"That's right, I, as an investor, am working very hard to make money, and I'm just waiting for you, a little sheep, to help me turn my money into ten or eight times."

Hojo Kyosuke said with a smile, his mind couldn't help but drift to the time when he got the royalties for the serialization for the first time and excitedly went to find Miki. The two of them walked along the Ochanomizu River together. Miki took the magazine and asked her to sign it seriously, allowing herself to experience the joy of becoming a cartoonist for the first time.

Holding the coffee, she sighed to herself that Neon people are really not afraid of burning. Instead, Miki said that she had a cat's tongue, and then blew "whoosh~" like an idiot, trying to help herself cool down the coffee...

"I thought it was angel investment, but I didn't expect it was actually money from selling myself?"

Miki Okudera smiled coquettishly and twisted her waist rhythmically.

"Isn't that of course? If you eat my rice, of course you will be mine!" Someone said brazenly.

"That's not just rice..."

The girl lowered her head and took a sip of the drink. There were large and small ice cubes undulating and colliding in the orange soda.

That's not just rice, that's my dream.

A boy who came to Tokyo to study alone talked about investing in himself as if joking. The two of them were like country people who came to Tokyo for the first time to pursue their dreams. They sat in their cramped apartment, ate modest late-night snacks, and talked about their longing for the future.

Even if it is placed in a morning drama, the next best plot is just that the heroine finally sees the nature of society clearly, and finds her own position in this clock where everyone runs as rigidly as a screw.

I didn't give up on my dream, and kept improving my recipes, looking for signature dishes that could support my dream. And the boy who said he wanted to invest in himself like a child's play, first helped himself sell a trivial formula for a million, and miraculously became a cartoonist, truly building something for himself from scratch. The store of my dreams.

Choose a location together, choose a name together, decorate together, and watch your dreams slowly float into the sky together.

It's really like a dream.

"How domineering, Kyosuke."

The girl whispered, then stretched out her pink little tongue and gently stirred the ice cubes in the cup, as if to make them match her mood.

"Because what I like most is the way Miki works hard for her dreams."

Hojo Kyousuke will never forget the books filled with notes he saw in Miki Okudera's apartment. They were not simple notes, but the steps of a person's pursuit of his dreams. She lives in a prestigious all-girls school where she can marry into a wealthy family as soon as she graduates and enter the winning group in life, but she is willing to work so hard every day as a waiter in a restaurant to learn experience.

He has no doubt that even without him, Miki will eventually realize her dream, and even in the future, advertisements for "Yantei" will be played at Shibuya intersections around the clock.

All he did was advance the process slightly so that his name could appear in that woman's dream, which was really not worth mentioning. As he said at the beginning, this is an investment, not a charity.

Hearing this, Miki Okudera couldn't help but raise her head, her thick and slender eyelashes blinked slightly, and her eyes bloomed with astonishing light.

Kyosuke's steps never stopped. Although he looked lazy every day, he was actually moving towards the future. And what about yourself? The initial dream has been realized. I have my own store and I have been constantly developing nutritious and delicious food. I have already earned back my initial investment. I can’t believe the huge profits I make every day.

So, investors should be more satisfied? Should you make your dreams shine brighter? Maybe, in the future, Kyosuke’s award ceremony will be held in his own restaurant, no, his own hotel?

Okudera Miki felt as if she had returned to the Garden of Words for an instant. At that time, even if she encountered a difficult customer, as long as she thought that this was to accumulate experience for her future store, she could muster up all the courage and rack her brains. Deal with guests thoughtfully.

What a dream...

It’s such a distant and beautiful thing.

"Yeah! Please give me more advice from investors in the future!"

The girl nodded heavily, her voice extremely excited.

"Please give me more advice." Hojo Kyosuke smiled and raised his glass.

Miki Okudera was obviously not the only one who was excited.

【Miyamizu Family】

When she heard that her sister had come to pick her up to celebrate with Kyosuke-san, Yotsuba jumped up from the sofa with a cheer, and rushed out the door with her two followers without saying a word.

Mitsuha Miyamizu looked at his father in stunned silence. Did he hear him correctly? Dad, he actually wants to help Kyosuke celebrate?

"What? I'm not welcome at that brat's party?" Toshiki Miyamizu had a stinky face, and it didn't look like he was going to celebrate Hojo Kyosuke at all.

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