Anime Clips: 10 Charming Villains At The Beginning Inventory

Anime Clips: 10 Charming Villains At The Beginning Inventory


237 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Feng, who is a traveler, suddenly obtained a comprehensive editing and projection system, and harvested emotional points through the edited animation videos to exchange for rewards.

So, Chu Feng tried to edit videos that were different from others to start a different life.

[Starting inventory of the top ten charming villains in the comics]

Tenth place: The peach land will not be cut again. Fascinating point: This killer is not too cold!

Ninth place: dried persimmon ghost shark. Fascinating point: a real ninja!

Eighth place: Feng Kelei. Fascinating Point: Men are nothing but Von Krei!


Soon, the charming villains in the anime began to appear.

Madara Uchiha: “Do you want to dance too?”

Uchiha Obito: “I just want to create a world with Lin.”

Boros: “If even I retreat, who will guard this universe dominated by bald heads?”

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