The flames were like fireworks exploding in the darkness. The brilliance of that moment did not dispel the darkness, but made it clearer.

It's like this deep darkness is the essence and source of everything.

The moment Diana dropped the three swords, she lost sight of Constantine and Lucifer. They seemed to be overwhelmed by the overwhelming wave of darkness.

But this is not nothingness.

Diana knows this very well, because she has not lost her existence and image. The best proof is that she still maintains her original human form.

In the same way, in this silent darkness, Diana believed that thoughts also existed.

It seemed to be sleeping, and it seemed that it didn't care at all about a humble and uninvited guest.

The strangest thing was that Diana felt that she had been here before, and she had a strong sense of déjà vu. is this possible? The darkness here seems to be higher than those of the "Invisible Seven Sages", he is primitive and pure, he transcends everything.

Suddenly, Diana saw the outline of a large dark forest in the darkness on the left. In that forest, there seemed to be some shining fruits hanging.

Diana looked over there curiously and warily. She clenched the three swords tightly and even took a few steps in that direction involuntarily.

And just as Diana took steps forward, the shadow under her feet that was almost integrated with the dark path split apart in the sway. It only stayed for a moment before disappearing into the darkness.

As Diana moved forward, more shadows trembled and split, and merged into the darkness like threads.

By the time Diana discovered this strange phenomenon, she could already see clearly what was hidden in the so-called woods.

They were countless human-shaped lanterns, as if their translucent skins had been stitched together and then hung on the twisted trees.

But those are not skins, but souls, countless sleeping souls.

When Diana saw these weird and beautiful scenes, she immediately thought of the Origin Wall, which was the most insignificant part of the truth about the origin of the universe that she and the "dead man" saw at the core of the source code.

If the bodies of those gods are embedded in the wall of origin, then all the souls of those who died seem to be hidden here.

Life will not die. They all arrived here in the end. They seemed to share the same grand dream. In their sleep, they unconsciously created this deep darkness.

When Diana lowered her head, she noticed the fluctuation of her shadow, and she immediately discovered that it was her own story and destiny.

No one is controlling her, but she is controlling herself. Every choice she makes will split off a possibility, and those possibilities constitute a microcosm centered on herself, making her the core of the observation.

All the souls here have not yet begun their stories, and their thoughts are here waiting for the opportunity to write a new chapter of their own.

At this time, Diana saw the souls of some women who died tragically in war and abuse from the split shadows under her feet. Their strong and angry thoughts gathered together. They were looking for an exit. They hoped to get true justice.

And that justice is Diana.

It finally dawned on Diana that she had indeed been here. Because she is the aggregation of those women's souls, she is the image created by these women's desire for justice to be done, and she is the core of the story created by these women's strong desire.

It was never the Olympus gods who gave Diana life. They just created the skin of Diana, but the inside still belongs to Diana and the souls of those women.

The gods have always been using these souls. They have been lying. Everything they have done is to allow the Amazon female warriors to bring them a steady stream of faith, and that faith is creation. and the source that sustains their own stories.

These gods are just existences created by every life. They are given meaning by all lives. Once they are forgotten and abandoned by life, they will disappear and lose the power and divinity given to them by those stories. trace.

Diana fell silent. She began to feel sad for the gods.

Because they are no different from mortals, they are also a member of life, but they gradually get lost in the transcendent image given to them. They forget that it is just a mirror, a mirror, and a shadow born in the darkness. Small ripples.

That is not strength, that is shackles, that is the denial of self due to lack of thought and dryness.

Whether it was Zeus, Ares, or Odin, they were all lost.

Perhaps the same is true for God's original light. The rules and order he created are just to make his creation his great work forever, but he is still alone. Therefore, he created those human beings, imitating the way life creates stories, and imitating his image to create new stories, giving all life new images.

It was like a real dream. Perhaps this is the meaning of the Endless Family. They build a bridge to this dark place in time. They also come from the thoughts of life. They have countless kinds of thoughts. Images, they are the basis of imagination and creation, they even influence God himself.

nothing is forever.

Diana finally understood the true meaning of this sentence.

Every thought is not static, and this dark place is both the beginning and the end.

Death is no longer scary, because the ever-changing lives and thoughts will eventually create new stories and give new meaning to the new universe.

God left because he finally accepted this.

He made peace with himself.

"Those cunning old guys finally gave you something convenient, and actually allowed you to arrive here with self-awareness." A joking but hollow voice suddenly sounded in the darkness behind Diana.

Diana looked back, not particularly surprised. She now knew the only being that could speak to her in the heart of the collective unconscious.

A human-shaped black shadow emerged from the shadow behind Diana. It squirmed and gradually took shape, but it never became fixed.

It is just a part of the chaotic consciousness of this deep darkness, which originates from the unconscious throbbing and desire at the beginning of all life.

It is the most primitive instinct, there is no evil or justice, it is just pure darkness.

Eternal freedom.

"The great darkness..." Diana muttered to herself, looking at the ever-changing shadows in front of her.

"Many people are looking for me, but they are looking in the wrong direction after all." The black shadow suddenly became extremely huge, like a ferocious monster, but in an instant, it turned into a human appearance again. When the darkness retreated slightly from his face, the face of a young oriental man was revealed, "But you have found the right place."

Diana's eyes slowly widened.

Because the current image of the Great Darkness is exactly that Chen Yu who acted with Constantine in the comics.

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