Harry Potter: The Legend of Demigods

Chapter 32 The Mysterious Black Magic Book

The next morning, when Ron and Harry woke up, they were surprised to find that Anakin was still in the dormitory, even because he got up too early.

"Hurry up, our first period in the morning is Potions class, Harry, you don't want Professor Snape to find a reason to reprimand you," Anakin said.

After a while, Anakin and the three arrived at the Great Hall. They found a seat and sat down, and the news spread like wildfire that the two giant monsters were killed by the same first-year wizard.

Fred and George Weasley sat next to them. "Anakin, did you really kill two trolls?"

"I heard they were over twelve feet tall."

"The scene was extremely bloody."

"It's a pity that Filch is now surrounding us and preventing us from entering."

"I heard that there are still many people who haven't seen it."

Anakin deliberately created a sense of mystery and said playfully: "Oh, do you want to hear the details?" The surrounding Gryffindors also joined in and gathered around curiously.


"Ugh." After listening to Anakin's description, the hearts of everyone in Gryffindor who saw the actual scene suffered a huge shock. They looked at the dairy products on the table and the ketchup on the bread and swore they wouldn't eat them again for a while.

They are disgusted because Anakin vividly depicts that bloody battle with vivid language and detail. He described the roars of the trolls, the horrific screams and the splatters of blood and body parts. As he narrated, the atmosphere in the entire auditorium became tense and heavy.

Some students had to cover their mouths with their hands for fear that they would vomit. In fact, many people had already vomited. Brothers Fred and George Weasley looked at each other, pale, obviously frightened by the description.

Anakin elegantly picked up the bread, took a bite, and paired it with a sip of milk.

"Anakin, don't you really feel sick? The milk you drank... looks very similar to that thing." Haisa asked with a pale face.

"I'm sorry, Haisa. I shouldn't have joked about something like this, especially when what you saw at the scene was so horrific." Anakin apologized sincerely.

The Gryffindor classmates gradually recovered from Anakin's description. Although they still felt a little uncomfortable, they began to understand that this was just a joking and exaggerated description. Brothers Fred and George Weasley also breathed a sigh of relief and exchanged weak smiles.

"Anakin, you are such a genius!" Fred said with a smile. "You almost made us forget how disgusting it was to eat breakfast."

George joined in, "Indeed, you have a talent for creating atmosphere with your words."

The atmosphere in the entire auditorium became relaxed again, and the students continued to enjoy their breakfast, although their appetite for food had weakened somewhat after the "description" just now.


After Potions class, Anakin went to the library again, avoiding the restricted section and instead looking for books related to divination and precognition. He was full of curiosity about his prophetic dreams and experiences with the mysterious goddess, and hoped to teach himself divination. Who knows maybe he has a gift for divination?

However, as he searched the bookshelves, Anakin's eyes were suddenly caught by a particularly eye-catching book. The cover of the book is a deep black, as if it can swallow all light, and it reads "Prophecy of the Future: The Secret of Black Magic". Anakin frowned. A black magic book appears on an ordinary bookshelf? Anakin picked up the book, its cover smooth and cool. On the title of the book, golden text shines in an ancient and mysterious font. As Anakin gently touched the cover, he felt what seemed to be a faint vibration, as if the book had a life of its own.

Just as he was trying to open the mysterious book, Hermione suddenly walked over. She looked at the book in Anakin's hand and asked curiously: "Anakin, what book are you reading? Is this "Words from the Stars: Premonitions of Destiny"? Are you teaching yourself divination now?"

Anakin raised his eyebrows. He originally planned to hide the dark magic book, but Hermione seemed to be able to see the real name of the book. He took out the book and asked doubtfully: "Hermione, what is written in this book?"

Hermione felt strange: "Of course, it says 'Words from the Stars: Premonitions of Destiny', can't you see it?"

If Anakin had previously suspected that someone was trying to trick him, he was now sure that someone was trying to test him, although he didn't know whether it was Dumbledore or Voldemort who was behind it. So, Anakin put the book back in its place, then took out several other books and asked Hermione: "Are you reading anything recently?"

Hermione looked at Anakin with confusion in her eyes, but she did not ask any more questions and just replied: "Well, recently I have been studying some defensive spell books and some content about potions. However, I’m also interested in divination and precognition, maybe we can study together.”

Anakin nodded, and suddenly he seemed to freeze. On his desk, the dark magic book lay quietly there. He tried to put it back on the bookshelf, but the book appeared on Anakin's desk again, as if waiting for him to start reading.

"What the hell is this? How could this book appear on my desk by itself?" Anakin muttered to himself, already beginning to feel an inexplicable uneasiness.

Anakin's curiosity was aroused along with his alertness. He recognized that the book was unusual and seemed to have a will of its own, trying to guide him. Hermione's reaction seemed different from Anakin's, but he didn't dare ignore this mysterious phenomenon.

Anakin gritted his teeth. "It's impossible for Principal Dumbledore to expel me just because I got caught up in a dark magic book. In that case, I might as well go find him directly." Anakin picked up the book and headed towards the principal's office. run. However, just when he arrived at the door of the principal's office, the book suddenly disappeared. "Hey, things are starting to get tricky." Anakin stopped where he was, a little shocked. He didn't expect that he would be entangled in a black magic book, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Anakin stood at the door of the principal's office, facing the dark magic book that had just disappeared, and he began to complain.

"This is really strange," he muttered, still holding the outline of the book in his hand, as if he had actually touched it. "What the hell is this book? Is it written by Voldemort?"

He muttered to himself, trying to clear his head but feeling increasingly confused. Why is the Black Magic Book in the library and only he seems to have seen the real title? Anakin suddenly made a bold guess: "Does Voldemort think that I have an influence on his plan and want to eradicate dissidents?"

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