Harry Potter: The Legend of Demigods

Chapter 33 Poor noseless monster

After entering November, the weather becomes very cold. The mountains surrounding the school were gray and covered with ice and snow, and the lake surface was as cold and hard as tempered steel. Every morning there is frost on the ground. Hagrid could be seen from an upstairs window, swaddled in a long moleskin coat, wearing rabbit fur gloves and huge beaver fur boots, defrosting a broomstick on the Quidditch pitch.

Anakin had never tried to open the book of dark magic since then. He knew that he had probably attracted Voldemort's attention, so he decided to strengthen his defenses and raise the Occlumency barrier.

Quidditch season has begun. After several weeks of training, Harry will compete in his first ever match on Saturday, between Gryffindor and Slytherin. If Gryffindor wins, they will move up to second place in the House Cup.

Anakin entered the Great Hall to eat breakfast and saw Hermione coaxing Harry to let him eat something.

"I'm not hungry."

Harry felt terrible. In another hour, he will be walking onto the field. "Harry, you need to maintain strong physical strength." Seamus Finnigan said, "The seeker is always the person the opponent should guard against." "Thank you, Seamus." Harry said, looking at Seamus. Slathering tomato sauce on his sausage was a bit queasy.

Anakin joked: "Compared to losing the game, if you don't have the strength, even if you see the snitch, you can't catch up."

Harry reluctantly took a few bites of bread.


By eleven o'clock, it seemed that all the teachers and students of the school were in the stands surrounding the Quidditch pitch. Many students also brought binoculars. The seats were literally raised into the air, but it was still difficult to see the action at times. Haisa separated from Anakin and others at the entrance of the stadium and went to Slytherin. Quidditch is indeed the most popular sport in the wizarding world (because it is the only one), and Anakin and the others almost couldn't squeeze into the stadium.

Led by Ron and Hermione, Anakin squeezed into the highest row, joining Neville, Seamus and Seaham fan Dean. To surprise Harry, they held up a huge banner that said Potter must win.

After all, the relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin was particularly bad. Before the game even started, the two houses almost started fighting. With a whistle, Mrs. Hooch started the game. After the first goal, Haigh squeezed in.

"I just watched it in my hut," Hagrid said, patting the big telescope hanging around his neck. "But it's not the same atmosphere as watching the game in the crowd. The Snitch is nowhere to be seen, is he?"

"No," said Ron. "Harry doesn't have much to do yet."

"Don't worry, Gryffindor will win this time," Anakin said, trying to cheer everyone up.

The game was in full swing, and Anakin and other fans were watching the game on the field with rapt attention. It was a fierce duel, with both teams trying their best to win.

Harry seemed to spot the Snitch and swooped down. Boom! Marcus Flint deliberately bumped into Harry, causing the Snitch to disappear. "Foul!" shouted the Gryffindors.

In the stands, Dean Thomas shouted: "Send him off, referee! Red card!" "This is not football, Dean," Ron reminded him, "You can't send someone off in a Quidditch match. ——Also, what is the red card?”

But Hagrid agreed with Dean.

"They should change the rules of the game, Flint almost knocked Harry out of the air."

Li Qiaodan found it difficult to be impartial.

"In this way - after the obvious and despicable cheating just now -"

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall growled.

"I mean, after that public and offensive foul play—"

"Jordan, let me remind you-"

"Okay, okay. Flint almost killed Gryffindor's Seeker. I believe this happens to everyone, so Gryffindor's penalty kick was taken by Arya. She Passed the ball around, it went smoothly, the game continued and Gryffindor still had the ball.”

To be honest, being a commentator also requires strength. Li Jordan obviously favored the Gryffindor team, but few people thought there was a problem.

Suddenly, Harry's broom began to shake violently up and down, like a mad bull trying to shake the knight off of him. His broomstick began to tumble and roll, and Harry could barely hold on without falling.

"Oh my god, what happened to Harry!" Hermione asked in horror. At this time, she seemed to have discovered something. Hermione grabbed Hagrid's telescope. Instead of looking up at Harry, she began to look anxiously at the crowd.

"What are you doing?" Ron groaned, his face ashen.

"I'd guessed it," gasped Hermione, "it's Snape - look."

Ron grabbed the binoculars. Snape stood in the middle of the stands opposite them. His eyes were fixed on Harry and he was mumbling something silently.

"He's up to no good - jinxing the broomstick," said Hermione.

"What do we do?"

"Look at me."

Hermione suddenly disappeared. Ron pointed the telescope back at Harry. Soon, Professor Snape's robes suddenly burst into flames. He stood up quickly and hit Quirrell with an elbow on the face. Quirrell fell to the ground with a thud.

To be honest, without prior knowledge of the original work, no one would have thought that Snape's move was intentional. Of course, Quirrell couldn't get up for a while.

"It seems that Voldemort's nose is gone like this. It really hurts" Anakin thought. High in the air, Harry was suddenly able to climb back onto the broomstick. He swooped down toward the ground and was seen covering his mouth with his hands as if he were about to vomit - he landed on all fours - coughing - and something golden fell into his palms. Li Jordan announced that Gryffindor won by 170 points to 60 points.


In Hagrid's hut, Ron said to Harry with certainty: "It was Snape who did it. We all saw it. He was chanting a spell on your broomstick, muttering, and keeping his eyes fixed on you." you."

In fact, Snape was a good man and a very miserable scapegoat. In the original novel, Harry can trust almost anyone except Snape. He believed in Quirrell in the first year, Tom in the second year, and Crouch in the fourth year, but Harry was always suspicious of Snape. Snape's performance is always unpredictable, as if he is always hiding ulterior motives, making people feel that he is not a kind person. Whatever happened, it seemed possible to pin the blame on Snape, and he was always the easiest target for suspicion. It's just that he doesn't really look like a good person, and coupled with his bias, he has been misunderstood by Harry. Anakin planned to turn the three little ones' attention to Quirrell, after all, Snape could backstab Voldemort for the woman he liked.

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