Energy Controller of Meiman

Chapter 19 Misfortune strikes again

When the dark creatures were preparing to set fire, John was seriously thinking about countermeasures.

When a fire breaks out, most people are not burned to death but suffocated.

This is similar to his current situation. He can absorb the energy in the flames and will not be burned to death, but he is still essentially a human being and needs oxygen in the air. When the oxygen in the air is consumed by the flames, in this environment , at most he could persist for a while longer than ordinary people, but in the end he still couldn't escape the fate of death.

So finding a source of fresh air is crucial.

John also thought of this, but he lived on the first floor and there was a flat ground under his feet. There was no such place that could provide him with fresh air.

He was so anxious that he broke out in cold sweat. Just when he was about to despair and was about to go out to fight the dark creatures to the death, he saw a big hole in the wall, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind:

Although there is no ventilation channel in the house, he can make one by himself. As long as he has enough iron products on hand and a few rounds of electromagnetic cannon, he can easily open the first floor and basement.

There is a separate vent in the basement. The flames burn here, the air is heated, and the air pressure is low. The air will continuously flow in from the basement to the first floor, so that he has the fresh air he needs to survive.

However, he can't show it too obviously. If he fires the electromagnetic gun directly on the ground, no matter whether the dark creatures don't understand his behavior, they will stop it.

So, there was a scene where John was throwing railguns around.

He took advantage of this opportunity and dug a large hole leading to the basement. Then, he leaned down to the hole and tried to breathe fresh air.

The fire burned until the next morning. When the fire subsided, John got up.

He could absorb the energy of fire, but clothes could not, so he had no choice but to go into the basement along the big hole while being naked. After taking out a set of clothes and putting them on, he rushed out of the basement without adjusting his appearance, preparing to go to the monastery to seek shelter.

To be honest, the foreign crowds are similar to the Chinese ones, and they all like to watch. At this time, John's home has already been surrounded by people from three floors inside and three floors outside.

John was somewhat of a celebrity in the area, and the fact that his home was burned was still very attractive to others.

"Ah! There is a ghost!"

Seeing the disheveled John running out of the burned house, the crowd exclaimed.

"What the hell! Other people's houses have been burned down. If you don't help put out the fire, why are you standing here? Get out of my way. I still have to go to church!"

As he spoke, he pushed through the crowd and ran towards the monastery.

Under such circumstances, it was natural that someone with good intentions followed John closely and watched him enter the monastery.So, a news spread:

The inventor of the electric light, John, was trapped in a fire in his home, but with the blessing of God, he escaped unscathed.

God has appeared!

The number of believers in the Catholic Church has increased significantly, and the bishop is delighted. Now there is no problem at all in establishing a bishopric.

But he was also a little angry. Through John's narration, he learned that it was dark creatures that attacked John. This was okay. John could be considered an insider of the church. The insider who attacked the church was still in New York, his current territory. , these dark creatures are slapping him in the face!

I can't bear it, I can't bear it!

So he immediately reported it to Rome, and without waiting for a reply, he ordered the summoning of demon hunters, monster hunters and vampire hunters, determined to eliminate all dark creatures in New York.

There is no taste for dark creatures either.

There were so many high-level and intermediate-level dark creatures. They tried to deal with John, who had just reached the intermediate level. Not only did they not succeed, but they also paid the price of a vampire being seriously injured and a werewolf unable to take care of himself. This is simply a shame.

But after this attack, John and the Catholic Church will definitely be very vigilant, and their power is somewhat stretched.

Therefore, they want to summon more compatriots to deal with John as soon as possible and wash away their own shame before the church sends others over.

John was even more unhappy.

He was sleeping peacefully at home without provoking anyone, but a group of dark creatures came to his door. Not only did he almost die, he even lost his house. This was an unreasonable disaster.

But he couldn't defeat a group of dark creatures, so he could only choose to endure it now. However, he kept today's incident in mind and prepared to retaliate crazily when he had the chance.


John is now hiding in the monastery, but the monastery is different from the cathedral after all. The defense measures here are seriously lacking and cannot resist the huge number of dark creatures.

John planned to leave directly, not only to leave a good impression on the church, but also to find a more reliable way to save his life, and to get some benefits at the same time, why not do it.

He went directly to the bishop.

"My Lord Bishop, the monastery cannot resist the attack of a large number of dark creatures at all, so I am ready to leave, but I hope your Lord Bishop can provide me with some help."

John said straight to the point.

The bishop pondered for a moment: "Now there is news that dark creatures have surrounded New York. You can't get out. If you don't hide in the monastery, where else can you go? Don't worry, the Lord will not give up on His believers. of."

The bishop actually hopes that John will leave. If dark creatures attack on a large scale, he may not be able to save his life, let alone others. He has a very bright future, and he can easily become the archbishop in the near future.

But he couldn't bear the crime of abandoning believers, so he could only grit his teeth and choose to protect John.

"I'm going to disguise myself as a dark wizard. This will be much safer than being in a monastery, and at the same time, I can avoid unreasonable death. However, I need the help of the church for the dark aura."

The bishop readily agreed to him and threw almost everything about dark creatures and dark wizards in the monastery to John, and then sent someone to throw John out directly like a plague.

John: "..."

But it’s good to have the stuff.

With his strong mental power and extraordinary skill, John got rid of the stalker and changed his clothes. After several repetitions, he put on the costume of a dark wizard, and a new dark wizard emerged.

In order to appear more real, he also followed others to search for himself who was said to have lost his trace here.

The bishop gave him a few things that could actively emit a dark atmosphere, including a small ball, a book, a staff and a few weapons. There was nothing else. After all, this was just a monastery. Having these things was already very special. Not bad.

He already had a silver-plated dagger as a weapon, and the quality was obviously better than these, so he absorbed the dark energy from these things and threw them aside.

The small ball is a good thing. The dark energy inside is very pure. At the same time, it is still absorbing the dark energy from the outside.

The book is a dark wizard's spell book. It records a lot of dark spells. Like the staff, they are all low-level goods. It is probably some low-level dark wizard who was unlucky. Unfortunately, he was caught by the church. I wonder if he was barbecued in the open air again. .

Just when John was triumphant and admired his strategy, misfortune happened again and he met Solomon Wayne.

John was about to turn around and leave, but Solomon Wayne seemed to notice him and walked straight towards him.John broke out in a cold sweat.

"Hi, John, I didn't expect you to be here. I heard there was a fire at your house. What happened?"

Seeing that he could no longer leave, John could only smile bitterly and whisper to Solomon:

"A group of dark creatures came to my house at night and wanted to kill me. They set a fire afterwards. But you have harmed me. I am hiding my identity now and you called me out. A large group of monsters will come to me soon. played……"

Solomon Wayne was a little embarrassed: "Oh, I'm sorry, but do you need my help? I'm still very energetic in New York."

John quickly refused.

"No, you really shouldn't get involved in the mysterious world, at least not now. If someone asks you, just say that I behave strangely, and I'm completely different from the John before. Maybe my brain has been burned out, maybe. That’s enough. You can describe me as another person who looks the same as John. I will find a way to get out myself, but afterwards, if I am still alive, you have to compensate me.”

"Okay, then take care of yourself."

After Solomon Wayne finished speaking, he turned and left. He had a good impression of John. When he was in a very critical situation, he did not forget to remind himself who exposed him to pay attention to his safety. He was very touched, but he was moved again and made him provoke the darkness. He is not willing to deal with such big trouble as a living thing.

Then, as expected, John was blocked in a corner by a group of people.

"I surrender!"

John raised his hands and dropped his staff, signaling that he would give up resistance.

Now that John gave up resistance, it was much easier to handle. He was tied up tightly and turned around and sent to a dark creature stronghold outside New York.
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