Energy Controller of Meiman

Chapter 20 Undercover?

"Boss, look who I caught?"

John looked at the little leader who had captured him, kicked open a door in the stronghold, and started yelling.

The big boss inside was drinking water. He was so frightened by the loud sound of the door being kicked that he threw the cup in his hand.

He became a little angry: "How many times have I told you? Don't be so frizzy, we werewolves also need to have brains..."

He talked endlessly, making the little boss cover his head and ears, squatting in a corner and start acting like an ostrich, which was very pitiful.

John looked very relieved. On the way to bring him back, this little boss punched and kicked him a lot, and insulted him a lot. John wanted to kill this guy with an electromagnetic cannon, but it was a pity. He was tied so tightly that he couldn't resist.

Seeing the actions of the little boss, the big boss nodded with satisfaction. He pursed his lips with some lingering thoughts, and then said to the little boss:

"Tell me, who did you catch? Why such a big reaction? Could it be that you caught that John?"

The little boss looked at the big boss with a shocked expression, and then said with admiration:

"How did you know that I had captured that John? The boss is indeed the boss. You knew it before I even said anything!"


The big boss was about to scream out in surprise, but when he saw the admiring looks in his men's eyes, he quickly swallowed back the "huh" that followed.

He coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, and then said to the little boss with a proud face:

"That's right, regardless of who your boss is, bring that guy here quickly."

"Okay, boss."

The little boss responded hurriedly, walked out of the room, and walked in carrying John.

Seeing John being brought into the house, the big boss smiled ferociously and said to John:

"Hey, John, it's only been one night and we met again. Have you figured out how to die this time?"

"Woo, woo, woo!"

John struggled wildly, and because his mouth was gagged, he could only make a whining sound.

The big boss felt that it would be too boring to perform a one-man show by himself, so he ordered the little boss to take the thing out of John's mouth.

"Ah, bah, bah, bah, this rag is too dirty. Why did you arrest me? My name is Vincent, not John. Who is John you talking about? The one who invented the electric light?"

John had already thought about it when he was caught. He would never admit that he was John, so that he could still have a chance of survival.

"Stop pretending, I watched you and Solomon Wayne chatting happily. He called you John. It's useless for you to quibble." The little boss said.

"What do you call them?" John asked.

"My name is Daniel, and this one next to me is Haosen. If you want to get close to me and let me let you go, then your wishful thinking will be in vain."

The big boss took over the conversation, and it could be seen that he was still very happy about John being caught.

"I also recognized him as Solomon Wayne, so I admitted it. You don't know how rich Wayne Enterprises is, but do I really look like John?" John continued to quibble.

Daniel, the big boss, felt a little angry at John for not cooperating. He said to John viciously:

"Is this your last word?"

The little boss Haosen also said: "

"You don't have any evidence, how dare you say that you are not John?"

"Evidence? Evidence?"

John muttered twice, then he suddenly thought of something and said quickly:

"John seems to be from the Catholic Church, but I am a dark wizard. Although I don't know much, I can shoot shadow arrows. I know shadow arrows. Haha, now I have the evidence. Come on, let me go. I'll shoot one." Remember the Shadow Arrow for you to see."

"Do you think we are stupid? Let go of you and then you fire out the electromagnetic gun that you used last night. Yes, that's the name. What if you fire that thing?"

Haosen looked at John with contempt on his face, with an expression of "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"What is an electromagnetic gun? Large-scale magic? The kind that destroys the world? What kind of strength are you talking about John? High-level? My strength is only low-level. You don't dare to let me go? You are too careful. Bar!"

John continued to act stupid. At this time, he couldn't say that he knew about the electromagnetic gun. The thing had only shown its face in front of the dark creature once. It was impossible to know his current false identity.

Daniel looked at John carefully, thought for a moment, and then said to Haosen:

"Put the knife on his neck and let go of one of his hands. If the shadow arrow cannot be released, or if there is any other move, just kill him!"


Haosen directly put the knife in his hand on John's neck, and secretly prepared, ensuring that he could cut off John's head as soon as possible.

John had never been threatened like this before, and his body was shaking for a while, causing the knife in Haosen's hand to touch his skin from time to time.

He was so frightened that he shouted: "Can you do it? Keep your hands steady and be careful not to hurt me."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

Haosen was also a little aggrieved. His hand was very steady, but John was the one who was unstable. This guy even hit him backwards, causing Daniel to glare at him just now.

"Okay, okay."

John calmed down and mobilized the dark energy in his body according to the description in the witchcraft book.

"Shadow Arrow! Haha, I succeeded. Take the knife off my neck quickly. Thank you."

Howson looked at Daniel.

"Put it down!" Daniel said.

Haosen reluctantly put down the knife.

John wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The scene just now really scared him.

He took a few deep breaths, calmed down, turned to Daniel and Haosen and said:

"Since I'm not John, I don't have anything to do here. Can I leave?"


Daniel's attitude was unusually firm.

John suddenly became anxious:

"Hey, hey, you arrested the wrong person. If you don't apologize, it's already gone too far. Now is it possible that you want to kill people and silence them..."

Haosen was really annoyed by John. He roared at John:

"Shut up first. If you make me angry, I will kill you directly!"

Seeing John shut his mouth knowingly, Haosen turned his head and looked at Daniel with a puzzled expression.

"Boss, do you think he is John? Solomon Wayne called him John himself."

Daniel rolled his eyes. He was still a little confused about this matter, but in order to maintain his consistent image in front of his men, he thought about it and said:

"This time I may have admitted the wrong person. It is impossible for the priest to use dark energy, but just in case, the guy over there is called Vincent, right? You can curse God and listen. God's believers don't dare to Do this."

"God is a bastard, bastard, okay, I'll be unlucky if I fall into your hands, but if possible, I would like to meet that John to see if he really looks very similar to me. Solomon Wayne has admitted his mistake, and I don’t know if the church people will also admit their mistake.”

John deliberately mentioned Solomon Wayne and the church, highlighting the fact that they had mistaken him. He felt that anyone with any brains would use their brains in this regard, and he could survive.

Daniel's eyes became brighter and brighter. John knew that the fish was taking the bait, so he immediately said to Daniel:

"Okay, we have no grudges, so just give me a good time."

As he said that, he closed his eyes directly. On the surface, he looked resigned, but inside he was extremely nervous.

"Haha, Mr. Vincent, it's all my men's fault for being too reckless and mistaking you. Please forgive me."

Daniel's tone took a 180-degree turn, even using "you". John also took a long breath in his heart. From this point of view, there was no threat to his life for the time being.

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. I don't have anything useful to you, so what do you want me to do?" John said angrily.

"Mr. Vincent is a quick talker."

Daniel smiled and removed the rope from John's body, brought a chair, and motioned for John to sit down.

"We want you to go undercover in the Catholic Church and Wayne Enterprises."

"I won't do it! I won't do it! What if that John has died a long time ago, or if I am recognized, wouldn't that be like putting a sheep in the tiger's mouth?"

John was tough.

"If you don't, I'll kill you!" Haosen said viciously.

"Then just kill me!" John said nonchalantly.

He knew that Daniel would not let Haosen kill him. Sure enough, Daniel spoke:

"Hausen, sit still and don't interrupt. Mr. Vincent, I'm very sorry for what Haosen said, but this is not the attitude you should have in negotiations."

John pondered for a moment and said to Daniel:

"If possible, I don't want to die, but your suggestion is too ridiculous. I can't use light energy. Why go to the Catholic Church? Throw myself into a trap? I'm not ready to be tied to the stake."

Daniel motioned to John not to get excited, and then said to him: "Don't worry, I won't let you die. That's meaningless. I happen to have an angel feather here. Although there is not much light energy left on it, it can be used to It’s okay to pretend.”

"What about the electromagnetic gun? The thing you are so afraid of cannot be very weak, right?"

John felt that there was no threat to his life in this situation, so he thought of taking advantage.

"I heard that others have something about thunder and lightning, which can meet the requirements."

"This won't work. These are life-saving things, but there's no benefit to me at all. There's no benefit. Why would I go to such a dangerous place?"

John continued to ask for favors.

"You are taking advantage of the fire!"

Haosen on the side couldn't bear it anymore. He asked for two good things and was still not satisfied. John was so shameless.

John snorted coldly: "The worst we can do is break up. Anyway, it's me who's in danger, not you."

"Hausen, apologize!" Daniel said.

Haosen looked at Daniel in surprise: "Boss, this..."

"Apologise!" Daniel's tone turned cold.

Haosen glared at John fiercely and said dryly: "Yes, I'm sorry!"

"Is this the attitude of apologizing?" John looked at Daniel.

Daniel's face turned darker, and Haosen had no choice but to say another sentence, but John felt that the strong man was so wronged that he almost cried.

"I'm sorry, can the head office do it now?"


John gave up when he saw fit. Although he was ready to take revenge on Haosen, now that he knew that this guy had participated in the action of chasing him last night, his revenge was not just a few blows.

He would not let anyone who wanted his life live.

"I want more advanced witchcraft. It is too difficult for a wandering wizard like me with no inheritance to obtain these things."

Daniel nodded in agreement. He was not afraid of John's conditions. What he was afraid of was that he would not mention conditions. It is normal for the guys in the dark world to be more cunning. At the same time, it is easier to control if they have needs. The interests will be tied to each other, and the relationship will be closer.

"Then what is our purpose, to kill John? In that case, there is no need to let me sneak in, right?"

Daniel smiled strangely: "Whether you want to kill John or not is your own business. If John really shows up, what will happen to you..."

John's face immediately darkened: "You are too insidious. I have never seen such an insidious werewolf. No, I won't go!"

"Huh? At this time, you still don't want to go? There is still a chance of survival. If you don't go, we will treat you as John and use it to worship the sky! You have to think about it."

Daniel looked at John proudly.

"Okay, why don't I go? If anyone tells me that werewolves are not good at using their brains, I will fight with them!"

John had a dead look on his face, but he was smiling on the inside:

"Haha, no matter how cunning and cunning you are, if you still drink from me, that so-called John will never show up!"
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